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Gauging Interest: Shaver Lake Snow Run, Feb 19-21

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So for those who might care. I couldn't sleep last night ao i found several repeaters that will work at shaver. I talked to a two people in the fresno and madera ham clubs. I haven been able to get on any od theelm direct from sac yet but 1 is on echolink and another is on allstar link. There is another that is part of winsystem too so we should be able to talk to just about anyone via ham. Also club members should be able to reach us there.


And most importantly i can call. Andrea and brooklyn :)


If anyone wants details i can provide them. I would suggest signing up for allstar link. Its similar to echolink

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So, do I understand correctly that using an Echolink repeater, I could talk to someone at home on their computer with no other equipment on their end? If so I'll want to get Brittany signed up for that right away.

So if its echolink then they can use an app on the phone yes. BUT they must have a ham license. Andrea does. Allstar is similar to echolink. You need a ham license to use it too.
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So if its echolink then they can use an app on the phone yes. BUT they must have a ham license. Andrea does. Allstar is similar to echolink. You need a ham license to use it too.

Nice, thanks. Received the validation so I'll have to check it out a bit and see about getting Brittany licensed.
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Hi there, 


I got site 227 if anyone needs a spot and want to share the site and cost. 





Turns out I will be attending so I can share the site with you.  I can send you the money or pay when I get there.   

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Last year the trail was confusing and i had to haul ass to not get left behind, which could be made simple with a gpx file.. anyone have a gpx file of the route we will take?


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Here you go Nick.


Added the gpx file to the Library section. It contains tracks from Camp Edison to the Bald Mountain loop(s). For the snow run, should you make it to the trailhead, take the first hard left on Bald Mountain Trail.



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To be honest this would be solved if we all remember to follow trail etiquette and wait for the next person in line when at a junction. It's all too easy to be wrapped up in the moment and keep rolling but it really helps.
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Usually the trucks are mixed between capabilities. Mainly winch, no winch is the typical order. If you put all of the most capable rigs together, then the more stock vehicles are left to fend for themselves in the back and not as much progress (and fun) is made. The best call is to have multiple groups and stagger the start time. An hour difference is ideal, but if you're trying to get it down to 5-6 rigs per group you run out of time. A 30 minute difference is ok, but the groups wind up meeting on the trail fairly quickly. If the snow accumulation is good, you'll spend most of the time getting yourself or someone else unstuck.


When the snow was good, I never pushed to make it to the end of Dinky Creek Rd. Plan for lots of shoveling and winching instead of making it to the top of Bald Mountain, or even the trailhead, and you'll be better prepared mentally. If you do make it onto the trail, then it's a bonus. On the rare occasion we made it to the trailhead we'd wait for the rest of the group and make that the turn around point. It's easy to get stuck there too. Once you're on the trail, you're kinda committed as there's no easy turn around point. AND on top of all that, the thought of sitting down inside a warm building to eat hot pizza starts to eat away at your brain. Well, at least for me it does. My best advice for being a happy camper at the end of the day is to carry a fresh, dry pair of socks to put on when you're airing up.

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I'll say I'm all for breaking the group up into at least 3 to help keep things moving.  Just the usual chatting between people and 'are we ready to go' talk eats up half the time.


Since we are expecting pretty deep snow (although these 70 degree days recently are a bit foreboding) I think I'd put a bigger rig as the lead on each group, and ideally the biggest would be the lead of the first group.  That way they can help cut trail for the guys on smaller tires.  They can also help pull guys like me - with all my armor and limited clearance I become a 3 ton sled pretty easily. 


I'm also a early riser, so I'm happy to head out in an early group.


We should organize the groups so at least on military member is in each to keep everybody marching in order and on-task!

(you think I'm kidding.... ;)  )

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I'll be up for heading our early too since I'm coming up solo.


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Sacramento rolling out at 6:00 AM!!!!







Well, maybe not quite 6:00 AM...I do have to get Michele out of bed too.  :)

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It's camping. If the sun's up, I'm up. Can't help myself. Although the Oztent does help somewhat since it's pretty opaque.

Do a little early am trail clearing work. Maybe we can put a plow on your lr3...I saw a pic of one with a plow on it once!


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LR3 with a plow?  That's just wrong.


LR3 AS a plow?  Sure, what's new?


Actually, it's more of a sled.  Maybe a toboggan.  Heavy and flat underneath without all that much clearance is a good recipe for compacting snow.  Maybe I should just retract the wheels and get towed along behind somebody else like a winter hut.

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