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September 12-15 Mono Lake/Bodie/Mammoth Lakes "Unofficial" Trip

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Hi Ruppert and Antonio


Could you both send me (via PM) your cell phone numbers, private email address and emergency contact details? Also - please let me know if you have any health issues (also via PM) that I should note in the confidential file.


I should be sending the trip document later today.





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Dear All,


Please see attached final itinerary for our trip. I will add GPS coordinates for all end destinations tonight and print out copies for all of us but wanted you to see the document in case you have any changes/suggestions.





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Dear All,


Please see attached final itinerary for our trip. I will add GPS coordinates for all end destinations tonight and print out copies for all of us but wanted you to see the document in case you have any changes/suggestions.







The itinerary looks great Michael. You did a good job putting it together.



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Sorry guys, I'm officially out of this trip. There are murmurs of lay offs at work since we have yet to get a greenlight for a next project. I'm hoping to be ok, but you just never know anymore. I'll also be double focused on the Annual Event planning/organizing.


Thanks again Michal for taking on this trip!

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Good job on the itinerary.

Question on campgrounds at Laurel and Rock Creek, All Access Pass honored for Sr. Citizen? :D

Need firewood for Saddlebag?, I'll bring some, let me know.

BTW, I'm still hoping to leave Sat. afternoon to LV.

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Good job on the itinerary.

Question on campgrounds at Laurel and Rock Creek, All Access Pass honored for Sr. Citizen? :D

Need firewood for Saddlebag?, I'll bring some, let me know.

BTW, I'm still hoping to leave Sat. afternoon to LV.


Hi Ruppert - Rock Creek accepts all access pass for half price camping. As for the Wilderness Permit (required to camp at Laurel Lakes - it does not seem they accept it).


We will need firewood. I will bring some but it is always good to have a bit more.





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I will bring some firewood also.



Sorry you won't be able to join un on this trip Brenton.




Hi Antonio - I did receive your PM but for some reason I cannot send you a PM (the message says that you switched off the option of receiving PMs). That being said, could you send me as a PM your cell phone number and email address?





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Hi All,


Please find enclosed the FINAL itinerary that includes maps and GPS coordinates. Please also look at my previous post as I created .gpx files for all 3 trail days.


See you all on Thursday at noon!


Please note that I can be reached at my cell 917.744.7098





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Hi Rupert and Antonio,


I just spoke with the ranger from the Mammoth Lake District and he said that all trails are open. He noted that it may be a bit hazy (due to smoke) and it gets into low 20s at night so pack arrodingly. No rain is predicted for the duration of our trip and the average daily temperature should be around 70 (which he noted will feel a bit warmer due to the altitude).





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Could we stop at the ranger station, so I can pick up a map? Also can we stop in Bridgeport for a supermarket for last minute groceries besides a refuel?


No problem! We were planning on stoping by the Mono Lake Visitors Center which is also the ranger's regional station. I will check if they have a station in Bridgeport.

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I looked in the Admin Control panel and your account is set to accept PM's. I turned that option off, saved then enabled it again and saved.


To check yourself, click on the Settings button in the upper right of your screen, on the next screen (left side) click on Forum Settings.


Check the box for Enable Private Messaging, and make sure the next box down, Receive Messages only from Contact and Moderators is unchecked.


If that doesn't work we'll have to have someone dig deeper.

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Well, we had an awesome trip and visited great places. Thank you Michal again for putting this trip together. I really enjoyed the trip and the trails we traversed. One thing i learned on this trip is not to tow a trailers above 9000K feet elevation. It really takes a tall on the transmission and limits the places you can camp at. Other than that this can be a great annual trip as there are many trails places to visit around the mammoth lake area.


Here is some of the pictures I took broken down by day.


Day One:



Day Two:



Day Three



Last day before heading home:







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Great pics Antonio.


Amazing what a little rain will do


I bet the "tourista's " on the BMW on day 3 thought they were back in the Alps


Antonio your Range Rover and my new one also a 95 are twins.




Well, we had an awesome trip and visited great places. Thank you Michal again for putting this trip together. I really enjoyed the trip and the trails we traversed. One thing i learned on this trip is not to tow a trailers above 9000K feet elevation. It really takes a tall on the transmission and limits the places you can camp at. Other than that this can be a great annual trip as there are many trails places to visit around the mammoth lake area.


Here is some of the pictures I took broken down by day.


Day One:



Day Two:



Day Three



Last day before heading home:







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Wow, lots of great photos; hope this becomes an annual event; like to do it next year w/my wife and two boys.


This is one of the many pictures I like:


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