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Official Oregon Back Country Discovery 2015 Thread

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Just thought I'd check what higher powered amateur repeaters were up that way .... and found two obvious ones.


knowing I can hit Dodge Ridge to the east, I thought I'd see what I could hit to the north.  Both of these appear almost "line of sight" on a topo map from here, so I tried Red Bluff (W6SYY) but don't think I opened it (hard to tell though).  I then tried Chico (W6ECE) and can open that without trouble (comes back at me like it is next door!).

Edit:  Turns out the Los Altos repeater K6AIR uses the same frequency and PL, so no wonder it seemed to be next door .... (that is only 10 miles away).




Red Bluff (W6SYY)

145.450 (-)

110.9 PL


Chico (W6ECE)


123.0 PL





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Hi All,


For the benefit of all, I purchased TrekNow GPS trails for Route 3 (see attached). A bit of a pain as it is divided into 4 types of resolutions (chose max for iPads) and 26 North-South and 26 South-North gpx files which compose the entire Route (in other words you need to upload to Gaia etc. all 26 files to have the entire Route 3 scoped). Can't guarantee if the gps trail is accurate but I figured out it is a good start.





Michal + Klara 


P.S. Klara is really excited to hang out with Roxson :) 


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Ron, from your note I was thinking of picking up some Home Depot gift cards but a quick search shows there are no HDs in the area of Weed.  Not sure that's such a good idea after all.


Bummer that just last week I dropped off  a bag of clothing at my local GoodWill.  I'll be bringing something, but I'm not sure what as yet.

Pat from Habitat told me that he visits Klamath Falls from time to time to pick-up supplies, and there's a Home Depot there.


Yes, we donated a bunch of stuff at Goodwill; will need to plan ahead next time and coordinate these drop-offs; I can see coming back

to Oregon as annual trip, or even a focused/short trip just to check out one of those 4x4 blue lines on the map :)

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Hi All,


For the benefit of all, I purchased TrekNow GPS trails for Route 3 (see attached).

Michal, are you sure you purchased the one for Oregon; the attached show routes from US to Russian and takes

us to the recreation of the 1990 Camel Trophy in Siberia routes.


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Just kidding. Comic relief. I was up late last night (last min packing because I won't get much done during

the NBA play offs tonight) and now going to bed for two hours to shake-off my deliriousness from lack of sleep :(


Neighbors must had a good laugh watching me go up and down the BajaRack (from strapping fuel cans and tough

boxes in many ways to finally finding the right configuration that I feel most secured). And then work in

San Jose before the game. Needless to say, we will need to all celebrate Saturday night at camp! :)


If anyone still wants to do a conference call Friday night when you are all settled in your hotels in RedBluff

or Weed, let me know. I can setup the toll free conference call #. Otherwise, see you all Saturday.


Thanks Michal. Was it about page 3B in the paper map that you finally gave up manually entering the GPS points

and bought Treknow :)


I laid the Treknow gps pts over the campgrounds waypoints and they seems to connect the dots.


I did put my son to work, and had him enter the gps coordinates manually from the paper map while I read them

out loud, and doubled check his work. Will have both paper maps and gps points.


Thanks again Michal.

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Thanks Michal. Was it about page 3B in the paper map that you finally gave up manually entering the GPS points

and bought Treknow :)

Ron - I gave up when I looked at the map and realized that I would be spending many (many) nights trying to track that freaking tiny faint yellow route :)



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Michal, are you sure you purchased the one for Oregon; the attached show routes from US to Russian and takes

us to the recreation of the 1990 Camel Trophy in Siberia routes.


Hey Ron;


Thanks for pre-planning our 2017 trip!

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I think I'll be fine with the saw.  I'll put it up on the roof rack with a cable lock.  Can't have my new Husky go walkabout.


I'll start lugging a chainsaw around when they get rid of the chain.  And add lasers.  And turn it into a sword.


Okay, I really just want a lightsaber to cut wood with.

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Ron - did Pat say gift cards would be better than actual items?

Habitat for Humanities is eager to take what we can give. IMO gift cards will be easier considering our time constraint.


Pat will bring his project truck and will have space to take e.g. cans of paint, hardware, etc... or convenient gift cards.


This is their website and we can get their tax ID for anyone wanting to claim their donations for the 2015 tax return:



And anyone on Facebook, here's their page (you see Pat Vela's photo in one of old post dated Jun 15, 2013):



And good PR for the us/club, and all around good deed so thanks everyone for chipping in last min on our Rovers Relief mission for the Boles

Fire, and unto our adventure in Oregon.

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I'll start lugging a chainsaw around when they get rid of the chain.  And add lasers.  And turn it into a sword.


Okay, I really just want a lightsaber to cut wood with.

May the force be with you young Jedi in training! :)


Speaking of Jedi training, the trip coordinators myself, Jared and Rupert are pleased that this trip has come

together nicely even with the last minute stuff. 9 LR trucks ready (or maybe still packing :)) to take-on

Oregon Back Discovery Route 3. Wohoo! I want to challenge anyone interested in taking-on a trail leadership role

during one of the days while we're trekking in the back country of Oregon.


Ensures IMO future trip leaders who are willing (Jedi mind trick), and have familiarity to prepare and lead a group back to Oregon. Like to

see the Oregon trip on an annual basis bare min. And it's not like you are alone - you are with 8 other trucks.

Requirements are: 1st you want to do it, ham radio a must for communication, have the proper maps, and a GPS for off-road.


We'll all caravan from Bend, OR to Big Lake camp on Saturday (mostly paved road). Then I can lead Day 2 (Sun): Big Lake

to Three Creek Meadow Camp. Perhaps team Jared/Erin can take Day 3 (Mon): Three Creek to Gull Point, and I can

switch position and be the tail gunner (back-up navigation).


We need the following volunteer trail leaders for the following days:

Day 4 (Tue) Gull Point to Three Lakes

Day 5 (Wed) Three Lakes to Huckleberry

Day 6 (Thur) Huckleberry to Hyatt

Day 7 (Fri) Hyatt to Dorris, CA


Vehicle order can be: trail leader, winch and non-winch or vice versa, and then tail gunner. And I can be the trail gunner and back-up

Navigation for anyone interested in leading one of the days 4-7.


This is not a contest on who can get to the destination the fastest, or less errors; really an opportunity to

lead sections of the Oregon trail and hopefully be back again for the next trip. Again, this is volunteer only;

no need to put stress in your life if you don't want to. Michal, are you up for it; let's put Treknow gps pts to the

test. Don; up for it; will need you to lead anyone in unmaintained roads and use your chainsaw. Chris.

Enrique. Alyson; I have a spare driveshaft for you to use :). Anyone else?


And we'll have a drivers meeting each start of the day to talk about the trail, points of interest, and

reminder on best practice such as turning on your headlights and making sure the truck behind you is still

visible via rear view mirror (don't follow too close yet still visible).


Notice I didn't mention this during the trip planning; wanted to wait till everyone is committed to ask.


One Life Live It the saying goes! I don't want to under play the role, it's an important job. Sign-up here.

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I am in. Mark me as the trail leader for Day 4. There might be some background noise from Klara during that day as she tends to be VERY outspoken as to the directions to take :)



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I'm up for it, but it would be best when I have my navigator (Michele) with me to actually read the map/iPad while I drive.  That means Monday or Friday I'm afraid as Monday night I have to run her out to an airport and she won't be back until Thursday night.


I can barely walk and chew gum....drive and read a map?  Crazy!  Actually, as I don't have an actual route built but only a series of waypoints it would likely involve some slow going/wrong/missed turns.


BTW, the LR3 was collected at 5:00 this evening and appears to be running fine.

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Still packing. What a cluster. I do not recommend trying to pack a truck for the 1st time in the dark after 3 long days and of work. I have no idea why I have so much stuff. I mean, I pared down my usual kit but still the truck is packed to the alpine windows (the current version of them) and the roof rack. It's ridiculous. Oh well.
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I'm up for it, but it would be best when I have my navigator (Michele) with me to actually read the map/iPad while I drive.  That means Monday or Friday I'm afraid as Monday night I have to run her out to an airport and she won't be back until Thursday night.


I can barely walk and chew gum....drive and read a map?  Crazy!  Actually, as I don't have an actual route built but only a series of waypoints it would likely involve some slow going/wrong/missed turns.


BTW, the LR3 was collected at 5:00 this evening and appears to be running fine.

Wow! So close but glad to hear the LR3 is back; I am sure you were busy packing the LR3 right after; let's put you and Michele in for Friday to get

us from Hyatt to Dorris, CA and then home bound. I have a color map copy for you.

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