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The Alternate Unofficial DV trip

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The is the Alternate DV trip planning for those who have other vacation times, religious commitments, etc. It will begin Fri. Apr. 11 and end Sat. Apr. 19. It begins 1 wk before Chuck's trip and ends day before Easter Sunday.

The General Itinerary is to meetup in Lone Pine, fuelup & camp?,drive to Cerro Gordo (dependent on weather--alt TBD in later posts). Hunter Mtn, Burro Mine, RaceTrack,Teakettle Junction, Lippencott trail(?) to Hot Springs, exit following Chuck's plans back to BA.

Precise planning to follow.

Post if you're interested.

Again, This is an UNOFFICIAL trip which follows NCLR guidelines.


FYI The last time I was in DV was 2003.

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I will, once I start figuring everything out. I haven't started planning the Cerro Gordo part yet -- it's just in my "mind" at this point. Need to figure out driving distances/gas stops/camping places -- etc. Tyler is actually going to be doing most of the detailed legwork and planning for this one -- it's been something we've been talking about doing together since the last trip. But I have pretty good documentation from prior trips showing what we did for Hunter Mountain, Lost Burro, Racetrack, Lippencott, etc... and those trails are pretty well known and documented. Swansea is a bit different (I never did it) but have general route in mind and there is good documentation on web about it. That's the stretch I'd be expecting to run into the roughest trail conditions -- also Defense Mine and the Pleasant Canyon loop -- (mainly because who knows what the rains have done to them at this stage) -- but you aren't planning on those spots I see..


Tyler and I are also struggling a bit with campsites. Technically, we aren't allowed to camp with groups of more than 5 vehicles while within National Park Service boundaries. And -- since this is an UNOFFICIAL trip and we aren't covered by club insurance, we aren't able to get any group permts. So we need to spend some time with a map figuring out what the options will be. But I am thinking that the "old favorites" are:


-Eureka Sand Dunes (dispersed group camping is allowed)


-Saline Hot Springs (dispersed group camping is allowed)


-BLM Land (Briggs, Minnieta, Osbourne. Boxcar) Cabins -- National Park Service rules don't apply


You can't camp by the Racetrack or by Burro camp I don't think -- but there are some areas in that part of the park that maybe you can camp. Again, under NPS rules and that part of park is pretty well patrolled because of recent vandalism to the Racetrack.


There are also some good spots in the Hunter Mountain area I'm aware of, but am concerned about snow levels, etc. If we can avoid it, I don't like doing snow camping. You'll probably need to do some of your own research as well -- and be prepared to call audibles if needed. Of course, there is always Panamint Springs Resort that has gas, showers, and a campground and can serve as a good basecamp for the areas you are looking at for your trip.

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Lippencott trail is it 2 way? It's weather dependent for Cerro Gordo, Salt Tram, Hunter Mtn. We'll see.

Send me any links you have for Cerro Gordo. I'll call the previously posted phone numbers.

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Yes Lippencott is two way. Here is a response I got from Friends of Cerro Gordo..maybe we switch our "snow run" to Cerro Gordo next year! I remember coming up Lee Flat Road to Cerro Gordo and hitting snow banks. We made it all the way, but it got very tricky.


Hi Charles and thanks for your inquiry.


Please contact Robert, the resident town manager at Cerro Gordo before your trip for accurate road and weather conditions. His number is 909-856-4434 or 760-876-5030.


Camping isn't permitted in Cerro Gordo or on Cerro Gordo property because of fire danger and liability issues. Robert can direct you to some suitable camping areas nearby.


The Salt Tram Rd. (called the Swansea Grade) can be iffy early in the season as it tops out above 9000 at the Salt Tram and has some shaded areas where deep snow drifts can accumulate with no workaround.


The preferred way of travel on the Swansea Grade is to start at Swansea and end in Cerro Gordo. With good travel conditions and a lunch stop at the Salt Tram transfer station, the journey takes about 6-7 hours. Camping is permitted near the Salt Tram (BLM lands) and near the Burgess Mine (where there is an adopt a cabin). If you don't already have them, I'd recommend you get a set of area maps from the Interagency Visitor Center in Lone Pine.


An alternate area to the Salt Tram is the Lee Flat area which is east of Cerro Gordo. It is mostly BLM land, but borders on Death Valley National Park lands. The elevation is considerably lower and dispersed camping is allowed. The "Lee Flat Road" to Cerro Gordo was last reported as washed out as of a few months ago. It is a user-maintained road and totally snows in during the winter so you may not be able to get to/from Cerro Gordo that way and will have to travel Hwy 190 past Darwin to the Saline Valley Rd. to enter the Lee Flat area.


Safe travels.


Roger Vargo

Friends of Cerro Gordo, Inc.

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Yea Baby!


Road Conditions Update 3/2/14:



Cottonwood Cayon Rd .....................Impassable due to standing water and deep mud.

Dantes View Rd ............................. Caution advised due to debris on the roadway.

Emigrant Canyon Rd .................. Use Caution. 3-4 inches of debris on roadway.

Hunter Mountain Road ................... Snow and ice conditions possible. Carry chains.

Keane Wonder Road ..................... CLOSED. Road and mining area closed to entry due to mine safety hazards.

Mesquite Springs Rd ..................... Caution advised due to unpaved surfaces and road construction.

May not be suitable for large RVs.

Mustard Canyon Rd ....................... CLOSED due to flooding.

Panamint Valley Road ................... Caution advised due to sections of unpaved surfaces and one-lane road.

Saline Valley Road ........................ Snow and ice conditions possible. Carry chains.

Salt Creek Rd ................................. CLOSED due to flooding.

Scotty’s Castle Road ..................... Use caution due to flood debris on the roadway. Caution advised due to rough unpaved surfaces south of Scotty’s Castle. Expect up

to 30 minute delays. Road is closed between Scotty’s Castle and the Nevada border.

Titus Canyon Rd ............................ CLOSED due to flooding.

Twenty Mule Team Rd ................... CLOSED due to flooding.

Wildrose Canyon (lower) ............... CLOSED to through traffic from Wildrose to Panamint Valley Road due to flood damage.

Wildrose Canyon (upper) ............... CLOSED above Charcoal Kilns due to snow and ice.

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4 more wks...Cottonwood, Hunter Mtn,Saline Valley closed,mud, or snow. Guess new plan will(needs) be to drive further east or south into DV, unless conditions "dry" up?
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4 more wks...Cottonwood, Hunter Mtn,Saline Valley closed,mud, or snow. Guess new plan will(needs) be to drive further east or south into DV, unless conditions "dry" up?


Hey - mud and snow is what Rovers are all about. Roads less travelled make the adventure. And just because a road is "Closed" doesn't mean you can't offroad it.


But that was one of the reasons I started South end of park, began heading north. Figured if conditions started getting bad -- easier to be down at low elevations.

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Thanks to Chuck's input and suggestions. Rendezvous at Lone Pine and/or camp at Panamint Springs via Darwin. Next day Minietta mine & camp at cabin, explore Defense mine area,next day Goler wash via Ballarat to Barker Ranch remains, to Striped Butte, camp Warm Springs, next day head to Bob & Wades cabin amp, explore, do Dumont Dunes, wait for Chucks group. Tell tall tales, leave next day for home. Undecided I may head to LV and then north on 95 to Reno.


Post if you want to go. Starts 4/12 ends 4/18 or 19.

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Got facebook message. Hoping a group will go wk earlier and maybe bump into the lizzybus. If so, gonna ask them if they're heading to AK, maybe meet up with them on the Dalton.
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  • 2 weeks later...



Those who want to do a short trip after Easter Sunday can join me in meeting up with Chuck on Monday or Tuesday in the Panamint Springs Area.


See Chuck's trip thread.

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  • 5 months later...

So I have been in contact with a good friend of mine from Texas. Jeff is starting his own brand of traction ladders. He does both aluminum and a molded fiber resin compound. He explains they are almost equal in strength. I put my name down a few months back on a list for purchasing a set from him at a discounted price. He is going into production and needed a list of posible buyers, I didn't have to go in on the deal but from going back and forth with him during the last three months while he has been going to SEMA and other places to promote himself, I decided I want a set.


After going to Shaver Lake and more pismo trips, getting stuck is a crappy situation. Sometimes all you need to get over anything is just a few inches of travel and your free. Getting a winch sometimes is hard and getting help is sometimes harder.


I can't rely on anyone but myself. I want to be self relying when I can be. That way I'm no bother to anyone. Having the best tools and being ready is the best feeling when you have it. Yes the tools can cost a lot at times but when you need it, you need it.


After seeing this product I decided to invest a little time into this guy. Finding out what it's all about. After telling me he personally owns a discovery himself and wheels it, well that's all I needed to hear. Jeff is on top of his game. I contact this guy and he is immediately writing me back. Gets to me with any questions I have. So far I have talked to him about introducing his product to this club.


He is willing to fly over from Texas for a MORG at Hollister to do a show and tell. I know I can get some interest here. I just have to test the waters before we get overwhelmed and go to far. Jeff even wants to donate a set of the compound Traction Jacks to our raflle but doesn't have a set to ship until the production gets started in November. Seems like a legit business because I haven't even sent him a $1. He is going by my trust. He never asked for money and I feel like it's a great way to start a small business. He will ship out some flyers for the annual in Holister next month. I will try to hand out some literature and possibly some t-shirts. If you guys have any questions please ask me and I'll try to forward them to Jeff.















His kits some with different packages. Depending on what you buy and what you want to spend. They are all listed on his site. http://tractionjack.com/


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P, this is very cool and it would be great to help this guy and his small business. As to flying out for a MORG, that's huge but...given we are planning quarterly info sessions, perhaps he can attend one of those, or we can build a Recovery session with him in mind, and take a few pair on the trail and put them through their paces combined with proper use and recovery techniques etc... As for time lines, raffle in October, ship I November, get stuck in December and MORGst (skills training/transfer) January/February? We are headed into slippery conditions season ;-)


Great find!!

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Thanks Tom. When talking with Jeff about a MORG,he had mentioned that we can plan a time that works. He's pretty flexible. I just need to give a date for when we both have notice and time to meet up. I like that he's eager to join. He also mentioned trying to join NCLR to post. But I have no idea how that works. Maybe as a guest since he lives in Texas. But I asked him about opening a thread for him. He was cool about it. I'll wait to get more info from him asap.
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I haven't looked into ladders yet but I may be interested in a set. I think I'd want to go aluminum assuming the price isn't too high. I've heard too many stories of people melting the spikes off other ladders with a spinning tire. Plus I would assume the aluminum might be up to working as a small bridging ladder.


Oh wait, I drive an LR3. I'd need cast iron to hold this thing's weight up.

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