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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Wish I could come, but I'm afraid I used up my quota of being away from home for the Spring 😞 I will know for sure in a day or so.
  2. I will definitely go as long as the dates work out. My Spring break is the last week of March.
  3. Thank you Paul. You have a very nice tap room! Looking forward to the next time!
  4. Bumping this up in the activity stream. It is happening day after tomorrow. There will be great beer and t-shirts. T-shirts are free for NCLR club members!
  5. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make the trip. Was looking forward to it, but life intervened... It's a bummer. There should be some new snow on Saturday.
  6. Spotted a rear combo of LR3+Airedale terrier in Scotts Valley. And here I though I had at least the local market cornered 🧐
  7. I’d like to go. Will know for sure in a couple of days. Will post then.
  8. Im not sure about a video, but a cheat card might be a good idea. I’ll work on one.
  9. I just called the number, talked to Shannon, and she was kind enough to apply the discount to the reservation I made a few days ago. A full tank of gas worth of savings! Thank you Mike.
  10. I am confused about the dates. If we want to spend full four days (5,6,7,8) in Moab, we need to get there on the 4th and leave on the 9th. That means that any campground reservations should be for 5 nights (arriving on the 4th; leaving on the 9th). What am I missing?
  11. I am still not 100% for this weekend. CV is still out and I need to figure out what I’m going to do with the winch. If I do sort these things out, I'm willing to try out the snow storm... I can do next weekend, but not the 23/24. Let’s see what others say.
  12. I just reserved a tent site. Arrival on the 4th and leaving on the 9th. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to go on to Texas.
  13. I would like to come, but I'm not 100% sure. Noticed that one of the D2 CV boots has a bit of a rip and needs replacing. There are a couple of other things to do on the car too. If I manage to make all of this done, I'm in.
  14. I will drive in on Sunday morning. Will have an available seat in the car, so can take a passenger on the trail. See you all early Sunday. Can’t wait to get stuck in the snow!
  15. Is it this one: https://www.sunoutdoors.com/utah/sun-outdoors-canyonlands-gateway?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAw6yuBhDrARIsACf94RXzjShqAjjdfLEvSrR9D3cRDymQAW7O6nthIBvZXTaCy_IZcdBIfjIaAhErEALw_wcB ?
  16. I am a very cautious yes for Moab. Want to go: YES; will be able to: aghh? Unfortunately, can’t make it to Texas: too long of a trip. I’ll watch the thread as the planning develops.
  17. And here is the finished product. Now I’m ready for the hardest snow 😉
  18. I’ll have one seat for the trail, if none of my kids go. I’ll know by the mid-week.
  19. Sorry to hear that. I'm yet to observe a Series in the SNOW. I'm sure it won't take me much effort to get stuck 🙂
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