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Wow!  What an AWESOME EVENT!


This is a logistics note - accolades will be over on Official Thread *here*


I will link to this post from the Official Thread but wanted to have a place to share links to Photos!


Here is the link to the OktRoverFest album I've created on our SmugMug page: https://norcalrovers.smugmug.com/Event-Photos/OktRoverFest2016/


HERE is a Link to the GUEST UPLOAD java doohickey: https://NorCalRovers.smugmug.com/upload/6D4WnT/OktRoverFest


Here is a link to an iOS or Android WebApp viewer (Open on phone, click Save to Homepage you should have a little applet to view and control this gallery: https://norcalrovers.smugmug.com/Event-Photos/OktRoverFest2016?mobile=true


Android/Google folks:   Here is a shared folder on my OneDrive account: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AnlJEqw3e1uTsMt5SWrFxftNrjE8bA


**IF** there is a way I can download, in-bulk, content from an album you "Share" with me, or in some other googley-way, then feel welcome to add me to your album by sharing with Tom@TomOwen.NET


Thans and great to see/meet some many people!!

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Tom, the new options for pic sharing are much appreciated! :D


For all of us Google Photos users (+Tom), if you add the pics you want to share to an album, any user can do a 1-click download from your shared album by clicking the 3 menu dots in the upper right and choosing "Download All". This will instantly start a zip file download to the computer. 

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Uploaded pics to Tom's site for Lutzi & I's overland trip to the Annual via Clear Creek. We climbed from 250 feet (Paso Robles) to 5,266 feet to reach the peak of San Benito Mountain.



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Photo Request!

Pics of the swag you won or got in the raffle please


All of the gear provide to the raffle was donated by our Sponsors - yay!

This year our club has the means to give back by way of social media and sharing photos for their websites


Please send me pics of there stuff in action. Got a T-Shirt?  Send a photo. Won a gear bag? Send a photo in the back of your rig. Skottle? Yup, Rumple?? Yup - snuggle up and take a photo... Safe Jack? Tire repair Kit? Inflator? Yup Yup Yup...  Winch Line, Stereo, Amo Cans (No, the "Fat 50" is not named after me!) NEW LADDER MOUNTED ON YOUR TRUCK... Yup and HELL YUP!


Don't violate any self-imposed "Selfie Restrictions" or anything incriminating (Witness Protection Program, or while behaving like a "Jeeper", etc...) but please help us pay back our sponsors, think of it as an investment in Next Year's raffle :-)


You can upload to the forum and/or send to me directly (vice-president@norcalrovers.org) - THANKS!!



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I wasted no time installing the underseat storage from Garrison Outfitters.

I can't recall if they were from Garrison or via a reseller.

Anyways, here are some pix of the install and use- keep my multimeter, knife, etc. in a safe place. :)


Just realized I no longer need a tool chest in my garage. Just about everything I use/need are stored in my truck. A big, mobile, go (almost) anywhere tool chest.





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Just realized I no longer need a tool chest in my garage. Just about everything I use/need are stored in my truck. A big, mobile, go (almost) anywhere tool chest.

Oh no, you are so very wrong.  You can NEVER have enough tools or tool boxes*...


*I was just measuring for my tool storage area in the new shop...23' to work with and I plan to use every inch.  :)

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