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Metero Shower Trip August 9-11 Gauging Interest Thread

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Hello All! Ok here is the gauging interest thread for the meteor shower trip I have mentioned before.


What: A weekend trip to the Sierras to watch rocks fall out of the sky

When: August 9-11, 2013 (non negotiable: don't get mad at me, I'm not responsible for when the parent comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle flies by. Lucky for us though, the peak of the shower is predicted for 8/12 and historically the days before this are awesome. expect 60 meteors an hour)

Where: White Rock Lake, 17 miles north of Truckee on Hwy 89, then less than 2 hours off road.

Who: everyone. this is a family oriented trip.


What to expect: the drive into the lake is suitable for all stock rovers. With this said, it will be a night drive in so there will be plenty of fun, easy excitement. Once at the lake there is tons to do: fishing, swimming, hiking, wheeling (there are trails from the lake to Nevada City off Hwy 20).


Basic Itinerary

Friday 8/9 leave Bay Area after work, meet up point TBD but I like to stop for a late dinner at the In-n-Out in Auburn between 7 and 8pm. Since we won't get to camp until midnight-ish I find this is perfect. Also, getting in at midnight allows for quick tent set up and then watching the meteors.


Saturday 8/10 spend the day doing whatever you want from the activities listed above or what makes you happy and is legal and not offensive to the general population. Saturday night I was thinking Pot Luck and then settle in for some sky watching.


Sunday 8/11 breakfast on your own and break camp. usually back to Livermore by early afternoon.


pics to follow

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Possibly. There were a couple of places that seemed a little sketchy with the pathfinder but that was stock with AT tires. Made it fine. There are 2 ways in, I've only done one. I think the other way is easier. Why do you ask? Running out of Rovers? 😝
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The NorCal backcountry adventures book gives it a 4/10 see description. Mostly because the last section to the campsites is rocky. Most of the area is just fire roads but this lake is at the end of the line so to speak. Gets a little rougher. Also getting into the campsites might be tough for a van/car. But we could always yank ya!


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Yeah, syncro time. I wish. I have so much invested in the last year working on my 2wd, and then the syncro is about 30k to get into. Ugh. If I get a syncro, I have little need for my rovers. BUT, I may recce this trip out one summer day and see if it is doable in the van. If so, it would be a great trip and so comfy in the van.
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Also let me know if there will be a recce. I would drive CA-36 to CA-89 south. Get me the GPS coordinates for White Rock Lk campsite. I may stay an extra day and explore Hennesse Pass Rd on return.
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Rupert I will add this to the OFFICIAL trip page instead of the gauging interest thread. Probably not going to be a recce as with the new baby and work I won't be able to get away. Since the way in is well marked and there are many options for lakes in the area I figured we can get by.
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I have plans to be in tahoe around the 20th and may be able to take a run out there. if so, I will bring gps, take photos, etc... if the date works for anyone else on the recce list, let me know, would be great to have company if it all works out... TO
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I have plans to be in tahoe around the 20th and may be able to take a run out there. if so, I will bring gps, take photos, etc... if the date works for anyone else on the recce list, let me know, would be great to have company if it all works out... TO

I'll be available, since no trailer, will probably sleep in LR or bring a tent. Let me know exact date. I must be back in RB that wknd.



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I'll be available, since no trailer, will probably sleep in LR or bring a tent. Let me know exact date. I must be back in RB that wknd.




I'm heading up there for some meetings and may be able to head out there on Friday for the night and come back to Bay Area on Saturday if that works. My plans should firm up re: dates, vehicle etc...this week and I'll post up on the other thread when confirmed.

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Tom are you referring to June 20 or July 20? I need to do some recon in that area for a trip I have been wanting to lead for a long time. Maybe we can get two birds with only a stone and all that.




I will go up on the 19th or 20th for meetings on the 20th and 21st. I can be available somewhere between mid afternoon to after dinner (likely mid-day though) and we can meet up in Truckee and head on out. We can leave a car in Squaw or a friend's place in Truckee if Mrs T is coming from Reno....

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