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Gauging Interest: Shaver Lake Snow Run, Feb 19-21

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Hook your phone to the laptop or tablet using a normal USB charging cable then look in the folder (normally DCIM) where the photos are.  You can cut and paste them just like you would with any other drive using Windoze Exploder.



I'm impressed Graeme. Didn't you say that I was "challenging your technical abilities" when I texted you a picture a couple days ago?



Looks like a fun trip overall!

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Another amazing Shaver trip in the books.Thanks to everyone for making it a fun and successful trip.Don made some good points. We can never be to prepared for this trip.Its  one of the few trips we run every year that can have dramatic trail conditions. ill add  getting in touch with local clubs to help trail congestion.

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I had a great time this year.  I went with group 1 which was the early group and the snow was still nice and packed.  We made good progress until we got to revine area and encountered two large holes made but the water running under.   By the time some of the group made it trough there, it was time to turn around.  


I uploaded some of the videos and pictures i took durning the trip to smugmug.  Here is the link to the pictures:   




See you in the trail. 



It's worth mentioning that the torn-out recovery point shown in the pics toward the end of Antonio's group are showing a piece of steel that was broken with a piece of rope.  Basically a soft-shackle was attached at that recovery point and it pulled through the steel but the shackle itself (made from Dyneema and usually rated as much or more than steel 3/4" shackles at around 18,000 lbs) survived.  You'd never have guessed a piece of simple rope would be literally stronger than steel.

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Had another great time this year even though I was there as a copilot instead of wheeling my own truck.  Good to put faces to names of new people and to catch up with friends made in trips past. Here's a link to the pics that I took of this years trip : https://goo.gl/photos/EtgXUgPzCXMSGNVq5

Some great pics there - thanks!

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I will say the big 'ol bull bar on my ARB came in handy when I stuffed the bow of the good ship LR3 into a snow bank much harder than I intended.  There was a steel guard rail/pipe in that bank that was closer than I realized.  I was worried I may have done some damage to the hood/fender/headlight, but the bull bar plowed out the hard stuff and did it's job until I could winch myself sideways out of that spot.


BTW, where's this mythical link I'm supposed to be seeing for Smugmug?  I see no link??

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I will say the big 'ol bull bar on my ARB came in handy when I stuffed the bow of the good ship LR3 into a snow bank much harder than I intended.  There was a steel guard rail/pipe in that bank that was closer than I realized.  I was worried I may have done some damage to the hood/fender/headlight, but the bull bar plowed out the hard stuff and did it's job until I could winch myself sideways out of that spot.


BTW, where's this mythical link I'm supposed to be seeing for Smugmug?  I see no link??

It should have gone to your phone in your text messages.
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It should have gone to your phone in your text messages.

I got 'nuthin



I tried to pull the pics off the phone via my computer but it doesn't see the phone as a hard drive and says there's no data on it.  I'm sure there's a way around that I just have to figure it out.



I think I've got it - uploading pics and videos now.  I haven't actually even viewed them all myself, so some might be worthless.

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Hey Nick,


Let me know if you put a video together of the trip and I'll post it on the Smug site.  Also, if you can send me a 10-15 second clip of your dive into the hole, I'll find a home for that as well ;-)



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Hi guys, 


When I post images on social media, the newsletter and the website, I pull from the Smugmug site (automated processes in place). If your interested in having some of your possibly used in these assets, go ahead use the upload link for each gallery.  Here is the link for Shaver 2016:  https://NorCalRovers.smugmug.com/upload/bbrms4/Shaver2016

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