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Lost Coast Trip November 2014

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Just to chime in again, I am very interested. Def. pencil me in. Especially if Lutzi is going. He can tow us all out of the sand.


Would like to bring my better half as well... after I find the "appropriate moment" to tell her about it...::blink1::



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Just to chime in again, I am very interested. Def. pencil me in. Especially if Lutzi is going. He can tow us all out of the sand.


Would like to bring my better half as well... after I find the "appropriate moment" to tell her about it...::blink1::




You got it Paul; with the recent rain (man, we need more of it) and hope more to come - Nov's Lost Coast might be nice challenging run after all.

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You got it Paul; with the recent rain (man, we need more of it) and hope more to come - Nov's Lost Coast might be nice challenging run after all.


Hey Ron;


Erin is still trying to figure out the vacation day situation; if we were to leave a day later, would we be able to catch up with everyone?


Another somewhat separate thought since the tentative group is getting large; is there a need to consider breaking this into smaller convoys with leaders assigned to a group of vehicles or can it be managed as one big group?



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Hey Ron;


Erin is still trying to figure out the vacation day situation; if we were to leave a day later, would we be able to catch up with everyone?


Another somewhat separate thought since the tentative group is getting large; is there a need to consider breaking this into smaller convoys with leaders assigned to a group of vehicles or can it be managed as one big group?




That might actually be a pretty good idea - how many trucks do we have currently?

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Hey Ron;


Erin is still trying to figure out the vacation day situation; if we were to leave a day later, would we be able to catch up with everyone?


Another somewhat separate thought since the tentative group is getting large; is there a need to consider breaking this into smaller convoys with leaders assigned to a group of vehicles or can it be managed as one big group?




Our trip is scheduled for Fri-Sun Nov 14 to 16.


If you and Erin were to leave on a Saturday, you two can catch up with us at Usal Campground (vehicles more than 9) or Usal Beach (9 or less vehicles). So far we have 5 vehicles confirmed, and a lot of interested, maybes or let me get back to you.


If you have not been on the Lost Coast, highly suggest you join us on the caravan Friday, or travel w/someone on Saturday (buddy system).


If you and Erin leave Saturday, what time do you think you and Erin will out the door? Knowing this, I can suggest a meeting place.

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Our trip is scheduled for Fri-Sun Nov 14 to 16.


If you and Erin were to leave on a Saturday, you two can catch up with us at Usal Campground (vehicles more than 9) or Usal Beach (9 or less vehicles). So far we have 5 vehicles confirmed, and a lot of interested, maybes or let me get back to you.


I took a count and it looks like we're up to 17-18 trucks if all of the potentials confirm (that could make for a cool photo...)


If you have not been on the Lost Coast, highly suggest you join us on the caravan Friday, or travel w/someone on Saturday (buddy system).


Makes sense Ron. If we do end up pushing out to Saturday, we'll see if anyone else is going to be a late arrival and try to make buddy-system arrangements.


If you and Erin leave Saturday, what time do you think you and Erin will out the door? Knowing this, I can suggest a meeting place.


She's on the fence about whether we try leaving right after work on Friday evening or come up Sat -- we could potentially drive up part of the way that Friday and then get up really early to join you on trail Saturday AM (that's what I'm leaning toward.)


We'll know more as we get closer.



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That might actually be a pretty good idea - how many trucks do we have currently?


5 confirmed


And a lot (12 to be exact) of maybes, put me in, checking... At this point, i will only count the confirmed. But hopefully we get more people to go. 9 would be manageable size.


If we get more than 9, will camp at Usal Campground or Usal Beach campground (Usal Beach max vehicles per site is 9). Will check again mid Oct and Nov 2 weeks before the trip.

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I have a Friend with a Range Rover that is interested in joining the club and would like to drive the trail with us.




Two week prior to the trip, I will ask the trip leader for a trip roster to verify that all attendees are current members. Please confirm once you know if your friend will be joining and provide their name to be added to the trip roster as a 1st time guest. Hopefully they will have a great time and decide to join!



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I have a Friend with a Range Rover that is interested in joining the club and would like to drive the trail with us.


Your friend with the Range Rover is welcome; trail is ok for stock vehicles.

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She's on the fence about whether we try leaving right after work on Friday evening or come up Sat -- we could potentially drive up part of the way that Friday and then get up really early to join you on trail Saturday AM (that's what I'm leaning toward.)




If you leave Friday right after work, it will just be traffic jam after traffic jam from the S. Bay via 101S thru San Francisco, Marin County, Rohnert Park (Grayton Casino goers on a Friday night makes a mess on traffic)... till you pass Santa Rosa, traffic starts to thin out. S/b smooth sailing all the way to Leggett and then Hwy 1/Usal Rd.


With that said, maybe better for you and Erin to leave Saturday early morning, caravan with the others who want to leave Saturday, and meet up at Usal Beach for lunch on Saturday.


Let me post my recommendation given the potential size of the group (20+ trucks) and that some folks can leave early on Friday and others on Saturday.

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Hi All,


Spoke with Michelle (wifey) about this and... she's into it.


So put us down as confirmed.


Do we get extra points for driving 250+ miles just to get to SF?


Looking at pics form previous years, hope someone has a power-pull.



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20 trucks? Lot of people want to get out of town! Ya"ll scare the Elk From mating and the growers think it's a DEA raid!::nuts::


I am more worried about the growers!

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Let me post my recommendation given the potential size of the group (20+ trucks) and that some folks can leave early on Friday and others on Saturday.


Size of the group reminds me of our 1st Shaver Lake trip; we had 20+ trucks; it was fun but took awhile to get thru the trails. Controlled Chaos. We can handle and do it; however, my recommendations are:


Two groups: Group A and B (9-11 trucks in each group).


The Usal Campground can easily take 30 trucks.


Last gas stop and meeting point is at Leggett Gas Station Leggett Gas Station (@ 67670 Drive Thru Tree Rd, Leggett, CA 95585 (707) 925-6099) before turning unto Hwy 1 and then the start of our Lost Coast on Usal Rd. Need to call the gas station to make sure it's open. Otherwise, Laytonville is 22 miles before Leggett on Hwy 101, and has several gas station options e.g. Chevron, Shell, 76.


Group A can be for folks who can leave Friday morning (let's say 10am or earlier) from the Bay Area (or Sac Area) to avoid the late afternoon/early evening commute mess on Hwy 101, meet at the last gas stop (Leggett or Laytonville), and setup camp before sunset (let's say 3pm).


Will provide clear directions so folks coming in late, can find Group A. Will have breakfast Saturday, explore Usal Beach, then have lunch while we wait for Group B.


Group B can be for folks who leave Saturday early morning. Gas up before entering the Lost Coast. Meet Group A at Usal Beach for lunch.


By noon Saturday, Group A is ready to go upon Group B's arrival, opportunity to also re-group or arrange vehicle order (see how many actual trucks make it). Group A can take off 1st and head to Sinkyone Wilderness Park. Ham Radio on (provide recon info to Group B). 1 hr apart before heading to Sinkyone (space between the groups, traffic control, and give opp for Group B who just arrived opp to each their lunch, bathroom break, explore Usal Beach, etc..).


All groups meet at Wailaka Campground for the big Saturday night bonfire/dinner. There are 13 tent/trailer campsites. Each site can hold about 3-4 vehicles. 1st come; 1st serve. $8 per vehicle.


Next to Wailaka is Nadelos campground. 8 sites. Max people is 60. We can reserve the entire campground for $85 per night (30 days in advance). This will be the way to go if it turns out to be a a large group and we can confirm the # of trucks by 1st week of Oct 10th. Will collect $85 div 20 vehicles = 4.25 or rounded off to $5 from each truck owner. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/arcata/kingrange/campground.html


Sunday. Early birds can head to Shelter Cover for breakfast. Meet at the light house after for the group photo (let's say 11am). Campers who want to make it easy peazy and not get up early, can take their time, eat breakfast at camp and meet at Shelter Cover for the Group photo at light house.


After Shelter Cover, head home via 101, or optional Glass Beach stop.

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So you're just going to play this by ear and not put any thought into it, eh?



Nice plan - I like it. To tell the truth I find about 4 or 5 rigs is a good group but most of this should be easy running (baring heavy rains) so I doubt we'll have any issues with twice that many.

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Add me to the maybe list. Need to coordinate with my wife and work schedule but sounds like fun.


Group is getting big! I was going to extend an invite to two buddies who may be joining the club. One who Rob and I are selling our blue rover to and another guy who has a 2012 RRS SC. We were test fitting wheels onto his RRS but the massive calipers will only fit 19s or 20s. Instead of a new set of wheels, he bought a 1994 Defender and it will be shipped out next week from the Midwest. He really wants to get on the trails.

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