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Tepui Fest 2014

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Hi folks! This upcoming weekend Tepui Fest is happening again at Area 5 of Hollister Hills. The NCLR Club will be their special guests for the event, and we will hold a recovery/winching clinic, winchline repair class, and trail runs. The clinics will run from 10-2 with trail runs afterwards, and Mexxi's will be catering the event:)
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Hi folks! This upcoming weekend Tepui Fest is happening again at Area 5 of Hollister Hills. The NCLR Club will be their special guests for the event, and we will hold a recovery/winching clinic, winchline repair class, and trail runs. The clinics will run from 10-2 with trail runs afterwards, and Mexxi's will be catering the event:)


It's like detox for those who didn't get enough "Annual" last weekend... of course you'll have to deal with *other* less-worthy vehicles near your Rover...


Brenton, can any NCLR club member attend or is it just for those who are Tepui owners?



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Enrique said there are about 75 Teoui attendees. We shouldn't crash their party, but it would be nice if some members wanted to attend the recovery/spotting class or help with some trail runs. The event runs from Friday to Sunday, with most activities happening on Saturday.


The truck is in the shop and I'm hoping it will be ready Thursday, so I can get down there Friday afternoon.

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I'd volunteer to help with the recovery classes, but it's fleet week and I'm working all weekend so no joy for me.


Don, you need to put a picture of your awesome truck in your signature. Oh, and fleet week is so fun!... except maybe for you.



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Enrique said there are about 75 Tepui attendees. We shouldn't crash their party, but it would be nice if some members wanted to attend the recovery/spotting class or help with some trail runs. The event runs from Friday to Sunday, with most activities happening on Saturday.


The truck is in the shop and I'm hoping it will be ready Thursday, so I can get down there Friday afternoon.


I almost volunteered last year as the recoveree on Graeme's trail run. (Darn you ABS!!) Don't think I can make it this year as my hall-pass is getting thin. ;-)

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I almost volunteered last year as the recoveree on Graeme's trail run.)


Yes, that was very high in my mind when I decided Lucas wasn't going down there during the trail run this year .... seeing Lutz bounce/slide down the first part, I could see that it was looser than last year. I knew one out of the group wouldn't make that turn at the bottom, and that wouldn't have been pretty ....thus the decision to turn and go back the other way. Sometimes the "been there, nearly picked up the pieces" memory is the best survival instinct.


Those maps they give out don't even show that trail ....



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Those maps they give out don't even show that trail ....




I don't think half the trails are on the 'official' Hollister maps. They're just this side of useless.

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It will be Deja vu. I'll be there Saturday to attend the winch clinic and volunteer to run trails after 2pm. Afterwards stay, relax, enjoy the band and food and camp just Saturday night and leave next day.


Besides Brenton, me, and Rob Black (winner of the Tepui Tent this year), who else are going and want to help lead trail runs for the Tepui guests?

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It will be Deja vu. I'll be Saturday to attend the winch clinic and volunteer to run trails from 10-2pm. Afterwards stay, relax, enjoy the band and food and camp just Saturday night and leave next day.


Besides Brenton, me, and Rob Black (winner of the Tepui Tent this year), who else are going and want to help lead trail runs for the Tepui guests?


My lawn is starting to look like a jungle -- I think that's the only adventure I'll be having this weekend -- sorry gents.



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I think the runs will be after 2pm. I have the spotting/driving clinic from 10-11:30, 30 minute break for lunch (or make it) from 12-1pm the splicing class, and winch recovery from 1-2pm. Of course, I'll need some help or other trucks during that time too:)


We could really use a couple more people for the trail runs. Either leader or tail gunner.

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Mexxis will feed any volunteers that can make it this weekend, all meals (fri nite, sat am, sat pm & sun am) except for lunch on Saturday are covered.


I may not be able to help lead/tail gun if the run is at 2pm


hope to see you there!

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I think the runs will be after 2pm. I have the spotting/driving clinic from 10-11:30, 30 minute break for lunch (or make it) from 12-1pm the splicing class, and winch recovery from 1-2pm. Of course, I'll need some help or other trucks during that time too:)


We could really use a couple more people for the trail runs. Either leader or tail gunner.


You're right. Correction: trail runs lead by NCLR after 2pm.


So far we have myself (trail leader) and Rob (tail gunner) for 1 run. Good for 7-10 vehicles.


Be good to have 1 more leader and gunner for the next 7-10 vehicles like last year!

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Mexxis will feed any volunteers that can make it this weekend, all meals (fri nite, sat am, sat pm & sun am) except for lunch on Saturday


Come on gals/guys be a trail leader or gunner for Saturday after 2pm. Dinner included. I'll even provide the Pacificos (smile). Suppose to be a band playing; should be a hopping Saturday with good food, drinks and music @ Tepui Fest!

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Sorry I can't make it. Working all weekend.


But I am interested in purchasing a Tepui awning. Do u think they will bringing any items for sale? I am hoping Rob could bring it back for me.

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Come on gals/guys be a trail leader or gunner for Saturday after 2pm. Dinner included. I'll even provide the Pacificos (smile). Suppose to be a band playing; should be a hopping Saturday with good food, drinks and music @ Tepui Fest!




Wish I could, it was a good event last year .... but alas I'll be in Prince George .... first work trip for ages and it has to collide with several other events.



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Come on gals/guys be a trail leader or gunner for Saturday after 2pm. Dinner included. I'll even provide the Pacificos (smile). Suppose to be a band playing; should be a hopping Saturday with good food, drinks and music @ Tepui Fest!




I can make it on Saturday. I would prefer to be tail gunner though since I'm not real familiar with the trails.


Don't think Jared will come, so it will just me and RedRover. :)


Let me know what time you need me to be there.



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I'm still thinking if how to do the winch class. There's some good potential areas to get lightly stuck behind the dirt mounds in Area 5. I was also thinking of parking some trucks to do and angled pull with a snatch block off a bumper. There's a little gully we could also pull a truck out of, or demonstrate a double line self recovery. I hope to get the early enough to formulate a pla, but would love to hear any other ideas.
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I can make it on Saturday. I would prefer to be tail gunner though since I'm not real familiar with the trails.


Don't think Jared will come, so it will just me and RedRover. :)


Let me know what time you need me to be there.




I think if you could be there by 9, that would work. Any earlier would be bonus.

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I can make it on Saturday. I would prefer to be tail gunner though since I'm not real familiar with the trails.


Don't think Jared will come, so it will just me and RedRover. :)


Let me know what time you need me to be there.




You are on Erin; got a tail gunner!

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But I am interested in purchasing a Tepui awning. Do u think they will bringing any items for sale? I am hoping Rob could bring it back for me.


Ted, talk to Rob first and then Tepui; he's suppose to contact Evan @ Tepui; to let him know he was the winner of the tent raffle, and would like to pick it up at Tepui Fest this Saturday.


Awning is not that large; make the purchase and suppose it be added to Rob's pick-up.

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Bought the 6 ft awning! Tepui will bring it to hollister and Rob will be picking it up for me. Can't wait to set it up!


Got a 10% discount for being an NCLR member.

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