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Planning on being there around 10AM!


Awesome! I will be there as well - this time I will make it on time so I don't miss everyone! ;-)


I am installing my rock slider/steps on Friday, so I am very excited.


Which rig are you bringing?



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What rock sliders/steps did you purchase?




Hey Nigel,


I got the slider/step combo from GN Vehicle Protection (in the UK). They are very similar to the slider/steps available from Voyager. As you know, I don't plan to do any crazy rock crawling or anything, so it's more for looks and some level of protection. Here is a link:




They gave me a great deal because I had purchased my front sump plate.


I'll post pictures once I am done and if you are at the May MORG on Saturday you can see in person.



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Gonna be there. CB Channel 7, monitoring 146.460 simplex. Any one gonna have their ears on?


Cool! It'll be great to meet you after missing you at Cerrones a couple weeks ago. I don't have a CB radio, but I will be there around 10AM to meet the group. Looking forward to meeting you.



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David how did the MORG go I was the guy that pulled up next to you in the white highlander and waved to you and your wife. Your rig looks sweet. I thought that it was Nigel at first from behind. Even though I am used to seeing Nigel in my rear view mirror (objects in the mirror are closer than they appear!) hahahhaha that one was for you Nigel.


Nigel, I am going to plan an event for Signal Peak have to see what the Dam looks like and actually get there. By the way your rover lookes bad AZZ

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David how did the MORG go I was the guy that pulled up next to you in the white highlander and waved to you and your wife. Your rig looks sweet. I thought that it was Nigel at first from behind. Even though I am used to seeing Nigel in my rear view mirror (objects in the mirror are closer than they appear!) hahahhaha that one was for you Nigel.


Nigel, I am going to plan an event for Signal Peak have to see what the Dam looks like and actually get there. By the way your rover lookes bad AZZ


Hey Josh,


Wow - what a small world. I had wondered who it was in the white highlander that waved. It's so funny how people run into each other sometimes. You thinking my LR4 was Nigel's is a compliment, as he does has an awesome rig. Mine is coming along slowly. The MORG was awesome, though it was a very small turn out.... only Nick and Chuck were there. Still, it was a great time!


Take care and hope to see you sometime.



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Only took a few pictures:




David got his new tires dirty:



Lots of spare tires:



Boring shot:



Brought the dog along and she was (mostly) fine with it:


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Right after you guys left the excitement began. We were driving over to the bottom of truck hill to play in the ravine and got flagged down by a bunch of jeepers with their bikini-clad friends. There was a guy stuck in the waterpit (if you remember the Annual event it was the same place where Frank broke his driveshaft in the D90). They couldn't get him pulled out. Desertcrawler to the rescue! Then it was time to exit. One of the jeeps tried running up the side of the hill -- couldn't make it -- tons of wheel sping. After 2 or 3 more tries and lots on momentum he made it to the top. Then it was my turn to show what aired down tires could do. Chugged right up it in low gear with no wheel spin at all.


Then we went over to the gulch. It was pretty washed out and knarly. To the point that I got out to spot Tyler -- and we ended up getting into such a tippy situation that we couldn't get out of we pulled out the winch again. Not to get out -- but just to make sure we didn't tip over! Tyler took some pictures and I will try to post em up.


Good time, not a lot of people in the park. We ran our RC cars up truck hil and didn't see anybody....

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Right after you guys left the excitement began. We were driving over to the bottom of truck hill to play in the ravine and got flagged down by a bunch of jeepers with their bikini-clad friends. There was a guy stuck in the waterpit (if you remember the Annual event it was the same place where Frank broke his driveshaft in the D90). They couldn't get him pulled out. Desertcrawler to the rescue! Then it was time to exit. One of the jeeps tried running up the side of the hill -- couldn't make it -- tons of wheel sping. After 2 or 3 more tries and lots on momentum he made it to the top. Then it was my turn to show what aired down tires could do. Chugged right up it in low gear with no wheel spin at all.


Then we went over to the gulch. It was pretty washed out and knarly. To the point that I got out to spot Tyler -- and we ended up getting into such a tippy situation that we couldn't get out of we pulled out the winch again. Not to get out -- but just to make sure we didn't tip over! Tyler took some pictures and I will try to post em up.


Good time, not a lot of people in the park. We ran our RC cars up truck hil and didn't see anybody....


Wow - quite the excitement! Too bad we missed it! :) Yikes, sounds like you were really on some rough terrain. Thanks for talking me into doing a few big boy obstacles, as it was a lot of fun. Each time I go I get a bit more adventurous. I'm still in that baby category - haha!


I got some great photos of your rig - will post them now.


Nice meeting you! Hopefully the MORG next month will have a few more folks attend.



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I apologize for the crappy videos, but I (once again) forgot my camera in my rush to get out of the door to make it on time............ Had a great time, even though it was just Nick (and his awesome dog) and Chuck. Sorry these are in no particular order.


A photo of my LR4:




Playing around at the new obstacle course - which is definitely more my speed:




Heading down hill....




Another view of my LR4:




Nick's awesome RR resting on some rocks:




Nick's tires got a bit muddy:




Chuck's rig seems to be able to ANYWHERE:




Looking up the hill:




Another shot of Nick's RR:




Nick driving (click on the photo for the video):




View from under the front:




On the trails:






My turn:




Chuck's Disco climbing over some rocks:






Another during Chuck's rock climb:




Chuck rock climbing:




A video of Chuck going over some rocks (click on the picture to see the video):




The parking lot:




Chuck's rig from the back:




As we were leaving the park, there was a diamond back rattle snake crossing the road (so awesome):





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