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Important: Protecting your credit...


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Not car/truck related, but I'm sure most of you are aware of the recent Equifax data breach, where about 45% of Americans had their credit & identity information stolen.  

To protect yourself, esp after this incident, is to freeze your credit. This will basically put prevent someone from applying for credit (open an acct, take out a credit to buy house, car, boat, appliances, etc.) using your name and info. BTW, this includes you. 

And if you plan to take out a loan for something in future, after credit is frozen, you'll need your PIN to un-freeze your credit _before_ applying for that loan. Simple concept, but it works and it's recommended. So, you need to keep your PIN safe/in a safe place - it'll be only way to unlock your credit. 


This is a good article on the breach and what to do, incl. credit freeze. 



The Equifax freeze is free (waived fee next 30 days)... b/c, well... they totally bent us over. 

TransUnion is free when you sign-up for their free, TrueIdentity, credit monitoring service. 

Experian is not free - in CA, there is a $10 charge to freeze the credit. 


Remember - print out the PIN's and put in safe place (safe or safe deposit box) that your can get to later. 

Fidelity offers a free online security deposit box. You can print out the PIN letters and upload there. www.fidsafe.com

Of course, pick something you're comfortable doing, but don't write it on a post-it and stick it on your computer monitor or the fridge. ;)


BTW, AAA members can get a free credit monitoring service also... (and like TrueIdentity, they want you to upgrade to their premium monitoring offering). 

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