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Hello from the Corona Side

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Yo people where you at? I know you aren't at work ;)


As we approach week 2 or is it 3 of shelter in place how is everyone doing? 


Hopefully getting caught up on Rover projects!


Let us know. 


Also this pretty adequately sums it up. Missin me those Chilis burgers! ;)



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Yo people where you at? I know you aren't at work ;)


As we approach week 2 or is it 3 of shelter in place how is everyone doing? 





Actually, I worked 56 hours last week .... when we come out the other side I'd like a job to go to, and unless I make sure my department hits the ground running, we will be last in line for tradesmen to do the real work.  Now is my time to get vendors on-boarded, quotes in and analyzed, and P.O.s placed.  The big "E" saw a large number of my P.O. requests yesterday.


It is raining this weekend so I can't get outside to do garden work, and the Rovers are sadly neglected.





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Mr. B.


Life in San Francisco has gotten eerie. On the sidewalks, the ratio of citizens to derelicts has dropped to alarming levels. Sidewalk squatter camps are growing in some neighborhoods (including mine -- the Mission). Many restaurants and small businesses have nailed plywood over windows and doors. I called the city about an obstreperous squatter on my block who shouted obscene suggestions at two teenage girls walking by, and then shouted threats of violence at me. The city help line said to call 911 if I get victimized.


Still, I walk every day. I'm not about to hide indoors.


John M.

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Actually, I worked 56 hours last week .... when we come out the other side I'd like a job to go to, and unless I make sure my department hits the ground running, we will be last in line for tradesmen to do the real work.  Now is my time to get vendors on-boarded, quotes in and analyzed, and P.O.s placed.  The big "E" saw a large number of my P.O. requests yesterday.


It is raining this weekend so I can't get outside to do garden work, and the Rovers are sadly neglected.







Oh sadly not a vacation either - not AT work :) ... I am still doing all my normal work - just in my dining room. :(


Does this mean you escaped the island?


The rovers have been getting more love than usual, but I attribute that to the 10 second commute from work to rover ;)

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Mr. B.


Life in San Francisco has gotten eerie. On the sidewalks, the ratio of citizens to derelicts has dropped to alarming levels. Sidewalk squatter camps are growing in some neighborhoods (including mine -- the Mission). Many restaurants and small businesses have nailed plywood over windows and doors. I called the city about an obstreperous squatter on my block who shouted obscene suggestions at two teenage girls walking by, and then shouted threats of violence at me. The city help line said to call 911 if I get victimized.


Still, I walk every day. I'm not about to hide indoors.


John M.


Interesting - we have not really been out of the South Bay since the shelter in place order took affect; but my neighborhood is full of walkers/bicyclists and families breaking out of the cabin fever.


It isn't until you hit the downtown areas that it feels abandoned.

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Yes, but only just.  Basically, the State Department said to get home within 48 hours or risk being abroad "indefinitely".  I didn't like that idea, so complied.






Glad you escaped back here just in time to shelter in your own home ;)


Really starting to get settled into the work from home life.

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Well helllo folks; hope all is well; my kids and I are! 


I am adjusting to WFH, and just have to do some social distancing from my refrigerator lol


And I got rid of my LR3 (only a one Land Rover guy here); feels good to have minimized my fleet! 


Anyways, I will be posting for sale stuff from the LR3 and misc stuff.  


Be safe, healthy and positive!

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And I got rid of my LR3 (only a one Land Rover guy here); feels good to have minimized my fleet! 





Next you'll be saying you went over to the dark side and bought a j---


I recently justified having multiple LRs.  A discussion about how you go shopping and prevent infection.  It doesn't matter how many masks or gloves you wear while shopping, you touched every item.  You then touch the bags, the door handle, and then the steering wheel.  Even if you change gloves, you touch the new gloves while putting them on.  Next time you go out to your car (within the "72" hours that are often quoted as 'infection time') you touch those items and .... but if every time you go out you use a different Land Rover then you're safe!!!


Stay safe ... and buy Land Rovers





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Hey there Dan; all is well here; I am weathering the storm fine; how about you? 


Working on any projects e.g. Land Rover related or music venue(s)?  Or has the pandemic impacted all of that for you? 


Hope all is well with you!  Good to hear from you!

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Dan, good to hear!  If you are in the area where I live and need parts for your LR3/LR4 projects, I have a bunch of spare or replacement parts that you can have; from brand new rear disc breaks, pads, etc... I don't have my LR3 anymore; I  am a one Land Rover owner guy now.  Lol. Till I see another!  

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Yeah. I think I am done for now with LR, I got into the fascinating world of electric cars, we have a Bolt and a Leaf now, and I think my next 4x4 will be electric (and LR has no plans for that right away, so....)

But anyway, I'd be down for Baja, anytime, you know it, even if we have to go on a mountain bike! ;) 



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Yeah. I think I am done for now with LR, I got into the fascinating world of electric cars, we have a Bolt and a Leaf now, and I think my next 4x4 will be electric (and LR has no plans for that right away, so....)


We can help you solve that problem ....




until ....







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We can help you solve that problem ....




until ....







Nah, I still have the Series back in Spain, I may one day do an EV conversion on it, but going forward, I like the Bollinger the most, I saw it in person in the LA car show thing, and it is very practical and nice. I had a long chat with the Chief Engineer and it makes a lot of sense what they have done... the only problem, the price is too steep but they will figure it out once the Ravian, Tesla and Jamestown trucks are out... it's going to be a couple of exciting years for EV 4x4 vehicles, well, virus permitting of course.

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I got a little work done on my long-neglected Series '61 II this week. Pulled the engine yesterday, transmission and transfer case are all disconnected and just sitting more or less in place but ready to come out. Getting ready to do a turbodiesel swap. Should be fun to drive with considerably more power than the old worn-out 2.25 gas engine, and probably about half the fuel consumption.

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I haven't gotten much work done on the rovers today. Sadly I seem to spend more time working when I work from home!!


But this weekend I expect I should be able to start modifying the battery box and moving the electrical harness from my living room to the 110 ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

You would think anything involving the word 'yacht' would pretty much automatically disqualify you from 'essential'.


Yet I'm still working, pretty much normal pace.  I've had a few cancellations; lost a delivery to MDR for this month for example, but nothing big.  Still plenty of work.  Since I work alone and rarely interact with others I'm pretty much just keeping a low profile and just doing my thing.  Michele has been strictly wfh for weeks now and has been traveling to the bay with me as an excuse to get out.  This is a sometimes good/sometimes bad thing....


Mostly I'm eager for the barbers to re-open!  this 2 months between haircuts thing has me starting to eye my beard trimmer and think bad thoughts.  


On the other hand, I've gone on a Rover-Improvement program for the D1.  

Completely re-doing my OBA setup to include (2) 2 gallon tanks and front/rear air quick connects

Ditched my existing small compressor/tank system that ran the front locker and tied that into the tanks

Swapped the rear Detroit Locker for an Ashcroft air locker (also part of the air system now)

Pulled out half a mile of random wiring and switches and changed to an VoSwitch digital controller/relay box

Sent both driveshafts off to Tom Woods for a refresh

Installed a remote control engine kill/battery disconnect at the dash

Finally installed a fan shut-off switch for deep water crossings

Rebuilt and re-valved all the shocks

Re-organized my on-board tools storage for the 12th time


Probably a couple other things I can't think of off the top of my head.  I think much of this is a way to avoid doing the job I really should be doing which is swapping all the doors/front fenders over from the parts truck and re-painting.  But then again I've always been good at avoiding jobs like that.   :P


All this and nobody will even be able to tell a difference!   But hopefully she'll be good to go for the Rovicon and Moab later this year!


Oh yeah, speaking of Moab, also bought new axles/wheels for the trailer and have plans for some mods to that.  I'm still not comfortable with the adapters that I'm running after last year's episode.  Had that tire gone into traffic, that could have been a major issue instead of just a major annoyance.

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