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Volunteers for TepuiFest

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As many of you know Tepui donates one of their Roof Top Tents, and lately Gear Bags, to our club for our Raffle. Awesome!


In return for this, NCLR has fielded a few volunteers to provide a couple of trucks and a few people to help lead trail runs, short demos, etc... at their Annual Customer Appreciation Weekend called "TepuiFest"  TepuiFest.  Their event is coming up on October 14-16 and uses the same facilities as our OktRoverFest at Hollister Hills SVRA.  This is a great way for NCLR to return the favor to Tepui and help foster a great relationship with this company.


This year they have their in-house Adventure Guy/Tepui Ambassador organizing the off-road driving portion of their event. From initial conversations it will include easy to moderate trail runs, a trip to Top-of-the-world, some short demos and a interactive driving challenges.


Some of you heard my announcement during around the raffle at OktRoverFest that Tepui (so far) would appreciate a couple of our trucks and 4 volunteers. 


Thank you to the folks who reached out to me after our dinner to volunteer.  So far I have:


  1. Don Happel  DHappel   LR3
  2. Matt Prouse  DiscoBear   D1
  3. Nils   NThyrring    LR3
  4. Phil Euginio  Phil. D90

I have another call with them coming up to go over the agenda and what they'd like from NCLR, which may result in the need for more volunteers. If you are interested or didn't find me at our event or have been meaning to contact me etc... go ahead and reply to this thread with your interest and availability. 


They are expecting about 150 folks (We had a little over 100) so the site will be tight but if you are interested in camping I'm sure we can work something out.


Once I get more details from Tepui I'll share them here and we can coordinate accordingly.


Thanks for all of the support on this,


Tom and Don

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Tom and I are still waiting to hear back from the new Tepui 'Adventure' guy about if they can use more people, but it looks like possibly yes.


Basically they want trail guides/tail gunners/spotters to lead easy to moderate runs throughout the day and to assist in some driving skills challenges.  They have a wide variety of vehicles since they aren't a marque specific group.  Everything from Subarus to lifted Toyotas and full-size trucks with bed racks.  This year it sounds like they want to get more trail runs in than in the past, hence the possibility of needing a few extra people


Here's a video from last year's event.  You can spot Brenton as well as Nills and I believe RedRover appears for a second or so.

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whatever...at least it's better than at Starbucks where 'Don' can be anything from 'Dan' to 'Dawn' to 'Archibald' for all I know.  I think they just make stuff up.  I mean, how hard is it to get a three letter name right?

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I agree on Starbucks just randomly making things up. I've been everything from Chaz to Jack to John and beyond. 


My grandfather is Marion. He completely gave up on Starbucks getting it right, and just tells them to use the letter "M". :lol:

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I agree on Starbucks just randomly making things up. I've been everything from Chaz to Jack to John and beyond. 


My grandfather is Marion. He completely gave up on Starbucks getting it right, and just tells them to use the letter "M". :lol:

W?  W?  I have a grande mocha for W....

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It looks like the 4 people/trucks we have lined up will be enough, but we could use one or two more.  Several of you have already volunteered - shall I make this first come first serve, or do you want to thumb wrestle for it?

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So right now we have confirmed:


Don Happel  DHappel   LR3
Matt Prouse  DiscoBear   D1
Nils   NThyrring    LR3
Phil Euginio  Phil. D90
As back up, we have:
Alyson - D2
Jared and Erin - RRC
Jason Hines - D2
I'll send the list over to our Adventure Planner and see how many more he would like.
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Phil, draft agenda looks like about 11- 1130 or so... Demos and such start around 0930



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thanks...and i think i read a few easy/moderate trails...up to top of the world so done around 5 or 6?

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