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2013 Mendo Rally

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Is anyone interested in being part of the Mendo Rally again this year? Last year we had some HAMs out there helping coordinate communications along the trail, and it sounded like a fun time.


Here is their pdf with info. If there's enough interest we can make this another official NCLR outing.

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Went last year w/Tom, and Chuck. 3 LR trucks; we volunteered as Ham radio communication support. It you like rally cars/rally events, very cool. Be prepared to deal with heat and lots of dust. Since you or your group will be sitting for hours tracking rally cars, having a fridge or cooler full of your favorite beverage is a must.


Here are pictures and trip info from last year:


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Is anyone interested in being part of the Mendo Rally again this year? Last year we had some HAMs out there helping coordinate communications along the trail, and it sounded like a fun time.


Interested. But why do they always clash with other events? Same weekend as the Moto GP at Laguna Seca.





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NCLR's - Here is an email update from the Communications Director or the Mendocino Rally. Chuck & Tyler, Ron and I did the event last year and it was a lot of fun! I'm not looking at a calendar but *perhaps* this can be combine with the Lost coast trip?? Anyway, they close the venue for the event, we were able to camp at the top of Cow Mountain, etc... The Rally itself is quite entertaining to watch and the role of Comm/HAM is vital to the event. Win-Win.


Look at your calendars and consider making this trip!


From Rally:


Hello All: The Mendocino Rally will be held July 20 and 21. This year will be a 2 day event, with new courses in Lake County on Saturday as well as last year's Cow Mountain area on Sunday. This addition increases the status of the event in Rally World. A map link is included at the end of this email. Because the locus of the event will be primarily in Lake County, the Headquarters Hotel will either be the Robison Rancheria near Nice, CA, or another hotel on the South end of the Lake. There will be a Friday night welcome party and hopefully a Saturday night awards and volunteer party. I will keep you advised as this develops.

The new courses will include 2 separate road sections as shown in the map link. At times both will be running at the same time and there will be separate simplex nets for each course. Dave W6IBC, Jim KI6REK, Doug KF6LMB, John KG6PEP and I have run comm tests. A mobile rig with a mag mount works fine, and there are HT and FRS friendly spots as well. We timed it as 1.5 hours from downtown Santa Rosa to the course entrance on Highway 20.

The Cow Mountain course on Sunday will be the same as last year, except the Start will be on the East end from Lakeport rather than Ukiah. That will not affect Comms or time to the course. Radio Volunteers can still enter from the Ukiah side if that is more convenient.

Registration: Renewal of registration is required for insurance purposes, T shirts, lunch, etc. Go to the Rally website http://www.mendocinorally.com/ and follow the links to register. Your old log-in info should still be good. We are making arrangements for pre-rally and on-course check in to get your wristband and course pass so it will not be necessary to go to the headquarters hotel. The Live Drill and Practice will be July 7, 2013, at 10:00 AM, at Youth Community Park, Fulton Road, across from Piner High School, Santa Rosa. The lousy website has a map, but no physical address. You can check in there, get your wristband, but still you must register on the Rally website.

We look forward to you being here again for either or both days. Feel free to bring a ham or non-ham friend. Just have them register and request to be assigned to you. This will be a fun event.


Pat Coyle KG6JSL

Comm Director, Mendo Rally


Map Link: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=205644825606633376501.0004d6d0ef411e0f86aac&msa=0 This is not final!!



Map Link: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=205644825606633376501.0004d6d0ef411e0f86aac&msa=0 This is not final!!

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I think I'm up for this. I don't have anything else planned for that weekend, since it's in July this year instead of August I won't be in Washington during the rally. And after all, my house is only 15 minutes away from the Cow Mtn. staging area on the Lakeport side.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like fun. I am not sure if I can swing it, but I have a colleague who will be racing in it. He has a well prepared Suburu. I will find out which class he is racing in so you can keep an eye out for him. He just wrapped it in black vinyl from the white below.



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Interested. But why do they always clash with other events? Same weekend as the Moto GP at Laguna Seca.






My thought exactly. Will be there thursday- saturday.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gents -


It looks like we have some interest and I can say from experience, this is a really fun event!!


My question is this (at the risk of volunteering myself) who is/has taken the lead to communicate/coordinate with Jim Robinson of Mendo Rally? Also, Brenton or Colin, could/should we make an Official Mendo Rally posting with sign-ups etc and where we can post related info and updates from Jim et al?


This is really fun and a "cute little rally produced by a rag-tag bunch of enthusiasts" I was thinking it would be good to let them know what kind of support they can expect from us.





Part-time Assistant to NCLR Secretary Beaver /jk

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Gents -


It looks like we have some interest and I can say from experience, this is a really fun event!!


My question is this (at the risk of volunteering myself) who is/has taken the lead to communicate/coordinate with Jim Robinson of Mendo Rally? Also, Brenton or Colin, could/should we make an Official Mendo Rally posting with sign-ups etc and where we can post related info and updates from Jim et al?


This is really fun and a "cute little rally produced by a rag-tag bunch of enthusiasts" I was thinking it would be good to let them know what kind of support they can expect from us.





Part-time Assistant to NCLR Secretary Beaver /jk


UPDATE: My OCD,ADD,ADHD, whatever kicked in and I sent Jim a note that we, NCLR, are rally-ing (pun) the troops and would have a contingent available to them including a request for Heavy Sweep and an offer to repeat the Event Photography. I'll get an update/confirmation on Cow Mountain camping so we are not all sleeping on Dan's couch :-)





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I don't know what you guys did last year in terms of camping, but there are two camping areas at South Cow Mtn. (which is a the OHV section of the mountain) The Red Mountain campground is the larger, more popular and easy to get to site with 10 sites, it's closer to the Ukiah side and right near the Obstacle course. I suspect that this is where you stayed last year. A little closer to the Lakeport side, about 10 or 15 minutes away from Red Mtn. is Buckhorn camp, which has only four sites but is a much nicer (and usually quieter) campground. The sites are large and will hold multiple vehicles and tents. Neither site has running water, both have vault toilets. There are also some unofficial sites with no facilities scattered around the mountain.
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I just signed up for Heavy Sweep I think with Jim. He said he liked the job we did last year.


I may need to cancel out though, or only go for one of the two days. We are double booked that weekend up by Lake Pillsbury for a birthday party I need to go to. Wondering if someone else would be interested -- maybe I do it on Saturday, you ride with me, then you do it on Sunday with someone else once familiar with course, HAM procedures, etc.


You'd need a rig with lots of recovery gear, ability to use winch/tow strap quickly to clear course of any damaged vehicles. Last year I had a recovery involving a winch extension line, two pulley pull. Should also be a heavy rig. Always good to have a backup rig in case somebody breaks. Also be experienced in towing people out of trouble to safe location.

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Dan, how long is the commute from Lake Pillsbury to the race location?


Last year, they shut down Cow Mountain around the race course and we had exclusive access to the campground way up high in the mounatins -- don't know the location but there were more than 4 sites so it must have been Red Mountain. That was where the main HAM Net for race communciations was set up.

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Dan, how long is the commute from Lake Pillsbury to the race location?



Should be around an hour and a half, maybe hour and three quarters from Red Mtn. campground to Barry's gate, going through Ukiah and Potter Valley. Probably well over two hours if you were to come down to Lakeport and go up through Upper Lake and take Elk Mtn. Rd.

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Colin - if you are up for it, go ahead and register, put Heavy Sweep with Chuck Mobraten in the comments, and then we can figure it out as the event gets closer. I'm already registered, and think it would be good to have a couple rigs set up (with co-pilots). It sounds like the event is pretty close to where I am going to be staying that weekend -- so may end up being able to be there both days anyway.
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At this point I have nothing else on my calendar for that weekend so I should be able to make it as well. Even if I don't get my tranny replaced by that time (and I should be able to do so) I would be able to drive it that far with the tranny as it is now and use it for recovery, etc.
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@Colin: Can we move this to Member's Area?


I have an update from Jim: Glad we are involved, Chuck is signed up as Heavy Sweep, HAM's needed and Camping is permitted at the clearing on the south end of Walker Ridge Road, just above Hwy 20, but no campfires. I have been there as thought the other place, Top of Cow mtn by Net control, was better... my $.02



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Walker Ridge Rd./Hwy 20 is a long ways away from Cow Mtn. It must be the end of the rally, or of the Lake County stage of the rally. It's clear out Hwy 20 heading east towards I-5 past Clear lake...I'd guess about 45 minutes driving time from Cow Mtn.
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So I am down for handling Heavy Sweep on Saturday, but can't stay over on Sunday and do it. Would either Dan or Colin be able to handle it? You'd need a rig with good recovery gear, extra shovels, etc...


Right now, I've got Tyler and Linda riding with me, but have room for 2 more on Saturday. Probably makes sense for whoever wants to be primary on Sunday to be that person...Dan or Colin?

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