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NCLR Planned and Proposed Trips for 2013

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Let's make this the official thread.


Our 6th year. Besides the MORG (Monthly Off-Road Gathering @ Hollister) 1st Saturday of each new month, what comes to your mind this year as far as club trips?


Brenton has Shaver Lake Snow Trip planned already, and as well as Chuck for Death Valley. Lutz is asking about Pismo.


Alaska was in mind last year for 2013, but looks like it may not happen for the club; perhaps next time.


Anyone else? Post your interest or if you have the experience and want to lead a trip, post your suggestions. Popular trips in the past are: Lost Coast, Slick Rock, Gold Lake, Boards Crossing, Bald Mountain @ Shaver Lake in the Summer, Rubicon...


- Last Update 01/13/13 -


Jan - Quick trip to Hollister Jan 12 otherwise nothing else scheduled


Feb - Shaver Lake Snow Trip; Disco2guy aka Brenton Trip Leader - Scheduled Feb 8-10. Scheduled.


Mar - Open.


April - Death Valley; Desertcrawler aka Chuck Trip Leader - Scheduled Mar 29-Apr 6. Scheduled.


May - Pismo Beach; Lutz Trip Leader - Scheduled in May (Gauging interest)


June - Open. In the past, we've done the Oregon Discovery Trail around this time of the year. Anyone interested or suggestions?


Judy - Mendo Rally Volunteer July 19-21. Event held at Cow Mountain. There's talk about having a 2nd event @ Bear Valley (might be closer to some of you vs hauling up to Cow Mountain). More on this. http://mendocinorally.com/


Aug - Open. In the past, we've done Gold Lake. Anyone?


Sept - Open. In the past, we've done the Rubicon. Anyone?.


Oct - NCLR Annual Club Gathering @ Hollister SVRA


Nov - Open. Lost Coast anyone?


Dec - Open. In the past, we've done a "Meet & Greet @ Catahoula Coffee House/Land Splitter Pizza". Anyone?

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Ok, I was going to wait, but might as well put it out there.


Mojave Road in (mid) September. It should be starting to cool down during the day (mid 80's) and Soda Lake is more likely to be passable. My intention is to see as much as possible over 4-5 days on the trail, as if it's our last chance to see what the Road has to offer. Details to follow after the Shaver Lake trip.

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I might be in for a Rubicon trip for once. I think the Disco can do it. I just need to build armor now that I got more confidence in the beast. I was about to sell it and now I got her ripping up the road. I might just keep it in the family a little longer. It was a few little bugs I never got fixed till just recently. But now it's smooth again.
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Ok, I was going to wait, but might as well put it out there.


Mojave Road in (mid) September. It should be starting to cool down during the day (mid 80's) and Soda Lake is more likely to be passable. My intention is to see as much as possible over 4-5 days on the trail, as if it's our last chance to see what the Road has to offer. Details to follow after the Shaver Lake trip.


It was years ago the last time I was on the Mojave Road. That would be great t go back and if Brenton you can look into putting a trip again.


Here's a bit of inspiration; found it on Youtube; Land Rovers on the Mojave Road (6 mins) from Needles to Soda Laka to Aflon Canyon (been there when the water was up 2 ft feet deep).



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I was thinking mid august. Probably weekday to avoid crowds.


Colin, looks like you have two interested parties: Nigel and Pedram. I might be able to go this year. If you get 5-7 strong interest (give or take -1 or -2 might drop off), go for it.

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Mojave Road in (mid) September. It should be starting to cool down during the day (mid 80's) and Soda Lake is more likely to be passable. My intention is to see as much as possible over 4-5 days on the trail, as if it's our last chance to see what the Road has to offer. Details to follow after the Shaver Lake trip.


You have Bear who is interested; also years ago, several of us @ NCLR joined the SCLR Mojave Road trip, and it was a good North meets South event. Just idea of you if you want to expand to invite outside NCLR. Hope this happens - great desert driving and navigation & camping experience!

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I can't do more than a 3 day trip. I can't be away from work for longer than a day. But any 3 day trips are OK by me!


Welcome Dean. Lost Coast trip would be perfect. I think Jen wants to lead a trip (I can help co-lead). Here's a write-up of one of the many trips we have completed on the Lost Coast: http://nclrclub.org/forum/content.php?7886-Gauging-Interest-Return-to-the-Lost-Coast

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Putting this out early.


Rally event mgmt needs volunteers both ham and non-ham radio operators. Events are scheduled July 20th and 21th up in Cow Mountain SVRA.


Here are pictures/comments from last year's event: http://nclrclub.org/forum/showthread.php?1896-Mendoccino-Rally-Racing-Land-Rover-Support-Roll-Over-Winching-Kinda-Weekend-Fun&highlight=mendocino


There's a volunteer party on Friday @ a local winery, and post celebration @ a local pub.


Any Qs - post up.

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We are looking for people to lead some trails over this coming year. If you have any interest in leading a trip or just want to know whats involved send me a PM and I will help you out.


Trips that are great fun and I would like to see happen this year. Mojave road, Gold lakes, Rubicon, Lost Coast, High sierras trip, and many more. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any interest in going on a trip or leading a trip that you do not see mentioned on this thread. We need to get the ball rolling on some of the trips for the summer to get people who have fixed schedules the ability to take time off.

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I'm still thinking of the meteor shower trip, around august 13th 2013, basic trip outline: leave bay area friday night, get into white rock lake about midnight. watch some rocks fall from the sky and then hang at the lake sat or hike/fish/swim/wheel. watch more rocks fall sat night and then back home sun am. trail is 17 miles north of Truckee on 89 and then 12-15 miles in, stock trucks can make it no problem.
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it is a great family trip. The area has tons of things to do, many other lakes to explore, hiking, and miles and miles of trails to wheel. The last time I went we were seeing at least 40-60 meteorites an hours. really like 1 a min, it was great. also no one needs to really take time off of work because we leave after work hours on friday.
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