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Meeting of the Members & Board Elections - May 4,2014

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Hello everyone!


Save the date on May 4, 2014 for the MoM and NCLR Club elections. The meeting will start at 12:00 pm and once the votes have been tallied, the new BoD will hold their second meeting of 2014. If you'd like to talk about the Annual Event, this is a good time to let your ideas be heard.


The Meeting of the Members (MoM) is the NCLR Club's second largest gathering, with the Annual Event being the first. Once again Mexxi's (in San Ramon) will be hosting this event. Part of this meeting is about meeting some new faces, and reconnecting with old friends. There is typically a swap meet, you can grab some extra NCLR merch, go over trips ideas, or just hang out and look for your next mod. It's also the day when elections are held.


The role of Director is to be the voice of the membership, as well as having the power to vote on club business. Directors serve a two year term.


These are the Directors at the end of their terms:


Michael Beaver

Jen Long

Mike McClung

Kevin Suttle


Officers of the club are voted in by the Directors. Any member may be an Officer and serve a one year term.


President - Brenton Corns

Vice President - Colin Brown

Treasurer - Jen Long

Secretary - Tom Owen

Director of Affairs - Michael Beaver


If you are interested in running for Director/ Officer, or, if you'd like further info about these positions, post them here or send me a PM.

Stay tuned for more details about the election, and how to cast your vote if you are unable to attend the meeting.

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I haven't really met many of you guys so I feel this may be a good chance to do so. Count me and my wife in.


That's why we have the meeting! Hope to see you there. I'd like to talk a bit about the website, as I've heard great things about you from Colin.

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So... should I start a campaign? J/K


I would like to run for a position on the BOD. For those who know me, know how I feel about keeping our focus on the sense of community we share with one another and our common interests, as Land Rover owners. I was present at the last board meeting, and while I don't hold a decision making position, I think it's important that we strive to keep California OHV parks and off-road areas open. For those that are unfamiliar with the challenges OHV groups face and the possibility of OHV parks in California closing or routes being closed off either due to environmental issues or lack of funding, should review the final report on the California Resource Agency website as well as Carnegie Forever. While many of these issues have been on-going for many years, it's something that should always be in the forefront so we can continue to enjoy the benefits (of our tax dollars) and the beautiful state that we all love very much.





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There's a tight schedule for everything to fall into place for both Cal4 and dues.


The Cal4 meeting is April 5th. That is when they will elect to vote us in and join with them. Once that happens the BoD needs to decide (and vote) how much dues will go up. Cal4 membership is $45 annually and will be part of your NCLR dues. The Club has been loosing money every year and we can't continue to operate off of the left over $15. The increase will probably be around $15-20, which isn't bad considering this will be the first time in the 8 year history of the club it's happened. We will drop our liability insurance, but need to retain the D&O insurance. Going forward any insurance requests will go through Cal4, and costs us $200/day (when needed). Right now only the Annual Event falls under this requirement.


Once the decision is made about dues a notification will go out to members before voting for club Directors and Officers opens. If you have paid already, we will ask you to cover the additional increase in dues. If you haven't renewed, we will get a new PayPal link setup (there are a couple different ones now). This is why we haven't pushed for member renewals, as we don't know what the new dues will be, or if Cal4 will accept us (though it seems like a given at this point). At the end of June, Cal4 needs to have their membership dues. They will get a copy of our member roster and a check for the amount due ($45 times the number of members).


I really love the NCLR Club, and it has been tough getting us through this transitional period of finding insurance, Cal4, and member dues. And on top of that the club elections are right in the middle of everything and we are also working to revamp the website. There's a lot going on and I appreciate each and every member for your support! I look forward to having this off my shoulders and instead focusing our time getting another fun and exciting Annual Event planned.

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If we are up for re election (as I am) do we have a forum/place to introduce ourselves/campaign or do we do that here?


I am up for reelection and would like to be included in the ballot for reelection. So, I need to know where to do that. There may be so many people who don't even know who I am that I need to reach out to.





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There's a tight schedule for everything to fall into place for both Cal4 and dues.


The Cal4 meeting is April 5th. That is when they will elect to vote us in and join with them. Once that happens the BoD needs to decide (and vote) how much dues will go up. Cal4 membership is $45 annually and will be part of your NCLR dues. The Club has been loosing money every year and we can't continue to operate off of the left over $15. The increase will probably be around $15-20, which isn't bad considering this will be the first time in the 8 year history of the club it's happened. We will drop our liability insurance, but need to retain the D&O insurance. Going forward any insurance requests will go through Cal4, and costs us $200/day (when needed). Right now only the Annual Event falls under this requirement.


Once the decision is made about dues a notification will go out to members before voting for club Directors and Officers opens. If you have paid already, we will ask you to cover the additional increase in dues. If you haven't renewed, we will get a new PayPal link setup (there are a couple different ones now). This is why we haven't pushed for member renewals, as we don't know what the new dues will be, or if Cal4 will accept us (though it seems like a given at this point). At the end of June, Cal4 needs to have their membership dues. They will get a copy of our member roster and a check for the amount due ($45 times the number of members).


I really love the NCLR Club, and it has been tough getting us through this transitional period of finding insurance, Cal4, and member dues. And on top of that the club elections are right in the middle of everything and we are also working to revamp the website. There's a lot going on and I appreciate each and every member for your support! I look forward to having this off my shoulders and instead focusing our time getting another fun and exciting Annual Event planned.


Wow - big changes this year. Thanks for all the hard work it is appreciated. Did the board meeting last month result in the CA4WD membership for NCLR? Any impact on age limits for members - do we take memberships from people under 21 now? Does this mean the recent slate of UNNOFFICIAL trips can start becoming OFFICIAL?

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If we are up for re election (as I am) do we have a forum/place to introduce ourselves/campaign or do we do that here?


I am up for reelection and would like to be included in the ballot for reelection. So, I need to know where to do that. There may be so many people who don't even know who I am that I need to reach out to.






This thread is a good place for anyone to post their introductions and where on the Board they'd like to be.

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Wow - big changes this year. Thanks for all the hard work it is appreciated. Did the board meeting last month result in the CA4WD membership for NCLR? Any impact on age limits for members - do we take memberships from people under 21 now? Does this mean the recent slate of UNNOFFICIAL trips can start becoming OFFICIAL?


From our last Board meeting, we voted to be voted into Cal4 (if that makes sense). This Saturday (April 5th) is the Northern Regional meeting for Cal4. I will be at the meeting to introduce and represent the NCLR Club, and hand over the required paperwork. I will leave the room while they decide to officially vote us into the association. Once in, the rest of the meeting I assume, will be updates to any legal issues and reading of the various EIR (Environmental Impact Report) around our area. If anyone would like to attend the meeting (starts at 9:30am in Sacramento) I can post the address.


As of now the age limit of joining the NCLR Club is 18. Fully licensed and insured drivers 16+ are allowed to drive on any NCLR or Cal4 trip, assuming all local laws and regulations are followed.


Once we are with Cal4 and have dropped our current insurance carrier, there should be no problem having more official trips. If you need insurance for these trips there is a process to get that through Cal4. Details will be posted once everything has gone through.

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This thread is a good place for anyone to post their introductions and where on the Board they'd like to be.


With that being said, my tenure with the Board of Directors appears to have come to the biannual conclusion once again. I have placed my name on the ballot for the election to once again be seated on the Board. Being one of the founding members and having held Officer positions as Club Sec, Club Treasurer, and Club President I have spent a good amount of the last 8 years or more as part of this organization. I hope to be present as a board member to support the wants of the membership at large while supporting the officers in their duty to deliver on those dreams. I will continue to bring a historical view of club past to ensure that the original goal of the club (to be a Land Rover family for families) is combined with the continued growth in expectations, destinations, and anticipation for membership representing past, present, and future.


If my contributions over the past years have left me in your individual good graces, I would ask again for the honor of your vote. I know there are many qualified candidates and I hope to able to serve for two more years.


Thank you. astateofMike.

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Well I feel a little bit stupid...


Thought this was for Friday April 4th and didn't bother to check prior to leaving my house Friday.


Arrived at mexiis saw no Rovers and thought "hmmm this can't be right"... Waited about an hour until decided to just double check the date.





Its next month...


Oh well, See you guys in May :D

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You at least got some great food for your drive home though, right?


Sure did


Although It was nice having a friday off just solely to take the Rover out on a drive alone.


So it wasn't a wasted trip

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I am big fan of using this time for show n tell so if you have a mod or product or idea that can benefit members, post here. Also big in recycling or buying used goods, post if you have goodies to sell at a good price.


Sell you all

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