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PISMO, Fail. Epic Fail.

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Ah bummer Chris. Get better soon bud!


Everyone else planning on making it still? Im really dreading standing in the rain when i get home tonight to wire up my wipers ;)


Jared and his dad are still going.



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Unfortunately , I had to leave early due to a malfuction on the air suspension "blew up an air bag". That is all I needed to justify the conversion to coils. :-( I can't afford to have this happen to me far away from home. Good it only happened in Hollister and not in DV or down in Mexico.


I didn't take many pictures. Hopefully the guys that stayed behind took pictures.



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Hey Guys,


After a hell of a week I blew off the stack of work on my desk, met up with Graeme and Lucas, David and his buddy (Philip??) & Josh and headed south!




Wow, it was SLICK! We got a late start from the peninsula and got into the park as a foursome. Stopped at the rest room area and just to park in the open space was a lesson in drifting - Oh boy! Poked around the Middle course ("new", not Old and not New new... the middle one) Took Disco over the logs which was a first for me so that was cool. Sliding around the whoop-de-do's where we met up with Jared and his dad, Bear, Don and his wife Michelle. Graeme led the pack for a tour on some easy trails which, knowing Graeme, ended up at Top-O-The-World. I did not rain while we were on the trails and the view from the top was worth the trip.






(Oh and I slid into a ditch on the way up and had to get a tug and some new pin-stripping, picked up a rock in the caliper(s) which was a joy to listen to most of the way up and the starter was acting up when I got to the top. Yup, always something).


Wound ourselves down after lunch and ended up in the Quarry. Then Don & Michelle, Lucas in Graeme's truck and I went over the the Huge Mud Pit formerly know as the Lower (Old) Obstacle course to practice or Rally (eh. slick driving condition) skills. Mud was between 2 and 14" deep and that does not include the water features etc... It was hilarious!




Opted for the Grill & Chill instead of hitting the pressure wash in Hollister. It was great because they had their own Lower Truck Wash in the form of a huge puddle up to about a foot deep and 100' long. I went through twice and left about 5# of mud at each corner of my truck in their parking spot... and a bunch on the floor in the restaurant too...oops!. However, that didn't get it all out because my wheels were waay out of balance on the way home. Graeme went on ahead and I followed a semi at 55 (and better fuel economy too ;-) all the way up. Took it to the local spray wash and found the front rims were packed with mud from the back. (Oversteer cranked hard over in 12" of mud will do that I guess...) So I left most of it on the floor of the wash....




Could still see more when I got home so I popped off the fronts and found the caked on mud.




Scrubbed'em clean and now the rain is taking care of both the truck and, hopefully, the piles of mud in the driveway before Janet finds out!


Great to get out on the trails and see old and new members!






All photos

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After Tom left, there was some drama....


Remember the flat-black RRC we saw in the mud pit? He stuck around playing for a while then we lost track of him. We were about to leave and parked over near the restrooms talking with Jarrod and his father when the driver from the RRC came walking up - he'd lost his transmission in a somewhat nasty part of the mud bowl and was looking for a tow. No problem - I was able to get my LR3 over in front of him but he didn't have any good recovery points. We put the strap around his frame mounted bull bar and I was able to ease him forward a bit (enough to get him off his rear hitch which was dragging on a departure) but it was going to be tough to get him past the water obstacles without one of us sliding sideways into the drink. About that time a guy with a fully locked Bronco on 35s arrived on scene and used his winch to pull him backwards out of the hazard. He was then able to tow him around to solid ground, pulling backward the whole way because the Bronco had a home-made rear bumper, and although he had installed recovery points they were only 5/8" and my shackles were 3/4"!


After some more discussion, I towed the RRC down to the road where he could get a tow without paying through the nose for an 'off road recovery'. Michele switched seats with one of the Bronco guys- she has a thing for old trucks and the Bronco guy was suitably appreciative of the comparative luxury of the Rover. Our crippled RRC driver called his wife for her AAA number but the call didn't go as well as it could. After he hung up with her he said something like 'I don't think she understood the gravity of the situation'; i.e the tow truck was NOT on the way. Bronco guy to the rescue again! One of them had a rig and flat bed at his house in Hollister so I gave him a ride into town to pick it up, then he and his buddy were going to haul the disabled Rover all the way to the guy's home for a tank of diesel and dinner. Hats off to those guys - they really went out of their way to help.


I had to run by my office in Oakland and do some quick work, then we stopped for a bite, so I just got home about 8:00. All in all not a bad way to spend the day. :)


Tomorrow I'll have to bust out the pressure washer and go after the truck. I brought home just a little mud.

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Great to meet you and Michele, next time we talk about boats!


Hey, if THIS the RRC? I saw this in SF last week...



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No, just a standard truck. I think the 'flat black' was more of a 'hasn't seen polish in 20 years' as opposed to something custom. I think you gave the guy a club hand-out (?-somebody did) and we all suggested he come check out the website at least. Maybe he'll pop up here asking for transmission information soon. ;)
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Guest Pedram

Tom those wheels and tires look great. Where did you find those.... Nice find in SF. Giving me some ideas......


Don you crazy tow truck rover guy. Glad I didn't go with my truck this week. I have a feeling I would of broke it at Hollister.... Oh wait I did that two weeks ago.

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After Tom left, there was some drama....


Remember the flat-black RRC we saw in the mud pit? He stuck around playing for a while then we lost track of him. We were about to leave and parked over near the restrooms talking with Jarrod and his father when the driver from the RRC came walking up - he'd lost his transmission in a somewhat nasty part of the mud bowl and was looking for a tow. No problem - I was able to get my LR3 over in front of him but he didn't have any good recovery points. We put the strap around his frame mounted bull bar and I was able to ease him forward a bit (enough to get him off his rear hitch which was dragging on a departure) but it was going to be tough to get him past the water obstacles without one of us sliding sideways into the drink. About that time a guy with a fully locked Bronco on 35s arrived on scene and used his winch to pull him backwards out of the hazard. He was then able to tow him around to solid ground, pulling backward the whole way because the Bronco had a home-made rear bumper, and although he had installed recovery points they were only 5/8" and my shackles were 3/4"!


After some more discussion, I towed the RRC down to the road where he could get a tow without paying through the nose for an 'off road recovery'. Michele switched seats with one of the Bronco guys- she has a thing for old trucks and the Bronco guy was suitably appreciative of the comparative luxury of the Rover. Our crippled RRC driver called his wife for her AAA number but the call didn't go as well as it could. After he hung up with her he said something like 'I don't think she understood the gravity of the situation'; i.e the tow truck was NOT on the way. Bronco guy to the rescue again! One of them had a rig and flat bed at his house in Hollister so I gave him a ride into town to pick it up, then he and his buddy were going to haul the disabled Rover all the way to the guy's home for a tank of diesel and dinner. Hats off to those guys - they really went out of their way to help.


I had to run by my office in Oakland and do some quick work, then we stopped for a bite, so I just got home about 8:00. All in all not a bad way to spend the day. :)


Tomorrow I'll have to bust out the pressure washer and go after the truck. I brought home just a little mud.


Oh wow - that stinks for the guy, but great that there were some helpful folks around. It's always good to go in groups and help out when you can. Nice to see you again and meet Michele. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say bye, but you guys were busy playing in the mud and I had to get home. Your rig was looking great! Talk to you soon about picking up the sliders/skid plates.

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Green, black...tomayto, tomahto.. ;-)




Yes, I did give him the flyer, Dan I think, had his young son with him.. Nice guy, glad it worked out for him/them. Way to step in and get the ball rolling.... Thanks!

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It was great to see everyone again and to meet your friend David. Tom I think you summed it up pretty well so I'll just post some pictures. Graeme I'm excited about your bumpers. I cant wait to see the LR3-4 stuff!!




full album.http://s33.photobucket.com/user/barron32/slideshow/MORG%202-14

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Tom I think you summed it up pretty well so I'll just post some pictures.




But I will toss in this video... not much to start with, but we catch a glimpse of Tom's sideways approach to the first obstacle on the way up to Top of the world near the end... :cool:




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Another exciting MORG


Hope to see all of you at Mexxis next Saturday March 8 for the BOD mtg (10-12noon) and Rovers Relief Fundraising (12noon and up)


It sure was a good one, and glad a few people were there later on to help the Rover in distress. We were probably eating lunch a few miles away, so .... people need to get their amateur radio licenses.


As for March 8th, I'm planning on being there ... but I'm still a bit concerned about coming early after that comment about the worm .....!





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