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Gold Lakes isn't even in the books yet but it's time to start planning our next run.


I've got something a little different in mind this time - a night run on Signal Peak.  We've been to Signal Peak plenty of times and it's suitable for lightly mod'ed rigs.  But we haven't done it in the dark.  That should put it in a whole new light (sorry, couldn't resist)


Besides, you've got 10 million lumens of LEDs on your rig anyway....don't you want to actually USE them for once?  :)


This would be a simple overnight run, come up Satuday, set up camp that afternoon (there's a campground at the start of the trail) then wheel that night.  We could easily extend this and do some of the other trails in the area earlier on Saturday; maybe even come in Friday afternoon and camp that night.  The details we can work out as we get closer.


Here's the catch ... not many open weekends left this summer!


The best I can come up with right now is the weekend of Aug 26th.  It's the first free weekend I have on the calendar.  After that we have the last 3 weekends of September available but I have to plan at least one if not two of those as a scouting expedition to the Tahoe area. 


So what's the interest level in a night run on the weekend of Aug 26th?

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wait,... are you saying you don't drive around the bay area with 10 mil lumen LED light bars lit all the time?

I would, but then I'd have to buy a Toyota   :P

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I would love to do this, but we are visiting with friends we haven't seen in a few years that weekend. If you do it again, I'm down.



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OK then, it's official:  we're making it the weekend of Aug 26th.  I'll get it on the calendar shortly.


I'd like to move it so we don't overlap the Quail event, but it's the only free weekend I've got!



We'll stay at the Indian Springs campground near the start of the trail:



I'll plan to head up earlier Friday and secure a spot or three depending on how many we have coming.  We can then rally up just before sundown and make our run up the trail.  Depending on the number of rigs and how fast we move/how long we stop, we should make the round trip in around 2.5 hours.  My last track shows less than 2 hrs at a relaxed pace but at night it will likely take a little longer.


We'll return to Indian Springs and have the option to try something more challenging on Saturday depending on who we have on hand.  We'll be right at the start of Fordyce so if we have some more prepared rigs we might run out to the first water crossing.  Or we may head over to Eagle Lakes or Pierce Creek (I haven't run either of these, so can't speak to the difficulty but expect them to be moderate)  Alternatively you could head home if you wanted to get some rest before returning to the 9-5

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We will be in Vegas that weekend going for round two so we wont be able to make it.  The Eagle Lakes trail isnt very long and there will be a couple of challenging spots for stock rigs  but you shouldn't have much trouble.   The "Lakes" may leave you a bit disappointed though.   There is a nice hiking trail at the end of the line that you can follow along the river as far as you want.  


Have fun guys and gals.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, this is creeping up on us fast.  Let's bring it back to the top.


Here's a quick question - would those coming prefer to make the night run on Friday night or Saturday night?  We could do either, I just need to pick one.


I will plan to come up Friday either way.  


Sunset is about 7:45, so let's say we get on the trail at 7:00 PM regardless of which day.


I'll plan to do some other trails during the day on Saturday then either head home that night or Sunday morning depending on when we want to make the night run.  Maybe run down to the first water crossing on Fordyce depending on what rigs we have on hand.  


Let's hear your opinion - Friday night or Saturday night? 

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Is this thing on?  


Bueler?  Bueler?


OK, as the masses have not spoken, I think we'll just make it Saturday night for the actual night run.  That way those coming up from the bay won't have to worry about fighting traffic on Friday night.


I'll still plan to go up early myself and will be there Friday night.  I'll do a day-trip on Saturday before the 'official' night run kicks off that evening,


Who's still in?  

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