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Official Pismo Beach May 18-20 2012

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Anyone else having trouble with this link? I'm logged in to Google etc.. Also "jones'n" b/c something behind this link might be of my truck...off road... :-)


Thanks again Brenton Burke, I mean Cross, eh.. I mean Corns!




I think that album somehow got sent to Google+, which I never use. Not sure how that happened, but I'll have to fix it tonight. My work blocks certain sites like picasaweb, and photobucket...

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This was the best trip, for me, this year! Thank you all for coaching me and taking beautiful pictures and videos. Lutz, round two for me (and when my hubby gets back) will be in August. It was good seeing everyone, again. I have pictures up on my Facebook page- Crystal Nelson. My profile pic is my D90 going down a dune. See you guys again, soon!
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Wow, looks like fun! Hopefully, I can join you guys next year. Thanks for sharing the photos.


Antonio, the trailer (and of course the P38) look great! Next time you see me, I may be on coils as well.

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Guest Pedram
great trip lutz!! Big thanks to you and the rest of the nclr gang for a great time! At first i thought i'd just toss out a ride for brenton " goggle-guy" cross to make the show... Little did i know i'd have my personal bill burke! It was great to stretch my limits with the ol' goat in this environment, i learned a ton! A huge thanks to air-colin (hope the cat is doing better...) for the e-ticket ride in the classic beast now known as "hang-time" and the playing lesson on the dunes!


Thanks again to those that were there and our southern brethren as well. here is a link to my iphone pics...







hahahha i got youhttp://i591.photobucket.com/albums/ss353/PedramB33/M101%20TAILER/IMG_5648.jpg

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Guest Pedram
Actually I really liked your idea. It has flaws that can be fixed with more time. I have nothing against it. I wish I had the idea to build that. We should get to together on this. I got plenty of ideas to add. And I'm sure you would like to get some welding on it.
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We should get to together on this. I got plenty of ideas to add. And I'm sure you would like to get some welding on it.


I would love to! I can bring it over to Fremont with a small cooler and we can point and figure... PM or email me and we can coordinate a time to met-up. Thanks!!

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This was the best trip, for me, this year! .... My profile pic is my D90 going down a dune.


Shame you don't have a picture of the look on your face when I came up alongside you as you were just about to go over the edge of a large steep drop off. Drag racing down dunes is kinda fun!





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Hey guys, Matt ( black D90 from SoCal) Facebook messaged me the following:


Hey crystal, great meeting you last weekend. I put together a little video but I cant post to the nclrclub site, thought Id pass along the link and you could post it?




password is LAND ROVER

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Hey guys, Matt ( black D90 from SoCal) Facebook messaged me the following:


Hey crystal, great meeting you last weekend. I put together a little video but I cant post to the nclrclub site, thought Id pass along the link and you could post it?




password is LAND ROVER



Wonderful! Thanks for posting Crystal!

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Antonio, what base trailer are you using? Can't tell if it's the 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton trailer. Also, where did you purchase same? All I've been able to find are the 3/4 ton trailers.


Hi There,


I have the first generation M101 and it is the 3/4 ton trailer. I believe the 1/2 ton is the M416 trailer. The M416 are smaller and harder to find. Here is link to a guy who is building a M416: http://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/threads/60137-M416-Trailer-for-Sale


Here is some info on the M101.



I found my trailer on Craigslist. I seen a few there for sale. Keep your eyes open if you want to get one.



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Thanks Antonio! I found a place called Surplus City in Oroville, up by my ranch that has the jeep trailers in stock, as well as the 3/4 ton trailers. Currently out of stock on one version, but have the M416 available from 900 to 1500.00, depending on condition. They have alot of other very interesting stuff on the 74 acres they have off of hiway 70, just short of Oroville.
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