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Land Rover Parts, Wrenching, BBQ Lunch and 4x4 Trails

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For Bay Area Members:


Below is the route I'll be taking, with waypoints that you can meet up at. I'll be starting at Specialty's Cafe at 7:30. Click on the map thumbnail below to get a bigger map. Please confirm if you'll be meeting up with the caravan and at which waypoint so we know to wait for you; otherwise we leave at the departure times listed.









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For Bay Area Members:


Below is the route I'll be taking, with waypoints that you can meet up at. I'll be starting at Specialty's Cafe at 7:30. Click on the map thumbnail below to get a bigger map. Please confirm if you'll be meeting up with the caravan and at which waypoint so we know to wait for you; otherwise we leave at the departure times listed.










Hi Jared,


I might catch up with you the at the Starbucks at Mission blvd.

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I thought about another, more scenic way but it's a long drive when we're trying to be there around 10:30AM... and there were no ghosts to eat.



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For Bay Area Members:


Below is the route I'll be taking, with waypoints that you can meet up at. I'll be starting at Specialty's Cafe at 7:30. Click on the map thumbnail below to get a bigger map. Please confirm if you'll be meeting up with the caravan and at which waypoint so we know to wait for you; otherwise we leave at the departure times listed.










Jared, the image doesn't get any bigger for me. It looks like the second way point is House of Bagels, but I can't read the location or time. What is it?

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The graphic is big, but here is a direct link:




House of Bagels in Concord is the 3rd waypoint; we arrive at 9:00AM and head out at 9:15 (so if you want a bagel, order ahead) ::amuse::



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Hi Jared,


I might catch up with you the at the Starbucks at Mission blvd.


Sounds good Anudeep --


So I want to meet at the bagel place. However i will have a giant trailer with me. I will message on the radio when i am close and we can carpool out.

That shop is only 1.2 miles from my house

I will try and get there right at 9:15

monitor 146.460


I will be monitoring 146.460... we will only have a 5W handheld so hopefully it will work sufficiently.



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Hey all -- great event yesterday. I went through some of the videos Erin & I recorded briefly last night -- good stuff. ::bigsmile::


We dropped Pedram off, got home and crashed. I have to change the oil on the RRC this afternoon, do a preflight inspection for Lost Coast next weekend (maybe even start some truck loading) but I will try to post some videos I have later tonight.



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Thank you Anudeep for the ride in. And Jared for the ride home. Glad everyone showed up. I loved the beating up the RAV4. Thanks Justin for everything. I'll be back for more parts when your ready. And thank you for putting this together. I owe you.
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Where do dead Land Rovers go? @ British Recylers. And then they come back to life thru parts and pieces to support the remaining Land Rovers on earth!


Thanks again Justin and crew from British Recyclers. BBQ, drinks, and LR parts, bashing a Freelander and then 4x4 playground - what a great afternoon!


And LR3/Range Rover Sports do have frames - see picture #3


And I'll want to pay for the D2 glass (from unit 14-003); it's not heated but will do, and then have the glass installer install it onsite. Thanks again. Just PM when the glass is ready.

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Another great rover day






















More to come from Prairie city.

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First off I just wanted to thank everyone who came out and made this meetup a huge success!


Everything seemed to go swell (well besides me completely missing Prairie City's entrance LOL). Looks like everyone had a blast destroying that Freelander


Really hoping to make this an annual thing and have the club come out more often, maybe next year host a NCLR / BritishRecyclers Thanksgiving dinner here at the shop. "Wrenching, Off roading, and Turkeys!"


I will have the video up tonight and some pictures uploaded here shortly (still have to unpack my computer from the LAN Event and Intel)



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