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Thanks for that , the last thing i want is to break down and slow the group down.  I might have to invest in a D1 or D2 

Or an RRC.... I picked up a few of each  :)

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Been meaning to say that I’ve put this on my calendar. But... what are the dates as of now? I’m flying out to the UK on July 2nd, so I’d like to be back home in Reno at least a day before.


Mike F



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Hoping you can make it!

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Don sir,

             It is finally the year that I have run out of excuses as after a few subtle modifications last few years my D2 checks all the required boxes. So yes please sign me up. I will also be bringing a buddy as a passenger a NorCal Rovers alum Josh Flores who has volunteered to spot and trail assist as needed. 







Great news!  Looking forward to getting on the trail with you again!

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Here are the minimums I would recommend. A lift of at least 3 inches, 33 inch tires, a locker would make things a lot easier, rock sliders, steel rear bumper, gas tank skid. That should be enough to get you through. A steel front bumper with a winch is always nice too, but not necessary as long as you have some tow points.



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I'd say at least a rear locker is required for this trip.  Can you do it without one?  Yes, with enough determination.  But we're hoping to have a big group and will need to keep moving.  To Eric's list I'd also suggest dif guards and upgraded steering components (ask Andrew about this) as well as gearing when you do those locker(s).   If you want to see some recent/current D2 builds aimed at this sort of trail, check out Andrew Wood and Robert Dingli - both built from stock (or near stock).  You don't have to go as far as they have/are, but you can see how they've evolved their trucks.  

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Since it's drifted off the top of the page, I'll re-post my earlier comments regarding recommendations for this trip here again.




So what's it take to do this trail?  I'd suggest the following as a minimum:
32+ tires including full size spare
full armor (sliders, diff guards, bumpers, etc)
working winch
at least one locker 
Upgraded suspension and steering components
spares and tools
Yes, I know it can and has been done with less but this is the difference between just surviving and enjoying the trip.
How about late-model Rovers you ask?  Well yes, I was foolish/brave enough to do it in my LR3 but you'll also note of the several times I've been back I've done it in the D1.  If you really want to try this trail with a late-model truck let's talk but know now you'll be taxing it heavily.
While I wholly encourage first-timers to join us, that doesn't mean your first time rock crawling.  You will want to have some trail experience under your belt before tackling this trail.  If you've only done fire roads and easy trails up til now it would be best to attempt some shorter trails like Slick Rock or Deer Valley to get your feet wet before jumping into a 3-day trip like this.  Again, if you have any questions feel free to bring them up here or PM me directly.
While it's fully possible to do this trail with no damage, it's also very possible to see some breakage (axles, CVs, etc) and/or body damage.  We make every attempt to avoid these things of course but 'enter at your own risk' as they say.   We have a relaxed pace planned and should allow for plenty of time to get through obstacles without rushing.
*We are deliberately timing this to avoid the worst of the crowds, but you should still expect to encounter some traffic.  This is still fairly early in the year for the Rubicon and before the major events occur so trail conditions are an unknown - they change with every season and with the major rain/snow of this year I expect trail conditions will be tough.
(*with the revised dates we are now running on a weekend so expect traffic)
Our general process is to get on the trail early, say by 8AM, and get moving before most other trail users.  We then arrive at the popular camp areas before those late risers and get the best picks and have time to enjoy camp a bit or make any repairs that may be needed.  
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Boom!  Our man Arthur just dropped a landing/registration page for #Rovicon



Go there.  Register.  Wheel.  Repeat.


And of course if you have questions or discussions feel free to post up here. 

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Think a freelander could make it. I can get a free one.

I want one!


Have a vision of doing sas on one!!



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Also How many people can come?

we'll find room for everyone but we plan to keep trail groups to around 5 then we can meet up at camp.



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This event sounds awesome! I’d love to attend :) anyone need a co-pilot? Haha my sport is a pavement stomper. I’m new to the club. Are there any mild drives/adventures coming up?


Coming up on June 8th we are heading to Malakoff Diggins State Park for the Humbug Days, that is a great trip into the Tahoe NF and suitable for everyone.  Feel free to jump into that thread to catch up!

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Since it's drifted off the top of the page, I'll re-post my earlier comments regarding recommendations for this trip here again.




So what's it take to do this trail? I'd suggest the following as a minimum:



32+ tires including full size spare

full armor (sliders, diff guards, bumpers, etc)

working winch


at least one locker

Upgraded suspension and steering components

spares and tools


Yes, I know it can and has been done with less but this is the difference between just surviving and enjoying the trip.


How about late-model Rovers you ask? Well yes, I was foolish/brave enough to do it in my LR3 but you'll also note of the several times I've been back I've done it in the D1. If you really want to try this trail with a late-model truck let's talk but know now you'll be taxing it heavily.


While I wholly encourage first-timers to join us, that doesn't mean your first time rock crawling. You will want to have some trail experience under your belt before tackling this trail. If you've only done fire roads and easy trails up til now it would be best to attempt some shorter trails like Slick Rock or Deer Valley to get your feet wet before jumping into a 3-day trip like this. Again, if you have any questions feel free to bring them up here or PM me directly.


While it's fully possible to do this trail with no damage, it's also very possible to see some breakage (axles, CVs, etc) and/or body damage. We make every attempt to avoid these things of course but 'enter at your own risk' as they say. We have a relaxed pace planned and should allow for plenty of time to get through obstacles without rushing.


*We are deliberately timing this to avoid the worst of the crowds, but you should still expect to encounter some traffic. This is still fairly early in the year for the Rubicon and before the major events occur so trail conditions are an unknown - they change with every season and with the major rain/snow of this year I expect trail conditions will be tough.


(*with the revised dates we are now running on a weekend so expect traffic)


Our general process is to get on the trail early, say by 8AM, and get moving before most other trail users. We then arrive at the popular camp areas before those late risers and get the best picks and have time to enjoy camp a bit or make any repairs that may be needed.

still have a lot to work on post-1149-155958921455_thumb.jpgdf9a147167571752acb75e1a4256b6cd.jpg



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I'm seeing a disturbing amount of orange on Rovers lately.  First DiscoBear, then Eric, now this.  Was there a sale on Chevy Orange rattle cans I missed or something?


J/K - looking forward to seeing it on the trail!


Harbor Freight Memorial Day weekend sale. Gets em every time.


The streets of San Jose are literally running with the orange runoff.  :P

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Hoping to join as a passenger. Still needing to confirm a ride.

Let me check with Greg - he had somebody lined up for my passenger seat but I'm not sure if they're going to make it.  If not, You're welcome to join me.

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This event sounds awesome! I’d love to attend :) anyone need a co-pilot? Haha my sport is a pavement stomper. I’m new to the club. Are there any mild drives/adventures coming up?

My extra seat has been spoken for several times over, but there's likely to be an open spot with somebody.  I know Greg is full as he's bringing his kid(s).  Eric I'm not sure about.  Andrew Wood might have an open seat.  He's in the south bay area and is coming up Thursday afternoon.  I believe he was having trouble getting on the forum for some reason and I don't know if that's been resolved.   If you're still interested shoot me a PM and I'll get you his cell number.

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