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Sierra Trek and Meteor Shower/White Rock Lake 2016 Official Trip Thread

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OK everyone, sorry this is so late this year, at least the dates were sorted awhile back. I am thinking of doing all some sections of the Plumas Backcountry Discovery Trail as part of this year's trip. The Woman's trip will be covering some of this route a few weeks prior to us and we can see what they find. Basic plan for now with details hopefully this weekend:
Saturday 8/6 Drive up and stay in a motel in Quincy
Sunday 8/7 to Thursday 8/11 hit the trails and run the trip backwards (section 4 first)
Thursday 8/11 Arrive at White Rock Lake
Friday 8/12-8/14 Weekend Portion of the trip, the Meteor Shower trip.

I'm trying to make our camp sites next to some water feature. I'm looking for 4-5 hours a day of driving to allow time for those who want to wheel and explore to do so but also to allow for time at camp each day.

Plumas BDT Brochure

OFFICIAL Meteor Shower Trip

August 12-14, 2016(Truckee Area)

Meteor Shower Trip August 12-14, 2016 Official Thread
Hello All! Ok here is the OFFICIAL thread for the meteor shower trip I have mentioned before.

What: A weekend trip to the Sierras to watch rocks fall out of the sky
When: August 12-14, 2016(non negotiable: don't get mad at me, I'm not responsible for when the parent comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle flies by. Lucky for us though, the peak of the shower is predicted for 8/12 and historically the days before this are awesome. expect 60 meteors an hour and NO SUPER MOON THIS YEAR!!)
Where: White Rock Lake, 17 miles north of Truckee on Hwy 89, then less than 2 hours off road.

Who: everyone. this is a family oriented trip.

What to expect: The drive into the lake is suitable for all stock rovers. There are many ways in from 90 minutes to 4-5 hours depending on which route you chose. Once at the lake there is tons to do: fishing, swimming, hiking, wheeling (there are trails from the lake to Nevada City off Hwy 20).

Route: Hwy 80 to Truckee, then Hwy 89 North for about 17miles then turn on to Jackson Meadow Road and then Right turn on Henness Pass Rd then Right on meadow lake road then the spur to White Rock Lake.

Basic Itinerary

Friday 8/12/16: As there will be a group with me doing the Sierra Expedition Trip, Friday you are on your own to get to camp. It’s easy and I have the routes for you.

Saturday 8/13/16: spend the day doing whatever you want from the activities listed above or what makes you happy and is legal and not offensive to the general population. There are a ton of trails. Saturday night we can do propane campfires, so bring them if you have them, and then settle in for some sky watching.

Sunday 8/14/16: breakfast on your own and break camp. usually back to Livermore by early afternoon.

Link To Gaia GPS Routes to White Rock Lake from Truckee

Can everyone who is planning on going to either of the trips post up here so I can keep track? I'd like to keep the Sierra Trek to less than 10 trucks but we will see how many sign up.

Sierra Trek
1. Chris and Roxson CT110
2. Tom D1
3. Michal and Klara LR4
4. Don and Michele LR3
5. Rupert LR3 and trailer
6. Nick?
7. Bear?
8. Drew?

White Rock Lake
1. Kylie and Shawnery LR4
2. Chad P38?

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Planning on White Rock, also hoping to visit the Cal4W Sierra trek base camp on Saturday for some of the kid events as it's close by. Not sure which rover yet.


Hopefully next year I'll have PTO for the Expedition portion.


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So it appears we are double booked on camping trips and we'll have to miss as other family members are geared up and ready for the high Sierras. Hopefully next year!


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Chris, when you get your route planned for mid week I'll need to study it.  Michele has a training she can't miss (she's the presenter after all) mid-week so we'll have to break away for a day and catch back up.  Nothing crazy; the same sort of thing we did last year on this run and OR.  I just need to estimate where the closest airports will be along the run since she'll be flying in/out.

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Can I get an update on who is attending the expedition part? I may be changing the departure date to August 7th and leave after the Blackhawk cars and coffee. Might be good PR and fun to have a few "expedition prepped" rigs show up and set up shop. As of now I have myself, Don, Michal, and Tom confirmed. I haven't heard from Nick or Bear.




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OK, here are the tracks.  


Day 1 Sunday: Cars and Coffee to Howland Flat/ Potosi  (this is Day 1 from last year and isn't 100% accurate for departure site. Also, this track ends at French Camp but if you follow the trail a little further up you will see Howland Flat.  I will edit it as soon as I can but wanted to get this out there)

Day 2 Monday: Howland Flat to Downieville and then Downieville to Tamarack Lakes (near the Packer Saddle)

Day 3 & 4 Tuesday and Wednesday: Sierra Buttes day trip, enjoying the surrounding lakes

Day 5 Thursday: Packer Saddle to White Rock Lake (this is from Sierra City but we can get to Bassetts for refuel at the general store), I will have to recreate the entire day into one route but here is the last part to White Rock




Here is the track for Truckee to White Rock Lake

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I am sadly still in limbo at work, they were planning to send me to EMT school for august, but that is appearing less and less likely. I will probably be going on this trip but I cannot commit fully, as EMT school would take precedence

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My EMT class, starts in August, it is still up in the air as to whether the Coast Guard is sending me, so I am a tentative for this trip right now

So....it's August now.  What's the status?

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Chris, what's the firewood situation look like?  Do we need to bring wood?  Plan to scavenge as we go? Or are we in fire restriction and need to bring the propane campfire?


would hate to try to bring wood for the full trip - that's a lot of space/weight.

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I don't think I'll be bringing the saw on this one.  Not planning to cut my way through any serious downed trees on this trip and it just takes up more room.


I will fill the propane tank and throw in the porta-fire though so we can have that.  It's no match for real stuff but it's better than nothing.



I mean, I WILL bring the saw if somebody actually thinks we'll need it, I just don't see it for this run.  Besides, anything under about 6" I can handle with the axe and SilkySaw.

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White rock should be ok for fires like last year.


So I looked at the Tahoe NF exemption list for developed sites that are exempt fire restrictions. No dice finding White Rock Lake listed there. Since the site is managed by PG&E according to the USFS website I figure'd i'd look at their website to see if there was any info. On the sidebar on their  site I found this nugget: http://www.pge.com/mybusiness/environment/pge/recreation/


BLUE LAKE (Nevada County)
Upper/Lower Cascade trailhead
including fires in designated fire rings
Sorry to say it looks like you are going to be rocking the propane campfires exclusively on this trip..
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