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Lost Coast Trip November 2014

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So we made it home no issues. Truck ran well. Had fun despite the mechanical. Here are a few of my better pics. https://vimeo.com/112097580[ATTACH]5628[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5629[/ATTACH][ATTACH]5630[/ATTACH]https://vimeo.com/112097748[ATTACH]5631[/ATTACH]https://vimeo.com/112097848


Roxson is cute! Look at him helping dig Martin out of the sand. I love it!

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This picture needs to be in Martin's signature. So awesome!


OK - lets' see if my signature update worked....


Fish and Chips in Fort Bragg was good - if anyone wants a recommendation for next time - Cap't Flints - down by the harbour/harbor - 32250 North Harbor Drive - right before you turn off 1 to the 20.

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What a great trip! Thanks Ron for getting this one back on the calendar and all the reservations and planning, great to see you and Jake on Saturday!


I'd also like to thank Dr. Chris and the Solis Family Circus!



Thanks for stepping up to the Day1 Trip leader and guiding the flock to the campsite. I know your hands were more than full and I really appreciate your going well above and beyond not to mention providing the entertainment! Great to see Ron and "uncle Dan" and I'm already looking forward to "The Solis Family Circus - Light Headed" at the 2015 Sea-erra Trip!!


Speaking of "hands full", really glad to hear you made it home safely in 2wd -


Thanks to RobG and Tracey (aka Racey) on leaving early to shepherd you home.


My Trip-pics are finding there way to their home on the inter-webs which is HERE


Thanks again to everyone who came, it was great to hang out with old friends and spend time with new ones!


Cheers! Tom



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Damn... Looks like fun...! Way better than powering to San Bernadino yesterday then back home today. Looks like the rain wasn't really a factor? Most of us thought you guys were getting pummeled.





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No, no rain during the trip. At one point Saturday morning I thought it might be trying to rain but it never materialized.


We say plenty of mud puddles along Usal road as you can see from the pics, so the rains the week before left their mark but we were all clear. Though if it had rained a lot some of the down-hills could have been pretty tricky since there are pretty major drop-offs in a lot of places and a slide to the wrong side could be ... er, very bad.

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Had a great trip -- it was our first time to the Lost Coast and I could easily see us heading back there soon. There looks to be a lot more places to explore and also I want to return when the rains have made things more challenging.


Below are the photos I compiled -- enjoy and see you all at the next event! Thanks to Ron for organizing, Chris & RobGB for leading and tailgunning the caravan and the members for making the event fun and memorable!





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I'm a little disappointed that my 25 year old drivetrain (i'm sure those are original U joints or put in the truck in 1996 as she only had 8000 miles on her) could not hold up to the weight of just 4 Solis men. I mean, c'mon...really? hahahahahahahahaha


It was probably all the moonshine in the trunk !!

The folks in solihull never planned for that ... :)

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au contraire, I think that is exactly what they planned for!! those jerry cans say whiskey and soda, there is another pic for which my google foo failed me that has the fronts showing gin and tonic.


I think they're fake. No one in their right mind is going to be willing to lose that much whisky if it falls down the ravine. They would have hand-carried that across. Truth.



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Just wanted to say Rob and I had a great time on the trip, and thanks to Ron and Chris for organizing and running the show!

We really appreciate NCLR, as it is truly a fantastic group of people who put in a lot of effort to provide a good experience for everyone!


I would also like to thank those of you around the fire that were kind enough to introduce me to "Wife math!" I have been sharpening my newly acquired skills, with great precision I might add, on Rob. So, where as I am thanking you for bringing this to my attention, Rob might have a slightly different more choice response!;) Cheers!

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I would also like to thank those of you around the fire that were kind enough to introduce me to "Wife math!" I have been sharpening my newly acquired skills, with great precision I might add, on Rob. So, where as I am thanking you for bringing this to my attention, Rob might have a slightly different more choice response!;) Cheers!



Racey, GREAT to spend time with you and RobG as well! Cheers!, Tom

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Actually we have decided on Trob, Racey only for when they are both behaving, so never.


With that said I do have to give a special shout out to Rob and Tracey who followed us all the way back to Laytonville (only because we thought we were stopping there but continued on to Willits for lunch). Never leave a fellow driver behind! Thanks!!


And for Tracy,


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Actually we have decided on Trob, Racey only for when they are both behaving, so never.


With that said I do have to give a special shout out to Rob and Tracey who followed us all the way back to Laytonville (only because we thought we were stopping there but continued on to Willits for lunch). Never leave a fellow driver behind! Thanks!!


And for Tracy,



Noooo, not Trob, you're killing me!!


I'm sorry, were you under the impression that one actually wins an argument with a woman at all?? Sorry, couldn't resist!


Serious, you kept going? What happened there?

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