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December MORG - Xmas Trees and Snow

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Hello everyone,


The board has the idea of going to cut down Xmas trees together in the National Forest and hope you can join us.


Plan is to meet in Pollock Pines on Saturday Dec 5th at NOON,  at the SafeWay parking lot.


             Safeway, 6498 Pony Express Trail,

             Pollock Pines, CA 95726


From Safeway we have a short drive to the Mormon Emigrant trail just past Jenkins lake and we are able pull trees from the shaded Green areas.




You can get up to two trees, just need to acquire the permits.


The cost is $10 a tree and you will need to purchase prior to our event.  Also buy soon as they have sold out already in the Tahoe NF!




Mormon Emigrant is a paved road that is not plowed, so for those interested in going snow wheeling we can organize those folks there after everyone has a tree to head on up the road to explore.


Additionally, depending on the COVID state we maybe able to head to a restaurant/brewery for additional socializing.


Looking forward to seeing everyone and please mark attendance in the calendar or reach out to myself or Luke so we know to keep any eye out.


This is open to all "Running" Rovers so please feel welcome to attend for the tree, socializing and or snow wheeling...something for everyone!


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We probably won’t get a tree but we would love to bum over the hill and hang out with everyone if that’s ok. I’ll bring my chain saw to at least look the part.

Always welcome!! It's a good snow Wheeling spot too.



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Does anyone mind if we bring our dogs? And we made sure our Saturday is clear so we plan to be there in whatever Rover starts that day, hopefully one of them will. Looking forward to seeing everyone thanks.
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take a picture of the tree(s).. it'll last longer. B)


I, with wife & kiddo, will be in LR2 with all season tires.


Greg, what does the route look like?

It's a short drive to the area to begin cutting.


That's the plan essentially, from there we can build additional ones based on groups interest.


Luke is co-leading and will likely not be doing a tree too....so folks can scout if there's any snow left... doubtful.



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Post your pictures up or maybe Miles can create an album?


I'll be sharing on our social media.



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