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February 7th : Frank Raines OHV Park

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Pedram, Thanks for the video. You are one daring video taker :P.


While watching from the top i was so scared and no words, initially few times i thought Don will flip or roll over later as it approached Pedram all i can think was get out of the way and hope they both land safe :).

At the end all smiles and all is well.

Had one hell of a day ending with Don's unbelievably " please do not try this stunt at home, only professionals" :).

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Anyone try it with the old school rig with just engine compression: 1st gear, and LT230 locked and lock. See if that would have been a slower descent.



Wonder what the diesel w low 1st and CDL would have done. Probably slid headfirst into Pedram as it doesn't have modern steering and suspension


I've been wondering about this too, and thinking about what could have been done better.


Obviously the best move would have been to simply not go down the hill. This wasn't some remote can't-turn-back journey, we were just out playing for the day.

Another option would have been to winch down the hill. Slow going, but it could have been done. We would likely have had to anchor the vehicle doing the lowering to keep it from being drug down the hill as well. I don't recall a lot of big trees in that area to secure to, so that might have meant some digging or other creative work.


But as for actually coming down the hill-

We had been sliding around already several times earlier in the day. I'd tried one 'simple' hill early in the run and didn't make it up - ended up sliding/backing down the hill in a semi-controlled manner because the brakes wouldn't hold me on the hill in the mud. So I ended up backing down a little faster than wanted just to keep some steering.


Another tip-off (though too late to stop at that point) was as I was just easing over the edge Graeme was standing there saying 'you're front wheel is locked...' as I inched forward under gravity alone. I knew it was locked but didn't want to release the brakes until the last second when I was fully on the hill. At that point I was only just barely moving but I was already 'out of control' in that I couldn't stop or back up. The only choice I had was to lift off the brake until the front tires started to roll again so I could have some steering.


I relied primarily on the hill decent control. Normally it does a very good job of keeping each wheel turning as slowly as possible via ABS so that you maintain control. But it's downfall is that it will keep allowing speed to build if the tires can't get any grip which is exactly what was going on here. You can see that the wheels are turning (as they should be) in the video, but there's just not enough traction for the computer to do much braking without locking a wheel.


So what would have happened in a traditional truck? Just 1st low and go? I suspect the tires would have been rolling, but at a slower rate than the vehicle was moving at, so still not giving proper control. To regain steering you would likely have needed to give it some throttle to keep the tires moving at vehicle speed, which may well have resulted in moving even faster than I was going.


Perhaps better tires would have helped, though in that situation I don't really think it would have made a huge difference. A lighter truck might well have helped as well.


Once you get to a steep/slick enough hill that the vehicle can't hold itself in place without sliding, you're pretty much at the whim of gravity.


I went over the edge knowing I would have to just ride it down until I got to the bottom, but not expecting to build that much speed. In retrospect I should have anticipated that and maybe I could have been better prepared. Or just not have gone at all.


It would be interesting to see how a really good driver would have handled this decent. Or a different truck. But I don't think anybody is going to volunteer to go back and try it any time soon.

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Anyone try it with the old school rig with just engine compression: 1st gear, and LT230 locked and lock. See if that would have been a slower descent.




I seriously considered it, but knowing what Don and his rig can do, and seeing what had just happened, I decided that it was more than a $1200 Discovery 2 at stake. It truly could have been a big mess. I'll happily slide around all day, get stuck in mud up to the axles and water half way up the doors, lose traction up steep hills and back down, but that was just too risky. I think I made the right choice, but like yourself am wondering if we could have just crawled it down. I'd seen how quickly things could literally go sideways in the mud on Saturday, and knew that one 'sideways' on that hill was certain roll-over. No, I'm mad but not insane!





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Here are the photos and videos I took yesterday -- had a blast.





Driving the LR4 in on Mt. Hamilton Road


The lineup for the day


David's white Disco 4


Everyone waiting at the top


Gee... waiting again...















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Hi Jared,


Great photos! I can't seem to see the videos - not sure why they are being weird on my computer? Any suggestions?




Can you see this one? I did the earlier ones in an HD format. If this isn't it, it's probably a file format issue. I'll try to remember how to post videos. ::bigsmile::


Anudeep attempts a muddy grade



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Can you see this one? I did the earlier ones in an HD format. If this isn't it, it's probably a file format issue. I'll try to remember how to post videos. ::bigsmile::


<video width="800" height="450" controls="controls" preload="auto"><source src="http://www.1070maryann.com/video/IMG_1677a.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> </video>

Anudeep attempts a muddy grade




It may just be me, as it says I need DivX player and I tried, but it crashed my browsers.

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It may just be me, as it says I need DivX player and I tried, but it crashed my browsers.


Me too. Actually I never see any of these from Jared.

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Can you see this one? I did the earlier ones in an HD format. If this isn't it, it's probably a file format issue




It is a video codec issue. I can see them now, but didn't used to be able to. I loaded another codec the other day to view something else and now I see your videos. Doesn't explain why they are upside down though.





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It is a video codec issue. I can see them now, but didn't used to be able to. I loaded another codec the other day to view something else and now I see your videos. Doesn't explain why they are upside down though.






I wish I had a clue what a codec was and where I could get one. I like just clicking on YouTube.

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It is a video codec issue. I can see them now, but didn't used to be able to. I loaded another codec the other day to view something else and now I see your videos. Doesn't explain why they are upside down though.






Thanks Graeme for the confirmation -- luckily I can explain all of the upside down shots, but the answer isn't pretty...


I'm going to go play in the forum test sandbox and get a more universal format to upload these in. Standby - we're experiencing technical difficulties...



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I tried and Tapatalk refused to recognize any of the formats I gave it. I gave up and dumped it on YouTube.

















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I can see both versions, the youtube clips and the one that you embedded separately later. IE 11 on Win 8 (If I remember correctly)


I think I know where Erin's tire might well have got cut. Look at about the 15 sec mark of video 3/5, with Anudeep coming out of the wash. You can see he just brushes against a rock with his passenger rear tire. I believe Erin was a bit more to the right coming up there and caught that rock a little harder. The tire just pushed sideways around the rock instead of going over it (thanks mud!) but with street tires the sidewall isn't as strong so that may well have been the point that did it.


I didn't look at your tires enough throughout the day to know if you were down or not, and I think you commented that you didn't feel it until the end of the day so I'm just guessing.

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I want to thank David for his bottle jack, Graeme for the use of his tarp, and Anudeep for lending me his full size spare tire. You all are amazing and I appreciate it so much! Oh and Don for helping change the tire!
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Interesting it's recorded in a different format or different Codec when recorded "upside" down... Didn't know that one...


To the question of "How would a different truck have handled it..." this video came to mind. So many variables that are different but still interesting to sit back and take it "old skull" for a few.


Relevant section starts at 10:54 with the "done right" part at 13:30... :-)



Looks like a good time had by all and glad all home safe and sound... /Tom

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