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10th Annual Member's Appreciation Weekend "OktRoverFest" Official Thread!

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No need to rush out - you can take your time.  I know some folks will likely be on the road by 12 but plenty of others will still be packing up at a relaxed pace.


In past years, 12 was the cutout time and the Rangers came and checked the facilities and such, like a campground spot.  Didn't make sense.  I'd be happy to take the picture, get packed up and maybe make a snack before heading into the park/home.

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I don't know what time I left last year, but it was certainly after noon.  They may have came by and did a drive through to see if we were generally making ready to go (and many people had already left by then) but I don't remember anybody trying to give us the bum-rush.

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Won't be able to make out tonight, but will be showing up Sat early AM. See everyone there!



First thing to do after checking in, getting set up, airing down....complain that Justin is not bringing enough BACON!

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Hi All!

  My wife is in Europe and I have a full soccer schedule with the kids this weekend.  Was wondering though if there is room for me to camp sat night?  I can bring my own food if headcount has already been closed out for the dinner.  This event looks HUGE since the 5th anniversary that I was also at :-)


Thanks, Rob

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I had a wonderful time, thank you to the board and the volunteers for making it a memorable experience!!


Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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Just rolling home and airing out the RTT.


Big THANK YOU to the board for TOTALLY rocking it this year...! Will post pics after the dust settles.


See ya,



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Thanks for the BoD, organizers, volunteers and members for making the 10th annual an awesome event! 

My gf Marie & I had a fantastic time. She had a fun time driving the D90 (thanks, @TomOwen... no, really, i can't thank you enough :rolleyes: - yes, that is the eye roll emoji).

She even wants to sign up for forum (great! I think the word I'm looking for is omnipresent in my happy place) and, possibly looking into a rover in her future (thank you, @Phil for letting Marie check out your/your wife's RRS). Maybe some good will come of this. :D 


Cheers to everyone who made this weekend possible! And special thanks to the extensive list of extremely supportive sponsors!


Finally, looking through my pictures...this is really a family event first & foremost. And this club is really about the people... (I borrowed that from another club I belong to). :)


You can see in the pictures: marie driving D90, the D90 twins, couple of old & new, family portrait (lunabomb), family outing... 


I'll upload the rest of pix once Tom has photo-site ready. 

Until then, you can find rest of pix here: https://goo.gl/photos/JLjfZNF8dMQCuKRw8












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Love that father and son shot. Thanks Chris!


Thanks to everyone involved in making this awesome event happen. Greyson and I had a blast!


Also, special thanks to those who kept an eye on Greyson during Rupert's recovery. That was truly a team effort and lots of fun actually!

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Hi Folks,


Thats to everyone for all of the kind words but mainly for your participation in this club.!!


I put up a photo repository HERE  in a post called OktRoverFest Photos with links to NorCalRovers.SmugMug. This way folks wouldn't have to dig through this thread to find the right post with the links... :-) 


Keep posting pics and sharing your stories from around the event, it is GREAT to see the things we missed and different perspectives!!








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