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OFFICIAL - Death Valley 2013 Tour Reservations for Scotties Castle

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The following link can be used to make tour reservations. Our itinerary will give us the choice of one of four tour times on March 31st (Sunday):







I booked the 3.15PM tour (the Underground Tour) since we've already done the main tour. The other 3 tour times are for the main tour. I would reccomend, given the size of our group, that we all try to make advance reservations since tour sizes are limited to 19 people per tour. You can do this using the following link and searching under Death Valley. The Tickets are $15 for adults, $7.50 for kids 6 - 16, and free for under 6.




Post up your reservations once you make em so I can keep track of who is going and when. Right now, 4 of us from the Mobraten party are going at 3.15......

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I will have a Sat phone with me if anyone needs to be reached in case of an emergency.


The number is : (254) 240 5711 It will be on between 7-9 PM (assuming we're stationary)

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