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April MORG

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Doesn't look like I'll be camping. I'm just hoping to get there for Saturday. I'm working the Warriors game Friday night, scheduled to work the Sharks/Ducks Saturday (trying to get out of this one), then ESPN baseball Sunday morning @ Stanford. If it was only this busy during the week, I can play more on the weekends. Still working, so not complaining. :rolleyes:
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  • 2 weeks later...
That sounds downright discriminatory...
Sorry, not meant to be that way, but we really need to be mindfull of the intent of the Park representatives in creating this park addition. Remember, these trails are very narrow especially the secondary ones that lead up to the two camping spots. Space at these spots are limited, so Depending on how many participants, I'm not sure how many we can accomodate, thats why we need a definate head count. John and I discussed a fall back or secondary option in case the camping spots were not ready (which they now are), was that we would use Area 5. In fact, John noted that Lee McGee and Company (Land Rover Driving Experience) will be there that weekend and at Area 5 for the day.


I will ask John on Monday if tent trailers are acceptable pending space available.

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I'm going to try to make it, at least for one night. So ... I have to ask: How about roof top tents? I'm not sure it will be on at that point (preps for Death Valley) but if it is I'd want to use it. It actually is a smaller footprint than vehicle plus tent. :D:D:D
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Head Count, please post up any corrections or changes


Luis (Jantiz) - Camp Friday <ST1:p& Saturday

Stephen (Esteban) - <ST1:p<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:p& Saturday

Will (Gotrovr) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Linus (Linus Tremaine) - Camp Friday & Saturday

Nathan (SLOhybrid) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Brian (HMBRover) – <ST1:pCamp <st1:PlaceName>Saturday</st1:PlaceName></ST1:p

Jim (MrVideo) – Saturday only, no camping

Gary (PCRover) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Chuck (Desertcrawler)- <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Brenton (Disco2guy) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Robb (wineryrover) – <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Saturday</st1:PlaceName>

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Head Count, please post up any corrections or changes


Luis (Jantiz) - Camp Friday <ST1:p& Saturday

Stephen (Esteban) - <ST1:p<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:p& Saturday

Will (Gotrovr) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Linus (Linus Tremaine) - Camp Friday & Saturday

Nathan (SLOhybrid) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Brian (HMBRover) – <ST1:pCamp <st1:PlaceName>Saturday</st1:PlaceName></ST1:p

Jim (MrVideo) – Saturday only, no camping

Gary (PCRover) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Chuck (Desertcrawler)- <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Brenton (Disco2guy) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Robb (wineryrover) – <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Saturday</st1:PlaceName>



I'd be camping Saturday nite only, if I do at all. Too much packing up for Escape to Death Valley!

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1) Camping Spots: There are only 2 camping spots, Camp North and Camp South. Camp North is actually east of main trail. Camp South is along the main trail near the south entrance along Cienega. From my memory, each camp can easily accomodate 5 or so trucks, including tents.


2) Access: I will secure keys to Park lock at each entrance (two total) and place a temporary combination lock in series with the Park lock. I will post gate combination code in members only area.


3) What to bring: You know the routine as for individual needs and stuff to bring. Water, these are dry camping spots. Fire wood.


4) Event Specific Items: It would be nice to be able to set up a Base of Operations at one of the Camping spots to coordinate our efforts on Saturday. We could use a 10x10 pop up tent. Large piece of flat cardboard to pin (staple) maps to. A large 4x8 sheet of plywood to mount cardboard or pin maps to. Surveyors vinyl ribbon in colors (red, green, yellow). 4' long wooden surveyor sticks for attaching vinyl ribbon to mark secondary trails. Maps, maps, maps,.... Chuck mentioned getting ahold of a USG quad map.


5) Communications: FRS, Ham, CB, Cell Phone, Radios furnished by Gary,.... I think they are all in play, bring what you can.


Proposed Itinerary:



1) 1500 to 1600 - Early arrivals assemble at Rangers Station Parking Lot right past the entry Kiosk (where you normally pay) BTW, park fees still apply as with any other MORG including camping fees.

2) 1600 to 1730 - Recce New Park Addition and select Camping spots and Base of Operations

3) 1730 to 1830 - Social Gathering

4) 1830 to ---- Dinner and Camp fire



1) 0700 to 0830 - Breakfast and Morning Preparations

2) 0830 to 0900 - Meeting (Logistics Set up and Planning)

3) 0900 to 1200 - Field Survey of Secondary Trails, Trail Mapping

4) 1200 to 1330 - Lunch

5) 1330 to 1430 - Meeting (Discuss/Recommend Path of Travel, secondary trails)

6) 1430 to 1630 - Mark Trails with Proposed Path of Travel

7) 1630 to 1730 - Open

8) 1730 to 1830 - Social Gathering

9) 1830 to ---- Dinner and Camp Fire



1) 0700 to 0830 - Breakfast

2) 0830 to 1200 - Expedition Recce and Trail Clearing if necessary

3) 1200 to 1300 - Lunch (Break Camp)

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Updated list, please post up any corrections or changes


Luis (Jantiz) - Camp Friday <ST1:p& Saturday

Stephen (Esteban) - Camp Friday <ST1:p& Saturday (4-FRS radios)

Will (Gotrovr) - <ST1:p<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comhttp://nclrclub.org/forum/%20/& Saturday

Linus (Linus Tremaine) - Camp Friday & Saturday

Nathan (SLOhybrid) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Brian (HMBRover) – <ST1:pCamp <st1:PlaceName>Saturday</st1:PlaceName></ST1:p

Jim (MrVideo) – Saturday only, no camping

Gary (PCRover) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Chuck (Desertcrawler)- <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType></ST1:p Saturday

Brenton (Disco2guy) - <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Friday </st1:PlaceName></ST1:p& Saturday

Robb (wineryrover) – <ST1:p<st1:PlaceType>Camp</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>Saturday</st1:PlaceName>

<st1:PlaceName>Dave (sasquatch) - Camp Friday & Saturday?</st1:PlaceName>

<st1:PlaceName>Ron (RON CT110) - Camp Friday</st1:PlaceName>

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