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Gauging Interest: Shaver Lake Snow Run, Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2015

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yes, Joe N. of http://www.blacklistedrovers.com


Finally have the truck back in OK enough shape to drive after almost 2 years. Still have plenty of work to do but we have started camping again and that's whats important.


Not to hijack here but if anyone is going to be buying motor mounts or center console plate this week and wants free delivery, let me know before Friday :)

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Are you making center console plates, or are they stock ones?


He's making center console plates out of alloy and had them coated. Look on Joe's facebook page, he's got some pics there..




Also, what's the general timeframe the bulk of the group plan to be at camp edison? Gotta coordinate with the socal guys :)

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Interesting. I'll check them out later tonight.


The main Bay Area group should get there around 2pm. There's a group shaping up that will arrive later in the evening, around 7-8. Lutz is usually there by lunch time.


If anyone in your group has a reservation, but will arrive after 4pm, the office to get the reservation card will be closed. Just have someone go in their place and make sure they know the site number.

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I just had to ask >.>


I called the camp site up and they said the closest they know of a OUTDOOR range is in Fresno. So no go.


Had stewarts automotive donate me 3 cases of beer for helping them out, Luckily for you guys I'm not a big beer guy so I'll be bringing some extras


Hey Justin, ya know, you're still invited to attend the Peninsula 3rd Thursday dinner :-)



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So just to verify, I copied this from the official Forest Service pages:


Target Shooting


You can target shoot on national forest lands unless a specific area has been closed to the activity because it jeopardizes public safety. Information about closures is available at each district office. When target shooting, Forest Service regulations prohibit discharging a firearm:

1. In or within 150 yards of a residence, building, campsite, developed recreation site or occupied area,

2. Across or on roads or bodies of water, or where people or property are exposed to injury or damage,

3. Into a cave,

4. Causing resource damage; don’t shoot trees, rocks, stumps, non-game animals.



I *was* thinking of bringing along some of my little target guns, a couple of .22s in pistol and rifle. They would of course stay put away per CA law underway. I don't have a CC permit, so I have to keep them locked when in the vehicle anyway. If a few people wanted to go out Sunday morning and do some plinking I'd be happy to go, and it doesn't seem to conflict with the official club rules that I can tell. Also would be happy to bring along any newbies who'd like to punch holes in paper as most of my stuff is pretty beginner friendly. Heck, I suspect most kids in the mid-west where we grew up had spent some time behind a .22 rifle by the time they were 10 or 12.


I have no interest in turning this into a argument - if the general feeling among the members is 'no', then I won't bring them. I'm not planning to turn this into Rednecks R Us. I'll leave that for Duck Dynasty in case he makes a repeat appearance.


It may be a moot point anyway. I checked and I only have about 50 rounds of cheap Federals on-hand. My revolver will eat them fine-it's not picky. But my 41 is a bit more finicky. I tried 4 places to pick up some more ammo today and literally got laughed at. Looks like I can find most any caliber EXCEPT .22s! What's with that??

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Here's the preliminary plan for Saturday. Let me know which group you're likely to be in. Details will be worked on throughout the week, and this will help me get them going.


There will be two groups this year, Group 1 and Group 2



Group 1 will leave camp promptly at 7:30 am. Group 2, promptly at 8:30 am.

Both groups should be about equal in terms of numbers (10-12), recovery gear (especially winches), and trip experience. I will be Trail Leader for Group 1. The Group 2 Trail Leader is TBA. If you'd like to volunteer you'll need to be familiar with the trail, hold a driver's meeting (at the start of Rock Creek Rd), help coordinate recoveries within the group, and periodically check in with the other group for updates on their trail progress.



For HAM operators, there will be two different frequencies to keep cross talk to a minimum. Group 1 will be our regular 146.460. Group 2 will be 146.550. Be sure you know how to set your radio before the trip! In each group will be a designated truck with a mobile HAM radio, and will monitor both frequencies for needed communications. We'll hand out a printed reference card with this info and how to communicate with the other group before leaving.

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We don't have a preference for which group we are in, but because I haven't run this trail before, I am unable to lead. However, my truck is fully outfitted in terms of recovery and gear, winch, rope, straps, extra line etc. You can add me to whatever group works best.


I do need to ask if we can park/camp in someones camp. We keep a tent in the truck but we usually sleep inside the truck when its cold which I imagine it will be. So really we just need a parking space.


Oh, and we will be rolling in around 6pm



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So just to verify, I copied this from the official Forest Service pages:


Target Shooting


You can target shoot on national forest lands unless a specific area has been closed to the activity because it jeopardizes public safety. Information about closures is available at each district office. When target shooting, Forest Service regulations prohibit discharging a firearm:

1. In or within 150 yards of a residence, building, campsite, developed recreation site or occupied area,

2. Across or on roads or bodies of water, or where people or property are exposed to injury or damage,

3. Into a cave,

4. Causing resource damage; don’t shoot trees, rocks, stumps, non-game animals.



I *was* thinking of bringing along some of my little target guns, a couple of .22s in pistol and rifle. They would of course stay put away per CA law underway. I don't have a CC permit, so I have to keep them locked when in the vehicle anyway. If a few people wanted to go out Sunday morning and do some plinking I'd be happy to go, and it doesn't seem to conflict with the official club rules that I can tell. Also would be happy to bring along any newbies who'd like to punch holes in paper as most of my stuff is pretty beginner friendly. Heck, I suspect most kids in the mid-west where we grew up had spent some time behind a .22 rifle by the time they were 10 or 12.


I have no interest in turning this into a argument - if the general feeling among the members is 'no', then I won't bring them. I'm not planning to turn this into Rednecks R Us. I'll leave that for Duck Dynasty in case he makes a repeat appearance.


It may be a moot point anyway. I checked and I only have about 50 rounds of cheap Federals on-hand. My revolver will eat them fine-it's not picky. But my 41 is a bit more finicky. I tried 4 places to pick up some more ammo today and literally got laughed at. Looks like I can find most any caliber EXCEPT .22s! What's with that??

If you need more .22 I would be happy to donate some. Pretty sure I have some around.

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Looking forward to seeing photos of this trip as I have to miss it this year (again). Looks like it's going to be lots of fun. I am heading up north next weekend near Red Bluff and will do a bit of offroading. Some of my in-laws will be here from UT looking at land and visiting some folks up there. This will be the first time in months I will be able to see the girls. Wish me luck, hope this goes well.
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Here's a quick update for the Group leaders.


Jared will be the Ham Operator for Group 1 and I'm still Trail Leader. Colin will be Trail Leader and HAM Operator for Group 2. At his discretion, someone else may take over HAM duties.

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From this weather listing it looks like wet and cold. I hope it snows last minute like last time. Fresh snow is awesome. I'll do the snow dance for you guys.
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