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September 2014 MORG

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Here are the pictures i got. Great trip, loads of fun. Crazy rovers, tank traps, my first truck hill :P ( as a passenger). Video will be uploaded shortly.



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To be honest he didn't need that much winch. I take this to mean we just need a bigger challenge.


Yea he made it look easy. Was a perfect day of wheeling.



Here are the pictures i got. Great trip, loads of fun. Crazy rovers, tank traps, my first truck hill :P ( as a passenger). Video will be uploaded shortly. Photos are not in order sorry :).]


Great shots .Thanks

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Ah yes, truck hill. I was a little worried there - got about 3/4 of the way up and dropped into a rut then lost momentum and started spinning tires/not moving. I had to back up just a bit but then switched to 'rock crawl' and was able to get moving again and finish the climb.


I had tried the hill in 'sand' mode, thinking it would give me good wheel speed and work well in the loose dust but it wasn't aggressive enough on the lockers. I should just default to 'rock crawl' any time there's a question. It seems to work best under most circumstances.

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We had a really good turnout this time with quite a few trucks in the mix! We had representation of an LR4, a couple of LR3s, Disco I & Disco II, and a couple of Range Rover classics. We missed Pedram and hope he was able to get a well-needed respite.


I think the Red Rover may have been on the 2nd shortest MORG run before encountering an issue that the club has recently had (Antonio's exploding P38A airbag a few months back takes the cake -- he got over a single obstacle before riding on bump stops back to the park entrance...) We entered the new-ish obstacle course and had no issue for the first 500 feet; once we reached the dirt moguls and got deep articulation in the rear, a nice, loud CRUNCH sound came from the rear. Wanting to stop whatever was happening from getting worse, I put it in reverse and took pressure back off the LH rear, only to find one of the new Terrafirma springs sitting comfortably on the ground as opposed to it's 'secured' location on the vehicle.


I don't have pics, but essentially the extra 2" of lift and extension that the new TF shock gives allowed the spring to unseat from it's retaining ring; once that happened, the force pulled the spring clear past the retaining plate (i'm pretty fortunate that the loose spring didn't cause collateral damage to the brake lines or something else in there.)


Anyway, Graeme came to the rescue and zip-tied the rear springs in place which held for the rest of the day -- now I need to get some coil 'cones' to keep it in place permanently.


Next up we headed over to the ravine and Truck Hill; Colin plowed through the ravine as if it were paved ground; Graeme followed up with a valiant effort, but had difficultly maintaining ground contact and traction in the front, leaving one wheel airborne and spinning. Next up was Don, who, with good spotting was able to clear the ravine with no contact damage and a very clean exit. Finally, Lutz took the Baja Bug through and while not quite as effortless as Don and Colin, did manage to make it through (in a stick shift, no less.)


Don shot up Truck Hill with Anudeep & Michelle as passengers and got about 2/3 of the way up when he lost forward momentum in a deep dust bog. Switching to 'Rock Crawl' mode with his Terrain Response system helped provide the extra 'oomph' to continue trekking up the hill. Undaunted, he decided to then come back down Truck Hill, much to the astonishment of the group sitting at the bottom. David provided Don the "bada$$ of the day" award but the day wasn't over yet and he would have to relinquish the award to Colin later on.


The group got together for lunch at the old obstacle course; the mud pit was especially deep and most everyone did a couple of obstacles before rolling over to stop and eat nearby; Colin braved the mud pit and lost most of his visibility making it back to the lunch area (nothing a couple of bottles of water and windshield wipers couldn't take care of.)


A couple of MORGers had to leave at this point; the remainder of the group went up Rabbit Road and Gusto Grade to eventually connect on McCray Rd to the terminus at 'Top of the world/mountain/hill'. We all came back down, stopped for a bio-break and continued over behind Area 5 to Tank Traps.


After a quick pre-scout by Colin & Lutzi, Colin decided he was going for it. The first 1/4 was uneventful; Colin had little issue moving up what was easily a waist-high (~4') vertical elevation increase and proceeded to a *very* tight space where there was no room to rotate the tires. After a couple of tries, a small amount of rear corner contact with a packed dirt wall and no success, the winch line came out. Don found a stout tree and wrapped it with a recovery strap that he then connected to the winch line. The amount of winch needed to proceed was so small that we all wondered whether a few well-placed rocks or some other method would have worked just as well.


That was the last of the 'difficult' areas for Colin's truck; while the rest of Tank Traps is certainly not a piece of cake, the gold (or brown if you count the caked-on mud) RRC climbed out of the trap with ease.


We all met back at the beginning of where the adventure started and trekked back to the exit gate!


I didn't take any photos or video, but Erin has a few that hopefully she can share. A great trip and a good group to go with!


As a quick reminder, there will be no MORG next month in lieu of the Annual on October 3-5th in Area 5 at Hollister SVRA. See you all there!



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Great write-up and looks like a good time had by all. Those are some wonderfully lethal, but effective, ingredients in the form of Lutz, Colin and Colin's tamed beast of an RRC - always fun to watch - and learn- at these events. Sorry to miss but hope to be back to trail ready condition soon...


Thanks for the vids and pics,



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Not a blown shock, but a lost spring. But more importantly it didn't stop him for long. A few zip ties and he was good to go for the rest of the day.


I'm actually surprised the ties held... Erin said she remembered more being on the coils (so we may have busted a few) but nevertheless, you're right; we were able to keep going. Note to self: refill zip ties in toolbox. ::amuse::



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I'm actually surprised the ties held... Erin said she remembered more being on the coils (so we may have busted a few) but nevertheless, you're right; we were able to keep going. Note to self: refill zip ties in toolbox. ::amuse::






Just three each side (and one of those was for looks ...).


There isn't much stress, as at most the spring would be extended about an inch, which you can do almost by hand.



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I'm actually surprised the ties held... Erin said she remembered more being on the coils (so we may have busted a few) but nevertheless, you're right; we were able to keep going. Note to self: refill zip ties in toolbox. ::amuse::




2/3 of the zip ties were gone when I looked, just before I followed you guys up tank traps

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Hose clamps are a better upgrade to this bandaid. But the cones are the fix. I'll be doing my own design. It works better than land rover could ever come up with.
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Did anyone capture in their cell phones, me off roading the scary terrains? send me that pic please.....i don't have any good pic so far to put in my profile :)


Anudeep, I might have some stuff, let me look this afternoon and I will send them to you.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Did anyone capture in their cell phones, me off roading the scary terrains? send me that pic please.....i don't have any good pic so far to put in my profile :)


Unlikely any from me, Anudeep; I was too busy slipping and falling from the loose dirt on those grades... ::mad:: we'll be sure to take some good pics and video at the Annual though.



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