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    Mr.BlueSky reacted to DHappel in Mojave Road 2021   
    Well.... we would normally be doing a weekend snow-run to Shaver Lake and Bald Mountain over President's day weekend but Camp Edison is closed due to the 'rona.  We are looking into alternate locations this week.
    And I'm planning a week long DV trip for April as well.
    Both will have separate threads for discussion shortly.
  2. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to RobertDingli in What Did You Do With Your Rover Today?   
    Finally got my rear diff back together and installed today. I needed to replace the internal locker air line which had cracked. Thanks to Eric for helping me check the gear mesh and setting the back lash.



    It was interesting to note that this professionally built diff had been set to a back lash of 12 thou which is 2 to 3 times the correct spec. Next time I will build it myself.
  3. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to DHappel in DV in April   
    Having just come back from Mojave Rd, Michele has informed me we are going to Death Valley in April.
    I've only been once but the routes are pretty well defined.  There's a TON of area to cover and sights to see so I haven't begun to plan a route yet but am open to suggestions on that front.
    Tentatively looking at the week of 4/12 as I know at least some kids have spring break that week but I also know various schools do this at different times.
    Set for Week of March 29th, with Sat 3/27 and Sat 4/3 as travel days
    This would be a more 'overland' trip vs more technical.  I'll be taking the LR3.  It will be more difficult than Mojave Rd as that's mostly just sand/gravel roads and is pretty much all flat but it should be well within the capabilities of any lightly mod'ed Rover.   No rock crawling but do plan on good AT or MT tires (sharp rocks are a strong possibility as are lots of washboard).  Diff guards are always a good precaution as well.  You won't need lockers or other big upgrades but those things never hurt.
    DV is huge with large elevation changes.  Weather could be anything from snow to 80* - possibly in the same day.  I would expect to bring extra fuel in addition to your regular spares and parts but again, have not set a route yet.
    If this is something you're interested in post up and I'll start working on a plan!
  4. Like
    Mr.BlueSky got a reaction from RobertDingli in Flashback Friday   
    I do want to hit hell hole one of these days ; )
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    Mr.BlueSky reacted to Elherbinator in Flashback Friday   
    Andrew testing out his weatherstripping last summer on Hell Hole. One of my favorite trails to drive. Very underrated compared to some of the more popular trails in the area, especially if you enjoy climbs.
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  6. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to lutz in Flashback Friday   
    An old pic from one of our Annual events . We have Tyler, Nathan and Will in the shot.

  7. Like
    Mr.BlueSky got a reaction from PaulD in Flashback Friday   
    Usal Road - November 2017
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  8. Like
    Mr.BlueSky got a reaction from Elherbinator in Flashback Friday   
    Gettin tippy on Corral Hollow! ; )
  9. Like
    Mr.BlueSky got a reaction from El Chapomint in Flashback Friday   
    Usal Road - November 2017
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    Mr.BlueSky reacted to El Chapomint in Flashback Friday   
    2018 at the western national. In Johann’s truck, pre El Chapomint.
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    Mr.BlueSky reacted to Gotrovr in Flashback Friday   
    A little Pre-NCLR video of several Rovers at Pismo Dunes 2006
  12. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to Jethro in What Did You Do With Your Rover Today?   
    Had to replace the LR4 alternator and Gil's shop took care of me!
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  13. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to Tyler Mattson in What Did You Do With Your Rover Today?   
    Setting up new points and getting timing set but I keep getting interrupted by the inspector telling me everything iv done wrong.
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  15. Like
    Mr.BlueSky got a reaction from PaulD in Flashback Friday   
    First photo of Roxy.
    Picking the truck up just outside the Port of Houston after a slow boat across the pond.

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  16. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to SLOHybrid in Mojave Road 2021   
    MOAB in Sept too bad it won't be the Solihull event there this year as it was there but cancelled in Covid 20
    Oh! & BTW I paid my dues this year... here's to fun this year with NCLR
  17. Like
    Mr.BlueSky got a reaction from SplurGn in What Did You Do With Your Rover Today?   
    I'll take what is "LS" for $200
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  18. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to NickK in Mojave Road 2021   
    I fully support that plan.
  19. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to DHappel in Mojave Road 2021   
    Looks like most everybody is back.  Much thanks to Lutz for organizing this - we had a big turn out.  I never got a final count but something around 15 rigs I believe.  Oddly no RRC, D1, or D2 on this trip, though we did have D90, D110, LR3, LR4, Disco6 (aka new Defender), P38, RRS, and L322 RR.
    A few of us had to bail out Sunday to get home for work on Monday including myself.  Gabe and I made the run together and I arrived just after midnight.  He should have have gotten home about an hour later.
    Very few notable issues among the group.  The biggest (and I do mean that) was Colin's LMTV.  Though he had put several thousand road miles on the tires once he aired down and started on the trail he lost one only a few miles in.  He got that changed but not long after lost another.  He then got to enjoy the fun of trying to find a 47" military tire in the middle nowhere.  Luckily he was able to make it happen and made it home though he wasn't foolish enough to try the rest of the trail given the on-going track record.
    One other flat to report when Ted's new Disco6 lost a tire right around dark on the first day.  He had stayed with Colin to help sort things out and ended up on his own coming to camp.  Luckily his tire is a bit easier to change than Colin's.  
    The only other significant issue I'm aware of was Gabe's rear airbags.  A short distance into the first day he had his left rear start going down.  He was able to get it back up but it continued to go down any time he flexed it.  He had known there was a slow leak and rebuilt the rear valve block just before leaving thinking it was that but turns out the bag also had a problem.  I should mention they were Arnott struts and under warranty, but as we know a warranty doesn't really help much on the trail.  He elected to detour to LRLV who was able to get him in and out that afternoon and he came back to meet us at camp that night only to have the other rear bag start leaking.  He was able to complete the trail anyway, though he had to take it easy and stop occasionally to air back up.  Of course on the road it was not problem.
    I on the other hand was fine on the drive down and on the trail, but on the highway headed home I started throwing cross articulation errors once I got up to highway speeds and the truck would panic and try to go to the bumpstops.  So I used the GAP tool to lock it into build mode and drove home just fine.  I swear the LR3 computers are hyper paranoid and too smart for their own good.
    I've uploaded my pics to the google folder.  Hopefully more of the others do as well.  It was good for a change to just do a relaxing drive instead of looking for challenges and seeing the new D6s in the wild got me thinking more about them.  I know better - I'd be better served waiting a couple years until they start hitting the used market but it does look like a good replacement for my LR3 when the time comes.
  20. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to Elherbinator in What Did You Do With Your Rover Today?   
    Smog? Not even a consideration  
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  21. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to DHappel in What Did You Do With Your Rover Today?   
    Is it pre-smog?  Because I feel like two letters could really improve things here....
  22. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to SplurGn in What Did You Do With Your Rover Today?   
    Its party time!  
  23. Like
    Mr.BlueSky reacted to LandRonB in What Did You Do With Your Rover Today?   
    Go Electric!

  24. Like
    Mr.BlueSky got a reaction from El Chapomint in Flashback Friday   
    First photo of Roxy.
    Picking the truck up just outside the Port of Houston after a slow boat across the pond.

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  25. Like
    Mr.BlueSky got a reaction from Jethro in Mojave Road 2021   
    As everyone returns feel free to add your photos to the NCLR Mojave album!
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