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....so be sure to come to the MORG the day before and get your rig good and dirty!  Nothing like mud and dirt dripping off a well-used Rover right next to a 'never seen rain, only driven on Sundays' Ferrari.




OK, a few Ferrari owners actually use their cars; I've been on track with them on occasion.  But it seems like most are garage queens.  And that's just not right.

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....so be sure to come to the MORG the day before and get your rig good and dirty!  Nothing like mud and dirt dripping off a well-used Rover right next to a 'never seen rain, only driven on Sundays' Ferrari.




OK, a few Ferrari owners actually use their cars; I've been on track with them on occasion.  But it seems like most are garage queens.  And that's just not right.

Like Twinkies, hermetically sealed. Good for a 100yrs. :lol:

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Over the weekend a few more people send me their truck info.  I have sheets done for Rupert and both of Guampilot (Mike)'s rigs.


I also corrected spelling on names for Tom and Justin


I'm still waiting on info for a few of you, so email me a pic or two plus the details of your rig.  zelatore1@gmail.com


I'll take this to FedEx and have everything printed and laminated and bring the sheets with me to the event.  I was hoping to get it done this weekend but seems some of you guys like to wait to the last minute as much as I do.


Mike D90 cut sheet.pdf

Mike D110 cut sheet.pdf

Rupert LR3 cut sheet.pdf

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Over the weekend a few more people send me their truck info.  I have sheets done for Rupert and both of Guampilot (Mike)'s rigs.


I also corrected spelling on names for Tom and Justin


I'm still waiting on info for a few of you, so email me a pic or two plus the details of your rig.  zelatore1@gmail.com


I'll take this to FedEx and have everything printed and laminated and bring the sheets with me to the event.  I was hoping to get it done this weekend but seems some of you guys like to wait to the last minute as much as I do.


Error on my pdf. My LR3 is 2005. If you can also add GOPRO camera to mods.


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Like Twinkies, hermetically sealed. Good for a 100yrs. :lol:

Come on, no way Twinkies could last 100 years.  Nobody could resist them that long!




(may have to bring some to the MORG now!)

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Come on, no way Twinkies could last 100 years.  Nobody could resist them that long!




(may have to bring some to the MORG now!)

Old Twinkies or new Twinkies?

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Come on, no way Twinkies could last 100 years. Nobody could resist them that long!




(may have to bring some to the MORG now!)

If the choice was between Twinkies or starving, I'd be seriously tempted to just starve.

Old Twinkies or new Twinkies?

Doesn't matter, the half-life of a Twinkie is around 465 years, give or take.


Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

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Over the weekend a few more people send me their truck info.  I have sheets done for Rupert and both of Guampilot (Mike)'s rigs.


I also corrected spelling on names for Tom and Justin


I'm still waiting on info for a few of you, so email me a pic or two plus the details of your rig.  zelatore1@gmail.com


I'll take this to FedEx and have everything printed and laminated and bring the sheets with me to the event.  I was hoping to get it done this weekend but seems some of you guys like to wait to the last minute as much as I do.

Thank you for doing this Don.  I like the consistent look.



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If the choice was between Twinkies or starving, I'd be seriously tempted to just starve.

Doesn't matter, the half-life of a Twinkie is around 465 years, give or take.


Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

What are you, some kind of Commie..... not liking Twinkies is just un-American!

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I can bring this sign.


Oh never mind.  Come to think about it; not in good taste; don't want a "wall" that can add fuel to the fire in dividing this country further more :)


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Burnout? Does that term even belong in the same sentence with "Land Rover"? Ever?


The closest I can get is when pulling away from a stop and making a turn at the same time accelerating hard, the inside rear tire will chirp a little when the Detroit unlocks. Of course, I do have a manual tranny, LT230 and that fire-breathing 4.2, so that helps, I'm sure.


Two words for ya.


Timm MF'n Cooper ;)

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Make sure to check your tire pressure and Traction Control before leaving. Otherwise you might end up like this gashat.



I was making that left anyway?   If a Land Rover did that, it would have been a statement not an aside..

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Not sure if it matters, but the first post has me listed as 1997. That would make me a D1.


Mine's a 2001.

Corrected.  Oops, late hour digitis maximus with cerebral flatulence.

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17 cars and 15 spots....can't we all get together if we tell them ahead of time?


I am thinking of a East Bay convoy from the In n Out Livermore (580 /N. Livermore) and then a nice 18 mile drive on 2 lane roads out the canyons.




Anyone interested in meeting up and going with?  If we leave by 6:00 from Livermore should be at CC by 630 and may get to see some deer/wildlife along the way.

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