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Gauging Interest: Meteor Shower Trip August 8-10, 2014

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Gauging Interest: Meteor Shower Trip*

August 8-10, 2014(Truckee Area)


Note: This year the plan is for a group to start earlier in the week, August 4th or 5th and do a little expedition style trip through the Sierras and then end up at White Rock Lake on 8/8/14. There is a separate thread for the Sierra Expedition trip.


What: A weekend trip to the Sierras to watch rocks fall out of the sky


When: August 8-10 2014(non negotiable: don't get mad at me, I'm not responsible for when the parent comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle flies by.


Where: White Rock Lake, 17 miles north of Truckee on Hwy 89, then less than 2 hours off road.


Who: everyone. this is a family oriented trip. Even though I was a zombie last year I think this was an awesome trip for NCLR and we had a huge turnout.


What to expect: The drive into the lake is suitable for all stock rovers. There are many ways in from 90 minutes to 4-5 hours depending on which route you chose. With this said, it will be a night drive in so there will be plenty of fun, easy excitement. Once at the lake there is tons to do: fishing, boating/kayaking, swimming, hiking, wheeling (there are trails from the lake to Nevada City off Hwy 20).


Basic Itinerary

Friday 8/8/14: As there will be a group with me doing the Sierra Expedition Trip, Friday you are on your own to get to camp. It’s easy and I have the routes for you.


Saturday 8/9/14 spend the day doing whatever you want from the activities listed above or what makes you happy and is legal and not offensive to the general population. There are a ton of trails. Saturday night we can do propane campfires, so bring them if you have them, and then settle in for some sky watching.


Sunday 8/10/14 breakfast on your own and break camp. usually back to Livermore by early afternoon.



*Please let me know who/how to submit trip request form again, thanks.

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We will be there. Trying to swing a portion of the Expedition as well. I may do a few days of the Expedition and then my wife may drive up Friday/Saturday to meet us since she has an LR3 now. The first time we saw our LR3 was at White Rock Lake last year when Sasquatch was driving it.
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Guest Pedram



Camp fires? Legal or need a permit? I ask because I read propane heat.....


Can I bring a trailer? I know Rupert did last time. I forgot to ask how it went.


Any pictures from the previous trip? I kinda want to get a read on the place. I heard about you guys being split into multiple camp sites.

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Campfires: don't plan on it, fire restrictions are already in place. I used my propane campfire pit for Bowman and for this trip last year and it was fine

Trailer: absolutely, nothing too hard core.

Yes we split up as there are multiple sites around the lake but the large group was at a site where we could fit many trucks (like 20)


UPDATE: I will be combining the expedition thread and the meteor shower threads and I will be shortening the expedition part to weds-fri and still ending at white rock for the meteor shower part. stay tuned.



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UPDATE: I will be combining the expedition thread and the meteor shower threads and I will be shortening the expedition part to weds-fri and still ending at white rock for the meteor shower part. stay tuned.




Lucas and I may be on for this, but only Friday to Saturday morning (and possibly Thursday). Lucas will be racing DH at Northstar on Sunday, so he'll be practicing on Saturday. I may be too if I ever find a bike ....



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The drive into the lake is suitable for all stock rovers.


Yep. Took my heavily-laden Subaru in with the pack after midnight Friday night. Only had one or two spots where I rubbed. All rovers can do it in their sleep, which might be the case if you go late.


My kids want to go again, Doc, so count us in for at least the weekend trip. We'll have the 110 this time.

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Guest Pedram
Yep. Took my heavily-laden Subaru in with the pack after midnight Friday night. Only had one or two spots where I rubbed. All rovers can do it in their sleep, which might be the case if you go late.


My kids want to go again, Doc, so count us in for at least the weekend trip. We'll have the 110 this time.


Sweet the LEDedfender is going.....

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Trail is simple at the lake for a trailer and I plan on bringing my Horizon. Not sure what the first couple days of trail driving will be like for a trailer but I cannot imagine it being too much.



Camp fires? Legal or need a permit? I ask because I read propane heat.....


Can I bring a trailer? I know Rupert did last time. I forgot to ask how it went.


Any pictures from the previous trip? I kinda want to get a read on the place. I heard about you guys being split into multiple camp sites.

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Trail is simple at the lake for a trailer and I plan on bringing my Horizon. Not sure what the first couple days of trail driving will be like for a trailer but I cannot imagine it being too much.


Can't wait to see your new trailer. Jealous!


I will request Wed through Sunday off for the longer trip with hopes of my wife meeting up Friday night or Saturday morning.

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Yes dogs are allowed!! I will either bring my dog or my son as I'm not ready to deal with both yet and I am planning in doing the expedition part. Most likely will bring my son 3yo.


Awesome! Thanks so much. If I am able to go, I likely won't do the Expedition portion, but will likely need to bring the dogs (Anatolian Shephered and Greyhound).

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