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Unfortunately there has been a "post processing" problem with the video footage (it may take a week or so to sort out now), but because the snippets have already been leaked, I thought it was time to post something.  Here is the bare bones highlights .... unfortunately, badly hacked on the iPhone before I got it, so not as much "before and after" as I'd like .... oh, and I should have cut the soundtrack, but that would have lost the heart wrenching noise as it rolled ...









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Yes, the soundtrack was actually quite impressive.


I'm wondering about the speed when backing down.  Intentional or not?  I wouldn't normally try coming back down that fast but if there was no traction and he was just sliding I certainly know how you can build up a lot of speed very quickly.  My little toboggan run at Frank Rains last spring was a good example of that, and that was a much shorter hill.


In terms of getting some value out of the video instead of just entertainment, we can see the root cause of the roll was getting sideways while backing down.  It appears Colin either got sideways from the speed, or did it intentionally hoping to flip a J-turn similar to the first run.  Coming down that hill that quickly, especially in reverse, is a risky proposition.  A J-turn even more so.  The safest move would be to be in reverse low and let the truck roll down hill with little to no brake to keep the front end from locking and drifting sideways.  Of course Colin's a big boy and knows that, but he also likes to have fun so I'm guessing he may have been playing around a bit and it just got away from him.  I get that.  When I was running track days with the Alfa I would often push just a little more lap after lap until I went juuuust a bit too far and took an agricultural excursion.


I'm speculating of course, it could have simply been a matter of gravity + incline > traction - deep dust

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Actually, Colin and I discussed this the other day. What happened was that he had to give it more gas than he was comfortable with going backwards to maintain some sort of control as the deep dust was keeping him from getting any sort of traction, the truck just started to slide and he had to gas it to keep up. The turn was unintentional both times, there were some deep ruts in that spot which caught him and pulled him sideways. He got away with it the first time, he didn't on the second...

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Actually, Colin and I discussed this the other day. What happened was that he had to give it more gas than he was comfortable with going backwards to maintain some sort of control as the deep dust was keeping him from getting any sort of traction, the truck just started to slide and he had to gas it to keep up. The turn was unintentional both times, there were some deep ruts in that spot which caught him and pulled him sideways. He got away with it the first time, he didn't on the second...


I can say, I probably would have not gotten away with it the first time.  That J turn was good, quick thinking.  Going up Truck Hill after making it down the first time?  Yeah, that is where I would have had you Colin...:)  

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I can't help it...every time I see this thread title, I get Neil Diamond stuck in my head. I gotta go stick an icepick in my ear to try to root it out.



haha - I'm glad I didn't have an icepick around when I played that video.

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