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Official High Sierras Trip Thread

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There is nothing like fishing this lake guys. I've been around the sierras and this place is freaking magic. I think it's worth not having a fire. Plus I have a feeling we will be able to work something out with the Cheif Ranger. I did this last time there were "restrictions". He ended up letting me use my Snow Peak fireplace with no problem as long as the fire was up off the ground.
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Yeah at this point it would be hard to change locations etc too many people coming at different times. I also have a propane camp fire that might be allowed and if not, we will have each other (awwww...puke ;) )



Oh yeah, picked up the CT from the shop, we are in business baby!!!

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Ok everyone made it back safe, under their own power. The LR3's showed their stuff while the defenders struggled. Full trip report to follow once I rest up! Over all a success.


Quick break down(no pun intended)

Graeme never made it due to technical issues

Christian had issues on the trail forcing a retreat on day 1.

Da Quatch and Alan et al made it look easy in the LR3's

Chris blew up his read diff leaving on the last day but made it home with only the front working as the rear drivetrain was in the cargo bay and a little help from Dave.

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Great trip guys! I'm pretty gassed out though. That is a lonnnnnngggg drive home after multiple days of massive UV exposure. I still haven't unpacked! I literally smiled the entire time in that 45+ minute shower, though! Great company, great food, great drink (going down, not coming up), amazing scenery and wonderful fishing.
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Looks like you guys had the place to yourself. Didn't see any other trucks on the trail or by the lake in the photo. Sweet.


In the pic, nice catch Dave. How did you prepare the daily catch e.g. grill, pan fried?



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Wow. Well I'm really glad that you guys were able to get to the spots I so enjoyed a few years ago. I'm really sorry that I couldn't make it. The truck really let me down...but what doesn't kill it...etc. Turns out the first problem was a combination of a sluggish viscous fan and a slow opening thermostat fan which caused the over heating issue. The second problem that did me in was water in the fuel tank from some bad gas I must of picked up in one of the shady gas stations I filled up at. Honestly it was a total bummer. I was looking forward to the trip to no end and I really thought I had the truck prepared.


To deal with the issue I have upgraded the fuel filter to a MAC truck style fuel water separator and have ordered a new viscous fan unit. I pulled the thermostat out and tested it in water today and it was fully open pretty quickly at 185 F. I pulled the radiator out and am having it flow tested tomorrow to see if that is the issue. I might put in a 75C thermostat but I will wait to see what the deal is with the radiator before I make that call. Either way having the truck break down on me while I was only miles away from the destination and after driving 9 hours was tough. I have to admit that in the heat of the crisis I had some pretty "impure" thoughts of why the hell don't I sell this thing and buy a HEMI AEV Jeep. That didn't last too long because as soon as the water worked it self out of the fuel rails the truck was back to it's charming self. I love it and I'll be back on that hill next year. I do have to say that my wife Jess was a total saint putting up with the whole nightmare. I owe her a couple million favors.


Again thanks guys for helping me out when the truck was down. We'll meet up again sometime soon. About half way home I realized that I should have left my half of the food with you guys. Honestly I just totally forgot.

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Christian you were missed for sure. Don't worry about the food we had plenty. I would leave the t stat at 82, the engine needs some heat to work.


I forgot to mention in the trip report that we are all thankful to you for sharing this treasure location with us and next time we will drag your butt there if we have to.

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Great write-up Chris! The trip sounds/looked great. Next time we are all together, perhaps a MORG etc... I'd love to get a sense of how "Tricky" the tricky part was. E.g. my stock/sagging DI would be more like an LR3 or a 2wd CT :-)


Thanks again for sharing the write-up



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So I just got my radiator back from the shop. It was 25% clogged, they cleaned it all out and it's back to new. I installed the new more aggressive viscous fan clutch and left the 82C thermostat in place. All in all I think the truck is ready. Do we have an event on the books for August?
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Are you coming to coming Mendocino Rally tomorrow? Could be an easy break in for the new veins....


Link: http://nclrclub.org/forum/showthread.php?1805-2012-Mendocino-Rally-Volunteers-August-3-4&highlight=mendocino+rally


Hollister looks like it's going to see a pretty good turn out with an impromptu Hi-Lift Flea Market/auction... :-)





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Hope you have everything sorted out. And glad you got those 'impure' thoughts out of your head. Unfortunately, it probably won't be last time you are on the side of the road questioning your sanity and rover ownership...


Actually, I would like to get something planned for the weekend of August 25th since I have the 24th through the 27th off. Check out the main forums. We have discussed Mojave Road or maybe other trails up here in NorCal.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Chris, I think your 110 has the Salisbury Axles right like mine. Might want to look into GBR's heavy duty gear set: http://gbrutah.com/cs_drivetrain_diff%20gearing.html#411salisbury


i have a rover axle, non sals with disc brakes hence why this probably happened. I'm thinking about going ARB air locker possible 24 spline deal but i promised my wife i would moth ball this for awhile as I just spent $$$ on a sweet new turbo and other misc unplanned items. i have big plans, truck is currently in many pieces as i am redoing all of the wiring, putting in some dynamat, looking into the X-eng x-brake, going to replace u joints while prop shaft is off, etc. I have a lot of work for the winter. Oh yeah, gear box might need some work as it kep popping out of third, not sure what that is all about. looking to do some solar panels on the roof rack, yes my manic phase is in full swing and i'm stuck at work waiting to do a case. On an upside, engine ran strong and didn't get hot.

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