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2012 NCLR Alaska Trip Gauging Interest, Q&A and Pre-Planning Discussion Thread

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Rupert - I don't think that includes driver or passenger(s) ferry toll. IIRC driver toll is included in the vehicle charge only for the winter season but driver must pay along with any passengers during the summer season. That got it up to over $2000 for us in 2008.



True, I forgot to add passenger fee $353. Still cost total $1695, remember I drove alone on that trip.

I still haven't totaled up my bills for food lodging etc yet.

Anyways, we're just giving others an expected budget they need if they want to go.

I'll bring some books, pamphlets on AK, YT, BC to Catahoulas this Sat. Ron can be the keeper.



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Here is a second itinerary which uses the ferry from Bellingham, WA to Haines, AK. Also included is a cost analysis which shows that the Whittier itinerary ferry is about $1000 more expensive while the added fuel cost of the Haines itinerary is about $238.


I'll bring copies of each to the Saturday meet and greet.

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Here is a second itinerary which uses the ferry from Bellingham, WA to Haines, AK. Also included is a cost analysis which shows that the Whittier itinerary ferry is about $1000 more expensive while the added fuel cost of the Haines itinerary is about $238.


I'll bring copies of each to the Saturday meet and greet.


Excellent Brian. Thanks for the doing the analysis (between Haines vs Whittier) and trip planning. Haines sounds like the winner to me.


I got a pre-lim approval from my family to go already. Decided it will be me and my oldest Max (9 yrs old) going on this trip; bonding experience - our Father and Son trip. He is very excited, and I am also.


My wife and youngest are going to Hawaii instead (their bonding experience). We agreed our family trip (all four of us) will be India this year.


Starting to save my pennies already for this trip, and Hawaii/India (smile); let's talk about dates soon so I can coordinate my vacation schedule for 2012. Understand need to leave on Wednesday - fine with me.


Also as far as cost, I already had the head gasket and cooling system done on my DII last month (in prep for Baja Mexico that was postponed); tires are recent, already have an ARB fridge; just need to pull another trigger and get smaller RTT from Tepui. Ok, let's talk about the trip for sure this Saturday and see if we can make it happen.


Also the Ferry operator was suggesting that we purchase our ticket soon? Any idea when we should pull the trigger on the purchase.


C you all Saturday @ Catahoula Coffee Roastery.

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Not that I am planning on going to Alaska this time around, but I wanted to toss out some info about SF to Bellingham. My parents live near Coupville, WA and we drive there for visits. I find that if I have to make the drive with the wife and kids, 2 days is the fast way. Day one to Eugene, day to on the ferry and onto the island to be home. First day is longer than 2nd and we still stop a lot. 3 days has happened, stopping in Northern OR and Southern OR, but the day could have gotten us to Redding (home bound) and that was with rain and snow and felt slow. Last time we came home, we hit the ferry 2 hours later than usual (with a 6am wake up) and I made it to Ashland from Coupeville with enough time that I would have made it home (14 hours) in one day. Me, yes. Kids, that trip yes, but overall no.


Parents in their RV make the drive in 3 days and enjoy that the best. Since your trip is AK,not PNW, I'd say push for the 2 days to WA and add that extra 4 days (2 each side on Brian's timeline) to Alaska!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've been following the thread and was wondering if dates have been set?


I was really hoping to do the Mexico trip last year with my father but that fell through... after talking to my wife it looks like I've been given the "OK" to skip Sweden this year and take my dad on the Alaska trip or some other extended trip. Now I'm trying to convince my brother to join us on the trip too! Just need dates :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry to hear Crystal that you can't make it.


Nigel, couple of things in my mind. Mexico is simply postponed and I am sure will circle back on that trip again. Alaska is up in the air.


When would you and your dad be free to take any extended trip this year.



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Much better Jen (smile). We can push this till next year; I think my son and I will try a trip that will be a stepping stone e.g. Oregon trip; drive to Alaska and back might be just be a bit much at this point.
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Sounds like this trip is on hold til 2013. That's OK with me, I retire this Aug. and will definitely be free anytime (except winter) for an AK trip. Definitely 3 weeks is a minimum. We need at least 5-6 vehicles to make this an event. Can we get early commitments for 2013 with calendar windows?

I still think the ferry to AK would be cool and take of the Inside Passage scenery(ala cruise line style).

The price of fuel would still be a major factor for everyone's pocketbook. So think hard about the economics and time factor folks.

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Suttle's are interested...bucket list interested. Something like this need to go on a calendar a year in advance I think.


Good point. And if we really want to make this happen, about now is the time to start thinking about it and saving. Plus gives me time to plan for a longer vac time from work for this trip.


We can get a finalize head count by the Oct Annual Gatherings. Events that need to be trigged are:


- Finalizing the route and date by Oct this year for the Summer 2013 Alaska Trip (Brian and Ruppert made some great suggestions)

- Purchase your ferry ticket by Dec 2012. People will be committed by purchasing their tickets.

- Fine tuning the plans and before the summer have it inked and ready to go on this trip...


More on this.... We can keep the thread alive by discussing projected cost.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I propose the AK trip to occur in the window time frame between the end of May 2013 thru the end of Aug 2013. 3 consecutive wks in that time frame is the minimal for the trip. With the price of premo fuel rising now and projected to reach up to $7+/gal. I would suggest everyone to strongly estimate their expenses before making a commitment.(see my fuel costs previously posted).
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  • 3 months later...

I got 7 more wks b4 retirement. So lets talk about AK again. Talking with people frm AK and from those who have driven there, I propose a 3 wk minimum trip to start on the last week of May 2013.

A 2 day drive from the SF Bayarea to arriva on Fri for the ferry @ Bellingham WA to Haines or Skagway AK.

3 days on ferry.

Overnite Haines or Skagway.

1 day to Kulane Lk if via Haines. Not sure of Skagway to Tok 1 day?

1 day to Tok frm Kulane Lk.

1 day to Anchorage area from Tok

2 days in Anchorage area with side trips TBD

1 day to DNP

2 days @ DNP


By my count thats 13 days, we got 8 days to make it back to the BA.


Feedback on this 2/3rd of this trip?

Suggestions for the balance of trip?


Shall we move this discussion to the members only forum?

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I got 7 more wks b4 retirement. So lets talk about AK again.


6 weeks and 6 days now. But who is counting right. Lol. Congratulations.


I am in for now - let's see my how business goes along this year.


In the meantime, folks going should ear mark taking the time off next year, and firming up attendees by our Oct Annual Gathering @ Holister. Once we get a head count, we can start planning and ask ea attending to buy their ferry ticket by December (commitment marker).


Start saving for fuel, ferry ride and plan on taking min 3 weeks.


I need to buy a RTT before year end.


Let's do this!

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Anchorage is a nice town, (it is where I grew up) -- but to really get the Alaska experience I am not sure you want to spend a lot of time there.


Also, Denali is clearly a must see place, but make sure you make your campground/hotel reservations well in advance. Also to really see it you need to take a bus ride, so plan adequate time to wake up early and spend all day on the bus. Those again are advance reservations.


I think you are driving pretty quickly between Haines and Tok. Lots of cool stuff to see. Also should be a lot of camping along the way that doesn't require advance reservations.


You should also think about fishing. Do people want to go out and catch Halibut on a boat tour (that would send you to Whittier or Seward, or possible spend more time in the Haines/Wrangell area). Or do people want to get a guide to take them out on one of the rivers and go after salmon (check the run schedule to see what Rivers might be available).


I still maintain that my favorite destination place in Alaska would be Kennicott mine. I think there is rafting and fishing around there too. Getting to Anchorage by taking the ferry from Valdez to Whittier (after Tok) is a nice little tour that you would see some awesome country at.

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One of the nice things about an Alaska/Canada trip is that ham radio operators from the US can operate in Canada with no special authorization other than their US issued license. Below is an excerpt from the Radio Amateurs of Canada website. The full text is here: http://www.rac.ca/en/amateur-radio/regulatory/operating-in-canada/canada-usa.php


In 1952, Canada and the United States signed a Reciprocal Operating Agreement treaty. In the terms of the agreement, visiting amateurs may operate in the host country in accordance with the rules and regulations of the host country.



US amateurs operating in Canada must abide by the rules in Industry Canada RBR-4


- A US amateur who is qualified to send and receive in Morse code at a speed of at least 5 wpm may operate an amateur station in Canada in accordance with the provisions applicable to the holder of an Amateur Operator's Certificate with Basic, Morse Code (5 wpm) and Advanced Qualifications.

- A US amateur who is not qualified to send and receive in Morse code may operate an amateur station in Canada in accordance with provisions applicable to the holder of the Amateur Operator's Certificate with Basic Qualifications.


There is no need for paperwork or other formalities when exchanging visits between Canada and the United States. Under the terms of the agreement, the visitor must identify using his or her call sign followed by a call area suffix, e.g. VE3FRV/W9 or N9CFX/VE3.


According to the regulations in both countries, you must be a citizen of the country that issued your amateur license or certificate in order to take advantage of this reciprocal operating agreement. That is, a Canadian citizen who holds a U.S. call sign cannot use his U.S. call sign in Canada under this agreement; he must get a Canadian certificate and call sign in order to operate in Canada. If you hold call signs from both countries, when you are in Canada you must use the call sign on your Canadian certificate, and when you are in the U.S. you must use the call sign issued to you by the FCC.


If you are interested in operating in other countries, check out this link: http://www.arrl.org/reciprocal-permit

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I think you are driving pretty quickly between Haines and Tok. Lots of cool stuff to see. Also should be a lot of camping along the way that doesn't require advance reservations.


You should also think about fishing. Do people want to go out and catch Halibut on a boat tour (that would send you to Whittier or Seward, or possible spend more time in the Haines/Wrangell area). Or do people want to get a guide to take them out on one of the rivers and go after salmon (check the run schedule to see what Rivers might be available).


Haines and Tok is about 450 mi and fits the 250mi/day avg parameter, that too is up for discussion.

1st day fishing at Haines is a good possibility.


Anchorage area is also up for discussion, which includes Whittier and the Kenai area.

We still only have a 3 wk window to go and return to the SF BA


Since Chuck brought up fishing, here's some websites:



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