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Official Land Rover National Rally (LRNR) 2015 Thread

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Trip Leaders: Ron/Jared/Rupert


Let's do this trip.  Mon July 27 to Fri 31 with back to back Sat/Sun to get to CO and back to the Bay Area.  Rally location is @ Grand Junction, Colorado (see picture 2 & 3):  http://landrovernationalrally.org/ or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/landrovernationalrally/  See attached schedule.


RSVP here: http://norcalrovers.org/forum/index.php?/calendar/event/12-jul-27-31-land-rover-national-rally/ and register/pay your LRNR fees.


Meet & greet other LR enthusiast, spend time with Bill Burke, trail runs, volunteer work day in the beautiful backdrop of Grand Junction Colorado, and optional NCLR Black Bear Trail Run!



On Saturday July 25, we'll travel from Northern California to Reno, NV via I-80E, and then I-50E w/sleep over in Ely, NV.  And then the next early morning Sunday leave for Grand Junction. CO.  Check-in @ our lodging.


Monday morning optional:  NCLR Black Bear Pass (see picture #3)    And then register 4-7pm @ 3030 North I-70 Frontage Road, Grand Junction, CO.  Contact # 970-263-5700.  No trail LRNR trail run on this day.


Tuesday: 7-8am register for trail runs.  6-7pm Rally Meet & Greet/Cocktail Party.


Wednesday: 7-8am register for trail runs. 


Thursday: 8am Volunteer Work Project registration (NCLR club PR opportunity, bring NCLR hoodie or shirt to wear, and stickers to trade with other LR club members).  2-5pm Vendor display & BBQ/Raffle.


Friday:  Trail line-up 7:30am.  6-10pm Banquet/Award/Key Note Address.

Read thru the gauging interest thread: http://norcalrovers.org/forum/index.php?/topic/3096-land-rover-national-rally-2015/ and post planning and Q&A in this thread.


Sat & Sun - back to the Northern California

Last Update July 9
1) Rupert/Ron LR3 Confirmed
2) Jared Range Rover Confirmed
Anyone else?


Add'l details

Weather (TBD):

Local Numbers/Contacts (TBD):

What to bring (TBD):
Ham Radio: freq 146.460


Fuel stops (TBD):


Lodging (TBD):




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Just checked the weather. Prep for possible rain. (What's that?) cooler weather in the higher elevations. Tho it's 2 weeks away, check with your weather apps before we leave.
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Ok 3 more days till we take off from the Bay Area and head out to Land Rover National Rally: http://landrovernationalrally.org/


Rupert, your registration packet is # 180, mine is 181.  Paul from LRNR confirmed our registration.


Jared/Rupert, can we have a conference pre-trip call tomorrow Thursday eve for 30 mins; I can provide the toll free call-in number.

- Confirm our meeting place in Reno

- Lodging in Ely

- Eta to Colorado

- Lodging, and Food (Safeway in Colorado)

- Trail Runs

- What else to bring (since I am riding shot-gun, I can help driving at night, spot on the trails, and be the photographer)


Let me know if both of you are avail Thursday around 6pm for the call.  Thanks!

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Event schedule and trail details: http://landrovernationalrally.org/2015-lrnr-details/


How do you like the names of these trails "Death Row" (no rating) and "Die Trying" (8 out of 10 Difficulty Level) - lol funny names. Wonder if the names are just worse than actual trail difficulty.

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Event schedule and trail details: http://landrovernationalrally.org/2015-lrnr-details/


How do you like the names of these trails "Death Row" (no rating) and "Die Trying" (8 out of 10 Difficulty Level) - lol funny names. Wonder if the names are just worse than actual trail difficulty.

Depends if you have 37" or 39" tires :D :lol: :D

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Like Die trying is better :)

Jared, Rupert and I are safe and sound @ Ely, NV. Checking in to get some snooze/rest. Well safe but sound is questionable - our hotel has a bunch of life size wooden carved animals eg grizzly bear, bison...

Leaving for Colorado early morning.

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We left Ely this morning around 7:30am and drove on America's loneliest road: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Route_50_in_Nevada

Not so lonely in good company and caravan with another Land Rover

Stopped in Utah for fuel. To the out of towners visiting Utah :): http://www.movoto.com/ut/things-people-from-utah-have-to-explain/ - have to try the square donut and Dairy Keen

Scenic drive. Got in Grand Junction, CO around 4:30pm (including the time zone change)

Registration is tomorrow but not till early evening so we have a free day to explore on our own.

Black Bear Pass has icy trails (making it slippery). Thinking Moab or bust - any suggestion for appropriate trail for a fairly stock vehicle LR3 (sliders and winch) - thinking Gemini Bridges or Fins and Things http://www.discovermoab.com/fourwheel.htm

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Icy trail melted by mid morning and turned out to be a great day to be on Black Bear Pass trail. We came in Ouray, entered Black Bear Pass trail (spectacular view) and came out of Telluride. Easy trail till the last sections (became difficult 45 degree decents and tight 3 pt turns/switch backs): otherwise, this should be in your bucket list.

Wow - check out this view over looking the small town of Telluride.

Tomorrow we do the back side of Moab and get to hang out with Bill Burke


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I didn't realize you were going through S. CO - I might have made the time had I known that!  It's definitely on the 'must do' list.  I've been through a bit on the bike, but not the Rover.

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After Black Bear Pass trail, we stopped by at Auto Zone to pick up a replacement rear brake light bulb (sorry nothing exciting like suspension issues or over heating) that went out, and then picked up our LRNR registration packet for me, Rupert and Jared.


Nice shirt, official LRNR sticker, and list of trails brochure and other goodies. This year the LRNR is held in Grand Junction, Colorado for the 1st time, nestled between the Colorado Monument, the Book cliffs and the Grand Mesa. And it is after all Bill Burke's backyard (he lives in Grand Junction) and story goes that he suggested LRNR organizer to hold the event here and that he woukd share his favorite trails not a lot of people know- LRNR gladly accepted. Tomorrow we are getting up early and perhaps get in Bill's group. :)


Tired but excited. Out of breath from the views today at Black Bear Pass or from the altitude or both - over 12600 ft at this point and 12860 at another point.


Time for sleep as the back of Moab trails await us. Heard from one of the trail organizer today that if part of the trail on Dolores River is not too deep, and the trail leader determines it's safe to cross, we will be doing river crossing; bonus points. Hmmm... how soon can we get that snorkle FEDEX and installed :)




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We're off!



Rare photographic evidence of the fully loaded classic at top speed.  With a solid thump of the right foot and enough road to reach terminal velocity, Jared screamed (in his best Clarkson) MORE POWER and makes us Classic owners proud.

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Rare photographic evidence of the fully loaded classic at top speed. With a solid thump of the right foot and enough road to reach terminal velocity, Jared screamed (in his best Clarkson) MORE POWER and makes us Classic owners proud.

Excellent description, but you left out some definitions:

Terminal Velocity for a fully loaded Classic: 90 mph, give or take

Enough road to reach terminal velocity: 7 miles of straight, smooth, empty highway with a 9% down grade


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Excellent description, but you left out some definitions:

Terminal Velocity for a fully loaded Classic: 90 mph, give or take

Enough road to reach terminal velocity: 7 miles of straight, smooth, empty highway with a 9% down grade


and a tailwind....  :)

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I can't help but notice the speedo is blacked out.  Don't want to incriminate yourself there? 


I'm reminded of last year's White Rock Lake run and the guy with the smoking trailer brakes.  'I'm going for it!'

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