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Official Death Valley trip (4-15)

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Death Valley trip planning is now underway. This trips theme is back to the past - we are retracing and hitting trails and sights from prior trips. Tenative itinerary is below. Time to start signing up if you are interested.


Remember there are two trips this year - need to confirm with Ted but am hoping they will end up North at Gold Point and possibly join on Sunday's Hardluck Castle tour.


Dates for the trip would be 4/14 or 4/15 through 4/22. I'm going to cut of registrations at 10 rigs - so we have 7 spots left as of right now. Post up if you indicated interest and want to confirm, or if you confirmed and want to drop out.


Right now - there will be two places to meet up with us. Either Gold Point Nevada (arrive Fri, Sat or Sun) or the Saline Hot Springs (arrive Monday night). Official Trip will be heading to Gold Point via pavement, then offroading through Steele Pass to the Springs. Remember Sunday is Easter. If you can't make it until Monday - there is the opportunity to join us at the Springs. .  You would need to come in most likely via the North Pass Route and would probably want to convoy.  As time gets closer we can finalize those plans. 



Official Signup list is as follows (will be updated as people confirm).



1. Desertcrawler (Chuck, Marla,  Linda) - Driving a D2 - arriving Friday night


3 people x 2 dinners (Sat and Sun)  x 3 breakfast (Sat, Sun, Mon)  at Gold Point


2. DonH - (solo) driving a LR3




3. SloHybrid - (with family) - driving a RRC - going in via Steele Pass, meeting Monday at Campsite (at the springs)


Not at Gold Point


4. Arthur & Barbara Varga - driving   62 109 - going in via Steele Pass, meeting Monday at Campsite (at the springs)


Not at Gold Point


5. TigerDan  (solo) driving a RRC


Not at gold point


6. GotRover (solo) - driving a LR3 - arriving Friday Night


Sat nite dinner x 1, 3 breakfasts (sat, sun, mon) x 1


7. PaulD - RRC  arriving Friday or Saturday




8. AWood - D2 arriving Friday or Saturday




9. Lithium D90 - arriving Friday Night




10.  DiscoDavis - D110 arriving Friday Night or Saturday in Gold Point              .



---ONLY 1 SPOT TO GO!---


Strongly interested:

1. HinesDisco2 - d2

2. Lauroness - D1





1. AdvRovr (earlier trip?)



A. Communications Plan


We will primarily rely on Ham and monitor 146.460. Repeater coverage is very limited in the Death Valley area - and we should be close enough together to communicate on Ham during trip. I am unaware of any Ham Repeater accessible from Saline Hot Springs.


-As a backup to ham, we will monitor CB Channel 7. But as most know, that coverage is more limited. Because of this, once folks join up with the group, we may share some Ham handhelds for your usage to monitor traffic and communicate under one of our licenses if needed.


-We be dropping in and out of cell coverage - I will gather everyone's cell numbers and set up a "group text" we can use if needed to communicate. That will most likely be the best way to send and receive messages with outsiders in the event of an emergency. They could also contact Death Valley National Park at (760) 786-3200  they have a Park repeater system that they are able to contact

the Springs with, for example. If they try to reach you before Sunday, they can also use the Gold Point number which is 775-482-4653.


- I do not personally have a SPOT device - and am not sure what ever happened to the two devices owned by the Club back in the day. Please post up if anyone attending will be bringing a SatPhone or a Spot device equivalent along this year.


-I will also, prior to departure, set up a thread to capture pictures, etc. of the trip - since we will have opportunity to update at some of our gas stops that sometimes have WiFi.


B.  Details for those staying at GOLD POINT GHOST TOWN.


1. http://www.goldpointghosttown.com/ is the website -- if you want to make CABIN reservations, do it here.



2. Bring $$$$ -- in cold hard cash. He doesn't take credit cards.



3. One way you will spend it is on DINNER and BREAKFAST - available for $18 pp and $12pp. Pork Tenderloin for Friday night, Steak on Saturday, and spiral cut Ham on Easter Sunday.


4. Another way is drinks. He has probably the best stocked bar in Nevada - but doesn't officially "sell" drinks. He only asks that you leave a "contribution" for a friend -- about what you'd pay if you were out at a bar. Ie $20 will get you 4 drinks.


5. If you camp, they want $5 for one night, $7 for 2 nights, and $10 for 3 nights. Showers are up and running and included in the camping fee.


6. We will be touring Hard Luck Castle on Sunday - there is a fee there that is also cash (I think $10 per person).


7. He will also sell us gas (I think it is $4 per gallon) and they also have ice available for those of you without an electric fridge.



8. Please bounce back to me with how many dinners and lunches you will be having - that way I can give him an estimate.


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The good news is there is lots of snow blocking the trails and covering the valleys. See story below on current Hunter Pass conditions where someone was airlifted out..




Snow melts, which means water.  


Water  in Death Valley can drive a phenonomen called "Desert Bloom" which will be a lot of fun to see. And usually the timing lines up for us. 


And water also washes out roads. Which makes the wheeling shall I say a bit more interesting in spots. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just confirming we won't need any serious extra-fuel storage based on the proposed schedule. I'll bring my usual 6-gallon boat tank, plus my stock 21.7 gallon tank. Issues???





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Just confirming we won't need any serious extra-fuel storage based on the proposed schedule. I'll bring my usual 6-gallon boat tank, plus my stock 21.7 gallon tank. Issues???





Paul -


We will be looking for everyone to bring 5 gallons extra. I'll plot out the route so we are safe. There are "gas-up" points at Gold Point and Panamint Springs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updating thread with latest interest, participants. Looks like we are locked in at between 7 - 10 trucks, please provide update if your plans change or if you have any questions. Information will be forthcoming, including GPS coordinates and tracks once I get time to figure out how to get my Garmin maps re-installed or if I am using GAIA.

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Still in !!! Will be there Friday probably -- starting to obsess about fuel.


Do I/We need to bring tons of extra fuel or are there planned stops that keeps our thirsty rigs topped-up...?



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Still in !!! Will be there Friday probably -- starting to obsess about fuel.


Do I/We need to bring tons of extra fuel or are there planned stops that keeps our thirsty rigs topped-up...?



You should plan on the need to go 200 miles in your rig without fuel stop. That includes a lot of off-road travel. My experience with my D2 has been that one 5 gallon can of spare gas gives me that 200 mile range, with a bit to spare. I will probably take a little extra as well (another 5 gallon can) but that probably won't be needed except for an emergency...

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Paul... you have obviously never been on a trip with the Mobraten's... picture the Grape's of Wraith truck exactly!  ok?  between that and the way Chuck use's the gas pedal you will be fine!  My truck get's approximately 10-12mpg and I plan on bringing 1  5 gallon Jerry can.  chill Winston :D


Chuck... when do you plan to be @ Saline springs??

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Paul... you have obviously never been on a trip with the Mobraten's... picture the Grape's of Wraith truck exactly!  ok?  between that and the way Chuck use's the gas pedal you will be fine!  My truck get's approximately 10-12mpg and I plan on bringing 1  5 gallon Jerry can.  chill Winston :D


Chuck... when do you plan to be @ Saline springs??


We are heading to Gold Point and will be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. There will be a tour of a place called HardLuck Castle on Sunday afternoon, followed by a catered Easter dinner/potluck I would recommend no-one miss. Then early Monday morning we head to Saline Springs via the Dunes and Steele Pass. I would hope we would be getting there mid-afternoon -- but with Rovers YMMV as you know.


Will Selden is coming in via North Pass I think on Monday night, and will most likely be coming in around the same time if not later.

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Yes, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are at Gold Point. They offer a place to pitch a tent, and showers. They even offer a cabin. I am booking a cabin for the first night, since I don't know how late we will arrive, and we will most likely not feel like unpacking after the long trip.


Saturday we will do a day run in the Gold Point Area and connect up with the other part of NCLR. There are cool places to go/see - need to talk with Herb to think about what run we do. We can hopefully coordinate with the DV#1 crew on that.


Sunday morning is for Sunday services (for some) or again a day run. Sunday Afternoon will be all about Hard Luck Castle and the tour, plus another wheeling run to some cabins.


First post on thread has detailed itinerary. We will need to get a final count soon on how many so Herb is able to order enough food for those having catered breakfast and dinners.

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Yes, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are at Gold Point. They offer a place to pitch a tent, and showers. They even offer a cabin. I am booking a cabin for the first night, since I don't know how late we will arrive, and we will most likely not feel like unpacking after the long trip.


Saturday we will do a day run in the Gold Point Area and connect up with the other part of NCLR. There are cool places to go/see - need to talk with Herb to think about what run we do. We can hopefully coordinate with the DV#1 crew on that.


Sunday morning is for Sunday services (for some) or again a day run. Sunday Afternoon will be all about Hard Luck Castle and the tour, plus another wheeling run to some cabins.


First post on thread has detailed itinerary. We will need to get a final count soon on how many so Herb is able to order enough food for those having catered breakfast and dinners.

Chuck,  the Harrison's & the Varga's will not be going to Gold Point (too far)  & a week with my wife & kid off roading is more than enough for them if not too much. :rolleyes:   We plan on staying the night on Saturday @ one of the many luxurious motel's in Big Pine & then Sunday head for Eureka Dunes .... depending on how we feel (may sleep @ the dry camp & take the slow road to Saline & save Ya'll a spot @ the springs.  Bring your cossies's


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