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This guy bought the Cerro Gordo Mine (22mi east of Lone Pine)

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Some (many?) of us in the club are fascinated by abandoned mines & ghost towns through out CA/NV. I came across this story and thought some here would enjoy it. 
He's got a YT channel documenting life and grand plans to open a hotel & museum in this ghost town.

"We've rebuilt the old elevator, but it still takes 45 minutes to get down to the 40-foot by 20-foot area where I'm staying while I wait out a snowstorm. It's warmer and quieter down here, and I can record my audiobook."



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Awesome. Thanks for sharing! : ). Now Henry and I just need to get sick so we can find time to sit on the couch and binge watch youtube 😂

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On 2/27/2024 at 8:07 PM, lithium1330 said:

the guy is building a hotel that he wants/plans to open this summer/fall. So, maybe make a club trip of it! 

I'm down!

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The club was there twice before when the previous owner had a caretaker there. The club stayed at the bunkhouse overnight. Also yearly a local jeep club used to help restore the deck and outside saloon, don’t know if that still occurs. 

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