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Overland ExPo

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I cancelled my trip to ExPo this year as we were in the midst of buying a house. I plan to go next year. Flagstaff is 9 to 10 hrs from Sac. A few folks from the Death Valley trip were out there this year. Looks like a great time. They also put on regional smaller ExPos but I think the west coast show this year is in Washington.
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  • 7 months later...

So I guess this is a good time to get this thread started again. I've seen some interest on other threads about going. Unfortunately Trista and I are out. We have a wedding that weekend for some of our best friends. Such a shame I like flagstaff and would have loved to explore it. My mom was raised there.



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I mentioned it on another thread; the wife and I are looking at going but I doubt we'll have time to drive. Most likely we'll just fly into Flagstaff and get a hotel for the weekend.
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I'm planning to drive out there Thursday (the 15th), go to the Expo, and visit my mom in Phoenix (1.5 hours south of Flagstaff). However that sequence might change. There has been some discussion about doing the Mojave Road on the way home with Alyson H. My work schedule is tight in May, so I can only miss 5 work days. If Mojave happens it would be a faster paced run than I planned on last year, with only a few big stops.


Who is interested in either the Expo and/or Mojave Road in May? I won't be able to attend another big trip until Fall, so this is your chance if you want to run the Mojave Road. If there's enough interest I will start making plans.

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As mentioned on a different tread. I plan to go to the EXP this year. I am planning to take the week off leading to the event. My friend and I want to explore the Flagstaff area but we do not have this set on stone yet. I would like to do the Mojave road but it sounds like this will happen after the EXPo instead of before. If we have enough interest for the Mojave road, i could change my time off days to make this trip. Lakes talk on Shaver.



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Check the NCLR facebook page, Shayne and Sandra are also planning to attend Expo as is another couple we have met online; David, Jayne and their 110 LizzyBus. Expo will come in the 4th year since leaving the UK where they have traveled in over 160 someodd countries on all 7 continents... truly amazing journey. We have been communicating on FB and they are planning on attending ExPo before heading up through San Francisco. Shayne and Sandra set the bar pretty high when they came through FL, we'll need to bring our A-game! :-)
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I would love to go to ExPo and it's not far from our place on the UT/AZ border (Hildale/Colorado City). Unfortunately, I don't take my LR4 to UT much, but really would love to drive out there. So, is there a group going? Not sure I can pull it off, but would love to go at some point.
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I plan to drive all the way to OE on Thursday the 15th.


If we do Mojave Road on the way home, I'm going to have my mom come visit for part of the day on Sunday. It's about 3 hours to Laughlin, so I figure a 3-4pm departure time would get us there in time for dinner.


If MR is off, then I will head to Phoenix on Sunday and return to the Bay Area on Tues. or Wed.

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Hey Brenton,


Did you register for the overland experience package for the workshops and such while you are there? Elizabeth and I are thinking about doing the package..


How fast do you think we can make it through Mojave? I did it 4-5 years ago with the club but it was a 4ish day thing if my memmories serve me right. Reason i ask is we need to book the days off asap.

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Ok cool We just registered also.. So you thinking home on the 21st?


Yes, registered for the experience package. If Mojave happens, it would be a two day drive through pretty much. It's not ideal, is still worth the trip I think. Consider it a recce to get a longer trip planned with some people.
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Ok awesome I will book this PTO... Keep on Raking that OT money in!


Bill will be towing my Weekend Warrior toy hauler out to the EXPO with his adventure bike so we can have access to that if the desire for a shower or big screen tv comes around. I am not sure where he plans on camping or if the RV and tent campgrounds are the same area but regardless I plan on tent camping with the "group"


We will also be interested in the caravan with the group on the 15th as long as everyone is okay with 300TDi 65-70MPH speeds ;)

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