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well my first reply got lost when i hit the wrong key..so here's the abridged version...


Great MORG. i'm glad there were lots of kids toddler-age for Brooklyn to play with. Nice to finally meet you David :) i had no idea you were a M.D..... Jared, nice choice of trails. Pretty scenery. Chad your twins played so well with Brooklyn i almost can't believe it. It was nice to share our place with Chad and his girls as well as Erin and Jared. Company is always welcome up here. I'll start looking into the Boards Crossing/Sourgrass trails and see what i can get going.


Thanks again to all that came.

Great to meet you Nick! Sorry I didn't get a chance to stop by your cabin with everyone, but I had to get home. My dog's sitter texted me that my bigger dog was sick, but he was fine. She didn't realize that sometimes he throws up. Haha!


Usually people outside of work don't know I am actually educated; it's kinda hidden behind my Mormon fundamentalist prairie clothes. Hahahahaha!!!!!


Looking forward to the next event! We gotta get that Platina shooting trip planned with Don.

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It was nice meeting you too nick. Thanks for the invite but it was Grayson's first off road trip and didn't want to push him too much we had some errands to run. Nice trails too. I must say I like the rotating Morg.
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I was a few times. Lol




Good to talk to you briefly tonight ....


For anyone interested, I'm in San Carlos, with my 2M Yaesu FT2900R, a mag mount coat-hanger (yes, really, in fact, coat hanger and piece of welding wire to be precise) on a cookie tray, talking through the Dodge Ridge repeater to Nick who was in Turlock ....


</end thread hijack>





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Hi MORGers...


Welcome back - David's photos looked great!



If you'd like to share with the group through our NorCalRovers SmugMug hosting service,  here is a link to upload http://NorCalRovers.smugmug.com/upload/G82vpR/MORGmay2015


And here is a link to the Gallery





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I don't even know what to say....


Where was that...apparatus.... (not sure I can rightly call it a proper antenna) mounted that you could clearly talk and receive from the peninsula to Angels Camp? That's incredible. 

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Hi MORGers...


Welcome back - David's photos looked great!



If you'd like to share with the group through our NorCalRovers SmugMug hosting service,  here is a link to upload http://NorCalRovers.smugmug.com/upload/G82vpR/MORGmay2015


And here is a link to the Gallery






Thanks Tom -- I moved mine up to the SmugMug link.

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I don't even know what to say....


Where was that...apparatus.... (not sure I can rightly call it a proper antenna) mounted that you could clearly talk and receive from the peninsula to Angels Camp? That's incredible. 




Mounted (sitting) on top of a small bureau desk just to the right of my dining room window.  From the window I can see Mt. Diablo (just left of the central view), the San Mateo bridge and up the bay almost to SFO to the left, and almost down to San Jose on the right.  Oakland, Haywood, Newark, and parts of Fremont and Milpitas are all line of sight on a clear day.


I'm thinking of soldering the two bits together (rather than the bits of plastic tube) then I can use it on the LR again.  It was easier to tune with the two bits 'slide-able' like that.


I like to prove that you don't need to throw money at things to make them work .... and there isn't a non-directional antenna that has a better radiation pattern on 2M than a 5/8 wave tuned, so, why pay more?


If you thought beer can tow ball covers were a good way of re-using old beer cans, just wait until my next prototype is seen on my LR .... (no redneck jokes please).





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Hi MORGers...


Welcome back - David's photos looked great!



If you'd like to share with the group through our NorCalRovers SmugMug hosting service,  here is a link to upload http://NorCalRovers.smugmug.com/upload/G82vpR/MORGmay2015


And here is a link to the Gallery






I love this!

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Yeah Graeme good talking to you on the repeater. We were getting groceries on our way to Yosemite. I was listening and heard you come on and thought it must be you. Funny. I only tuned in about 30 seconds prior.
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Hmm, not sure what Graeme is hiding behind that coat hanger -- I continually called out to the Angels Camp repeater until I got over the Altamont Pass back into the Bay Area with no problem.  I tried from the mobile rig and even at home -- nothing.

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He's not giving you the full story.  He actually has weather balloon he's using to elevate it to about 1500', and a 50Kw amp for the transmit side.  


He can only transmit for 4 seconds at a time though, then he needs a new coat hanger.  They just keep 'disappearing' for some reason.

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Hmm, not sure what Graeme is hiding behind that coat hanger -- I continually called out to the Angels Camp repeater until I got over the Altamont Pass back into the Bay Area with no problem.  I tried from the mobile rig and even at home -- nothing.




You're using the wrong type of coat hanger ... needs to be a metal one not a plastic one ....



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