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Hi Everyone!  I'm a little behind on posting the MORG for July due to the Oregon trip, starting today!


July's MORG will land on the 4th (something to consider if you've already made plans) -- we will be at Hollister SVRA (we'll try to find some cool Bay Area onshore breezes as the summer starts to heat up.)  More information will be provided soon.


You can RSVP in the NCLR Calendar here.

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Birthday bummer? What, are you turning 40 or something?

 Lol I meant 


I'll be in Vegas for my birthday that day, bummer


Bad punctuation 


Really want to go on some trips now that I have all my new parts installed.  

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40 isnt that bad. Unless you hurt yourself. Then it hurts longer!

Please. 40 is practically one foot in the grave. 


















::Ducks and runs for cover::



Probably can't make this one. Tough to pull off on holidays.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Where is the meet up area for Hollister Hills on July 4th? It would be my first event with your club.

Hi Hines!


Welcome to your first event at "our" club! This is a casual, come as you are, sort of outing to meet, practice and have some fun. Folks aim to meet in the parking area near the ranger kiosk at 10:00am.

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Bummer age? Neah. 40 is still young; that's the new 30 :)


Taking a break from trail runs, no MORG for me after 6 days on the Oregon trail


Justin, advance happy b-day by the way. If you get tired of the Vegas scene, head to REI (two in Las Vegas) and pick-up

MAP 2470S (Mt Charleston Wilderness) or 2474S (Red Rock Canyon). Nice 4x4 trails West of Vegas. Not too far.

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Lots of fun with Jared, Erin and Jason.https://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/04/a797f140b462b8140fce147ab9639ce0.jpghttps://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/04/e29571d62cbcb0b502a4632065285b0a.jpg
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We had a great time -- the MORG was a little short due to other commitments we had later in the evening, but the theme was to run parts of the park that I didn't have covered on the GPX from past trips.  Some of them were small 'in-between' trails that land parallel to major paths and others were 'diamond' trails that ended up being a piece of cake for all the trucks (wet conditions would probably render much of it un-passable.)  We also came to a series of freshly laid moguls (Alyson posted a video of) which ended up being soft dirt... Jason attacked the first entry mogul and immediately launched his front passenger tire into the air, then came tipping gently in for the next 8-10 of them.

After about 2 hours at Upper Ranch, we stopped for a short break and then crossed over to Hudner, which was open.  I noticed that they are removing the wood fencing and adding metal barb wire fencing over there... not sure if that's to allow for livestock grazing and provide 4x4 access or to stop 4x4ers that wander off trail (we saw a little evidence of that already.)
Alyson led the group in Hudner; we covered a lot of trail in short time due to the low number of trucks, but it was also fun to move at a higher speed.  'Sidewinder' was silty/sandy and made turning and cornering an exercise in maintaining momentum (as it so often comes down to) & was a highlight of the day.
Nice to meet Jason who brought along a really nicely equipped 2003 DII... the color isn't one I've seen many of.  Since you live close by, hopefully you can bring it out more often!


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