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I know it's early in the year yet but we need to get this on the calendar soon so you all can make your plans.


Thanks to the huge snowfall we've had so far this year I'm going to assume the trail won't be open until well into the summer.  With that in mind we're targeting the last week of June.


The plan:


June 27, Thursday.  Arrive this evening at Loon Lake north shore campground

June 28, Friday.  Early AM start on the trail, arriving at Buck Island Lake that afternoon

June 29, Saturday.  Early start again, arriving at Rubicon Springs that afternoon

June 30, Sunday. Early start, leaving through Tahoe that afternoon


The idea here is to have 3 easy days with plenty of time in camp or time on the trail for new members if they want to take it easy.  We're starting on Thursday to try to avoid some of the crowds typically found on the weekend but you should still expect plenty of traffic Fri and Sat.  Hopefully by doing this the weekend prior to the 4th some of the yahoos will skip this date and instead come up then.


We currently have something like 20 trucks in the club capable of doing this trip.  We won't have any limits on numbers, but if we have a big group we'll break into 2 or more smaller groups while on the trail to avoid clogging things up.


First timers are welcome - nay - encouraged to join!  This is THE epic 4wd trail not just in California, but in all the country.  If you live this close and don't run it, how will you be able to live with yourself when in the future your grandchildren hear you telling stories about owning a Land Rover and they ask 'Did you run the Rubicon?'  and you're forced to hang your head and shamefully mutter under your breath 'no'....


For those who don't have a truck up to the challenge, we'll try to arrange passenger seats.  


As we get closer I'll post more details - but mark your calendar now!

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So what's it take to do this trail?  I'd suggest the following as a minimum:



32+ tires including full size spare

full armor (sliders, diff guards, bumpers, etc)

working winch


at least one locker 

Upgraded suspension and steering components

spares and tools


Yes, I know it can and has been done with less but this is the difference between just surviving and enjoying the trip.


How about late-model Rovers you ask?  Well yes, I was foolish brave enough to do it in my LR3 but you'll also note of the several times I've been back I've done it in the D1.  If you really want to try this trail with a late-model truck let's talk but know now you'll be taxing it heavily.


While I wholly encourage first-timers to join us, that doesn't mean your first time rock crawling.  You will want to have some trail experience under your belt before tackling this trail.  If you've only done fire roads and easy trails up til now it would be best to attempt some shorter trails like Slick Rock or Deer Valley to get your feet wet before jumping into a 3-day trip like this.  Again, if you have any questions feel free to bring them up here or PM me directly.


While it's fully possible to do this trail with no damage, it's also very possible to see some breakage (axles, CVs, etc) and/or body damage.  We make every attempt to avoid these things of course but 'enter at your own risk' as they say.   We have a relaxed pace planned and should allow for plenty of time to get through obstacles without rushing.


We are deliberately timing this to avoid the worst of the crowds, but you should still expect to encounter some traffic.  This is still fairly early in the year for the Rubicon and before the major events occur so trail conditions are an unknown - they change with every season and with the major rain/snow of this year I expect trail conditions will be tough.


Our general process is to get on the trail early, say by 8AM, and get moving before most other trail users.  We then arrive at the popular camp areas before those late risers and get the best picks and have time to enjoy camp a bit or make any repairs that may be needed.  

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The Rubicon is always fun.  I would like to join this trip but if I do I will have to catch up with you guys at some point as a 3 day trip isn't something I'm thinking I'll get a hall pass for at this point.  I wouldn't be surprised if you come across plenty of snow in June.  Yesterday Squaw and Alpine announced they will be open until July 7th!!  I know there is a significant elevation difference but...   And don't forget, sierra's before August = mosquitoes.  Love me some rubicon though

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The Rubicon is always fun.  I would like to join this trip but if I do I will have to catch up with you guys at some point as a 3 day trip isn't something I'm thinking I'll get a hall pass for at this point.  I wouldn't be surprised if you come across plenty of snow in June.  Yesterday Squaw and Alpine announced they will be open until July 7th!!  I know there is a significant elevation difference but...   And don't forget, sierra's before August = mosquitoes.  Love me some rubicon though

It would be great to see you up there again!  With as many trucks as we now have in the club capable of doing harder trails like this I'm hoping we have a big turn-out and can run as 2 or more groups with an early morning and late morning departure but we'll have to see.  It might also be possible for a small group of experienced drivers to start on Friday and come in to the Springs to meet the group that night but I wouldn't recommend a first-timer or smaller trucks try that option.


As for snow, my hope we we only hit it once we're up Cadillac Hill to the higher elevations.  Time will tell.

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wont be able to make it but if Dusy is closed maybe do a early September trip back to Rubicon.



I wanted to see the Defender!!


Barrett lakes trip?



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I wanted to see the Defender!!


Barrett lakes trip?



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from about june 10 to labor day i will be working 7 days a week. :( so no offroading just lots of duning.

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It would be great to see you up there again!  With as many trucks as we now have in the club capable of doing harder trails like this I'm hoping we have a big turn-out and can run as 2 or more groups with an early morning and late morning departure but we'll have to see.  It might also be possible for a small group of experienced drivers to start on Friday and come in to the Springs to meet the group that night but I wouldn't recommend a first-timer or smaller trucks try that option.


As for snow, my hope we we only hit it once we're up Cadillac Hill to the higher elevations.  Time will tell.

I did the Highlanders rubicon poker run, scheduled for fathers day, in 2011.  It was a big snow year,  not unlike this year.  The slabs were clear but here is the road into Loon Lake.  They actually re routed the poker run that year due to the snow. We still had fun with some deeper water crossings.


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Regards to the Rubicon some feedback on start dates...


If we move the start date back to Friday with a camping option for Thursday night. Can more folks make it?


Please let us know soon.



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Regards to the Rubicon some feedback on start dates...


If we move the start date back to Friday with a camping option for Thursday night. Can more folks make it?


Please let us know soon.



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So we have made some changes to the dates to get more folks on the trail!!


Also, Esten has been busy working up designs for the trip and those are availbe now on our RedBubble site.  Thank you Esten!!






Looking forward to seeing those that can make it out!

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You said to move the date back. So lwhat datles are you talking about? I have already marked down the dates for the trail so I can reschedule my clients for those days.

Just moved from Thursday-Saturday to now Friday to Sunday.


Missing Thursday and Friday was a limiting factor for many who wanted to attend.



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Well... these new dates may just make it possible. I am currently balancing a wedding in San Diego the weekend before and Theresa's family visiting... but priorities are important in life!!!  


Spiritually I am in 100%

Reality I am in 50%

Mechanically Snowflake is in 94.24%


*initiates calendar shuffling montage*

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So a LR3 with 32" tires, skid plates,  rock sliders, winch, 2 inch lift and 1 ' wheel spacers, no armor bumpers,Stock air suspension Rear locker, will it make it, or too risky? 

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So a LR3 with 32" tires, skid plates, plates, rock sliders, winch, 2 inch lift and 1 ' wheel spacer 2, no armor bumpers,Stock air suspension Rear locker, will it make it, or too risky? 

As the only guy I know who's taken and LR3 though (though I believe at least one other has done it) I wouldn't recommend it.


Can it be done?  Yes.  I did it on 33s, full Tactical Rovers armor (sliders, gas tank and xfer case skids), front and rear bumpers, etc.  I even got through without any body damage though I did break a tie rod and a rear control arm, both fixed on the trail.  If you dig around you can find my write up on the forum.


But....it was A LOT of work.  I hit every single piece of armor A LOT.  I winched it several times as well.  I moved very slowly and was flat exhausted by the time I got to Rubicon Springs.


If you want to do the Rubicon in an LR3 I'm happy to help, but I think we'd want to do that as a smaller run with only a couple people and mid-week to avoid traffic.  Probably not ideal to take it in with a bigger group on a weekend.  


FWIW, I won't take my LR3 back.  Not that I don't think I can't get it through again, but it's just not enjoyable.  I'm glad I did it if only to say I did and prove it can be done, but I'll stick with the D1 now.


Feel free to reach out to me via PM to discuss further.  I have a pretty busy schedule this summer but we will certainly make it out there more than once this year.

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In fact, I think it might be cool to put together a Rubicon trip specifically for the late model trucks.  We may not go all the way though, maybe just to Buck Island, but it would be cool to see 2 or three of them on the trail together.

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