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Oregon run 2015?

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We have an Instagram acct. :-)


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Well...if you guys want I can manage the accounts? Put that good ole marketing communications degree I'll be earning next spring to some use. Maybe it'll look good on my résumé haha. Ulises R - NCLR Director of Social Media... I like the ring of it.

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Last day of school for my boys is on June 5, 2015, and both boys start summer camp July 12.


So yeah I am thinking mid to late June, or early July.


What dates are good for folks interested (Jared/Erin, Don/Michele, Ruppert, Anudeep and others)?

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For me taking time off the first week of the month is tough. Mid-month would work best for me. Last time we went to Oregon, it was in June and by the time most of the snow has melted and there was lost of vegetation. The later we go the drier the trails will be and that means lots more dust. It will be nice to hit some trails where there still snow on the trail.
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Mid-June sounds good.


1st time I went; was late July to early Aug; very dusty; like following a dust ball on most trails.


Ditto on June; 2nd time I went; some snow at higher elev and low dust on most trails. We need to have a chainsaw on the check list; if the rangers have not made gone thru the trails, we may need to clear any downed trees on the trail like last time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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So work wants me to give my availability for June, I am currently off June 13 - June 22. Let's make the trip happen during those dates so I don't have to rearrange things. Sound good? Should give a lot of options for the run.



Solis party of (LR)4??



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Even without knowing anything about the routes beyond this map, it's obvious that sections 1-4 are the best. You can tell because they are all squiggly. And squiggly lines on maps are always the best. ::bigsmile::


I don't know Don -- Route 3 has that terrifying, wide sweeping curve at the top...




Funny! Squiggly, wide sweeping curve at the top... perhaps let's post photos from the various routes; may help us decide which routes to take given the limited time we'll have.


Here's a photo (not mine) of Proxy Falls inside the forest of 3 Sisters (peaks in the Oregon Cascade Mountains) during the spring (snow is melting) thru Route 3.


Kinda like the name given to 3 Sisters back then named Faith, Hope, and Charity by early settlers, but now renamed North Sister, Middle Sister, and South Sister. Blah! Blah! Blah! :)


Thinking of this trip; can't wait in 2015!

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