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Official Oregon Back Country Discovery 2015 Thread

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Back briefly in the land of cell reception while I collect Michele at the Medford airport.  Many more photos are going up to the photobucket account.  I also have some videos I shot one-handed while driving - not sure how any of them came out but I'll try to upload them when I get back home on wifi.  We've put the saws to further use as well as the recovery gear, but only on trees - no trucks stuck.  The only damage was a flat Rupert picked up about 3 miles before the campground this afternoon.  I helped him swap on his spare and at the camp we managed to 99% plug it with about 10 plugs plus some rubber cement.  It still leaks a bit but should serve as a passable emergency spare for the last day of the run tomorrow.  I'm sure he'll have to replace it - very unlikely a tire shop would do a repair and my plugs are in no way a viable long-term option.


I'm the trail leader tomorrow, and I've already started looking at 'creative' options for getting across the state line to Doris.  Bear has already left the pack, and Chris and Michal are planning to leave us to slab it home tomorrow (kids and prior commitments) so we're down to 6 trucks - Myself, Ron, Rupert, Jerin, Alyson, & Enrique.  Once we get to Doris we'll decide if we're powering on home to the bay area or crashing along the way.  Rupert has offered to let us stay at his place in Redding if needed, so some of us may end up there instead of driving into the late hours of the night.  



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Hey guys I just got word that there's a fire in shasta-trinity national forest. its called the saddle fire and its about 4 miles northwest of Hyampom. as of wed it was 80% contained and about 1500 acres. 

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hey tom here is a link to my photo bucket folder for the oregon trip. <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s33.photobucket.com/user/barron32/embed/slideshow/Oregon%20back%20country%202015"></iframe>. I was hoping you could add it to the smug mug account. I'll keep updating the folder as i upload photos.


Hey Bear,


Thanks!  If you are going to keep upload A) I'll hold off as it seems to zip the entire folder and doesn't disinguish between new and pre-zipped and B) off THIS link to you as place to upload directly to SmugMug.  It will open a java window in your browser and you can drag the whole enchilada over...  http://norcalrovers..../OregonExpo2015


Let me know what millwork best for you and THANKS for sharing!!


UPDATE: I took a look at the link... Great family album!! Do you want to pick a handful that make more sense to share with the group vs. the whole thing? I did grab a couple that I'll use for Instagram (what is your IG ID and I'll tag you if you'd like...)  /thanks




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Klara and I got back home safely last night around 5pm. We needed many long showers to make ourselves presentable again :) We had TONS of fun on the trip and Klara is missing playing with everyone. Thank you Ron and RedRover team for organizing!!!!



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Radio check! Radio check! Do you copy? :)

I've been having ham radio withdraws since Max and I said our good-byes yesterday from the group, and got home
safely last night. What an epic adventure!

Reflecting on this trip. Glad to see the Oregon Discovery Trail back on NCLR's trip calendar (prior to this year
last was in 2010), and hope to see it as an annual event going forward. Saw some good trail leading, but it's
a group effort to plan, and lead trails including navigation and communication which makes the task easier with two
people (important skill sets yet different and equally important), and each individual doing their part to make it
a successful trip.

I've been on 3 Oregon trips including the very first NCLR trip in 2007 and new this year was running the entire
Route 3 from Big Lake, OR to Dorris, CA. Each trip was unique and special to me. This year has the most downed
trees in a concentrated spot including 2 enormous trees (see picture 1) (and here's the qualifier) that the
group "decided" to clear away and triumphed over chainsaws and winches, and lots of elbow grease. Encountered
discouraging downed trees in the past and only to turn-around, and find another route. This year's Oregon Discovery
2015 crew, like the Warriors during the NBA Play-Offs, was determined and victorious! NCLR =1 Oregon Downed Trees = 0 on Day 1.

An epic adventure indeed. Not just because of the group had the tools/equipment and determination to clear away
the downed trees, but how the each members of the group contributed best each can, and helped to reach our
end destinations day after day. This is one of the enduring qualities of the club as a whole.

Total of 7 days for the trip of which 6 days were on the trail, 378 trail miles (seems longer) and 9 trucks
from two Discovery IIs, one RRC, four LR3 and two LR4s. We started our adventure from Big Lake, Oregon to
ending in Dorris, CA. 1 truck left early on day 4, and 2 others left after day 6 due to other commitments.

And what about the scenery and the trails you might be asking! Well, backdrops like the view of the 3 Sisters Mountains,
and driving through forest areas like the Deschutes National Forest were gorgeous. We also took the time to check
Discovery Points like the National Falls, and the Klamath River (picture 2) - even taking a dip in it (picture 3).
The trails were dusty as you can see in the pictures where I needed to change the air filter after the trip. Don't
adjust your screen - my vehicle is still Java Black underneath all the tan colored Oregon dust. Good-byes for now but
will be back in Oregon!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away" - Anonymous.
Spending time on the Oregon Discovery Trail is one of those moments in my book.

Hope everyone made it safe and sound back to your respected homes. Pls post a quick message so we know.








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Quick check in, I lost a red metal mug while helping Michal with his truck. If anyone finds it while unpacking please let me know. Thanks!!

Did not see it. Hope others will chime in.


By way Chris, Max and I stopped @ Carl's for dinner after the trip. Max's favorite is the all natural burger.


Good to see you, your son Rox and your dad Ron on this trip!


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Alex (from BajaLand), Isabel (daughter) and myself pulled into Livermore around midnight last night. Epic trip and great company!  Thanks to all that helped put this trip together and those that led the different legs of the trip.

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Alex (from BajaLand), Isabel (daughter) and myself pulled into Livermore around midnight last night. Epic trip and great company!  Thanks to all that helped put this trip together and those that led the different legs of the trip.

It's always great to see you on any adventures Enrique. Thanks for the food, company and helping the group get to our destination safely

and even ready w/the machete to clear overgrown shrubs on our path of the trails. And also thanks to Isa, and our special guest Alex

from "Baja Land" Land Rover Club in Mexico who was ready to offer a helping hand to clear way our path!


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Klara and I got back home safely last night around 5pm. We needed many long showers to make ourselves presentable again :) We had TONS of fun on the trip and Klara is missing playing with everyone. Thank you Ron and RedRover team for organizing!!!!


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Michal, good to see you and Klara on this trip.


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Hey guys I just got word that there's a fire in shasta-trinity national forest. its called the saddle fire and its about 4 miles northwest of Hyampom. as of wed it was 80% contained and about 1500 acres.

Hey Bear glad you, Trista and Grayson made it to this Oregon trip even though cut short. And thanks for the warning on the

Saddle fire; wasn't near our path and will keep it that way by thinking fire safety always.


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I've finally uploaded all my pics into my photobucket album.  I haven't done any work but to delete the duplicates or obviously bad ones.  If you set the order to 'oldest first', they should be in pretty much chronological order starting with packing for the trip and ending up with some shots of Mt. Shasta on the drive home.



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Quick check in, I lost a red metal mug while helping Michal with his truck. If anyone finds it while unpacking please let me know. Thanks!!

I think it eloped with my red plastic lighter

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Hi guys - how was the last day trail? Anything exciting?



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We took a deture to the top of Signal Peak Chase Mnt. which started out easy but ended up with some brush cutting to push through to the top.  Once there, we found a fire lookout that was manned by a very friendly guy who gave us the 50-cent tour of the place. Outstanding views from up there.  We then cut back over to the original route on Topsy Rd and detoured down to the river for a quick splash in some pretty fast moving water.  Along the way Enrique and Alex had a pretty rare occurrence when they spotted a big cougar.  You don't often see big cats out in the day.  From there it was pretty easy running down to Dorris. 

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Just starting to find my bearings again -- we got home on Saturday afternoon and started to do the unpacking.  The truck was about as dusty as its ever been and as we arrived home I noticed the coolant reservoir lamp was flashing.  Looks like RedRover sprung a small coolant leak on the drive home (note green drip from somewhere on the radiator) so I'll have to start digging into that soon.


The trip was a lot of fun and you couldn't have asked for better weather.  It would have been nice to be able to enjoy more of it while driving, but the dust on the roads was too much to breathe in (my air filter is proof of that!)


Top highlights for me were the National Falls, Huckleberry Campground and the Chase Mountain Lookout.  Forest Road 37 through Deschutes NF was beautiful with some of the more amazing views during the trip.  During the final day of the trip at Hyatt Lake Campground we got some good planning kicked off for Baja 2016 (we may have even convinced Don to go!)


Thanks for a good group of folks to do a trip like this -- it's challenging to pick up and move each day on a run but seeing and driving much of Central to SW Oregon off road made it worth it.














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Yeah, we got home around 10-ish Friday night and didn't even unpack the truck.  Just pulled in, locked it up, and went inside.  The plan was to unpack and maybe do some light maintenance like fix the burned out tail light on Saturday but that morning started with me sitting on the sofa watching Austrian GP qualifying and ended up with pretty much not moving off the sofa all day.  I consider it a test of how well my single battery will hold up running the fridge for an extra day without starting the truck in hot weather.   


Sunday started out the same way, watching the race, but I eventually got off my butt and unloaded the truck.  I also took the pressure washer to it to blast out the worst of the dust/bug splatter as well as try to get some of the zippers on my gear working again.  Dust isn't the best lubricant.  About the only 'maintenance' I did was to order some ball joints and tie rod ends and to sharpen my machete somewhat.

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Before we started our adventure in Oregon, attendees did a good deed; thanks for those who gave.


Pat Vela, President of Siskiyou Habitat for Humanities, sent Brenda, one of the board members, to meet with us

and accepted our generous donations. He wanted to thank us for the donations and sent the attached letter.


Club members who gave should hold on to your receipt, and download a copy of this letter for your records if

you want to claim it on your tax return. I crossed out my info e.g. home address and tel.


Siskiyou Habitat for Humanities is working closely with the Long Term Recovery Group in Weed re: the Boles Fire, and continues to advance

its mission to assist low-income homeowners.


Thanks again!



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I's been a truly rugged, hard-core trip so far.


As you can see, the hotel parking lot was full.  We had to park in the RV area and make a harrowing trek to our rooms.

Sarcasm. Be careful what you asked for :) You must have read the tea leaves as what we all now know what how Day 1 turned out

to be. Thanks Don for having the chainsaw ready and action at all times. Here's a pic of you warming up the machine on one

of the smaller trees. Checklist for future Oregon trip = min 2 chainsaws which worked out for this trip!


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Top highlights for me were the National Falls...

Also thanks to you/Erin, Don/Michele and Michal for taking turns and leading trail runs; 6 days can be exhausting, and

even tougher job leading a large group like ours (9 trucks) and at a good pace; it's easier obviously with two

people - one diving and the other navigating and on comm/ham; but it all worked out, and we had our fun & share of

adventure; most importantly, got to our destinations day after day safely.


Here's you and Erin @ the National Falls. Don't mind the photo bomb (Alex) :)


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Guess what came in mail.


Stickers. Anyone interested, let me know. Two stickers for $8.50 to cover the cost including shipping; one for you and for your co-pilot,

or the other for back-up - we all know stickers wear out and only last till the next trip :)


You can order more via Cafepress Press for $5 each plus tax and shipping, but I ordered a batch (save about $1.50 ea)

and enough for 2 stickers for each of the 9 trucks who participated.


I can drop them off @ the next MORG, meetings, trip, or mail em... Let me know.


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My Disco4 is FIXED  and stationed at its rightful spot :)


Apparently some of the lines were originally not done correctly and that screwed up the whole set up.... I will know more when I pick it up later today.


So shiny and clean!  I'll take two!  :lol:

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