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Gauging Interest: NCLR Shaver Lake Snow Run 2012 Edition

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This will be the 5th year of the NCLR Shaver Lake Snow Run! If you're not familiar with this run, see this thread from last year's trip.




How does the weekend of Feb. 10-12 (Fri.-Sun.) work as a starting date?


There are a few things I'd like to try differently than years past.


Saturday Dinner:

Typically we've tried to have a potluck dinner on Saturday, but the weather hasn't always cooperated. Plus, and space is limited to share all of the food at the campsite. Over 4' of snow can do that. What we'll plan is having dinner at the pizza shop in town. There's lots of seating room, it's warm, and indoors. It's a great way to have everyone together and talk about the day's adventure.


Friday Trail Recce:

It might be a good idea for a small group of trucks (4-6) to do a recce of the trail Friday afternoon. I'd ask that only people who have been on the trip before and know what to expect go out Friday afternoon. They can get an idea of the snow conditions, and break some trail for the following morning. The hope is to allow the groups an easier time at the beginning, and get further along the trail Saturday. This will take additional planning, including the use of HAM radio to communicate with the rest of the group at camp. We want to avoid another StuckFest.


Early Bird Group:

Given the number of trucks that show up for this trip, it's not practical, to have one large group. A smaller group, maybe the recce team, should leave at least an hour before the other group. This will require a second trail leader and HAM point person so the 2 groups can stay in contact.


Post up your interest, an official trip thread will start sometime in mid-December.

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I am interested also, but other weekends would work better for me too. 17-19 or 24-26.

How were the cabins? No one rented one last year, but I heard, years past, people have rented cabins: http://www.shaverlakevillagehotel.com/cabins.html

I am leaning towards bringing both kids and my friend and her kids and leaving them all at the cabin during the day to play in the snow and have hot chocolate ready for me when I'm done with the trail!

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I just might have to make this one, just to see my competition in the toppling chair event, as I hear there is a "new" contender who tried out similar antics on the "Lost Coast" trip!


Ask my friends (and husband!). I'm a pro on acting a fool. ROFL!!!

I have a Fluoroscopy course I'm taking from 6-11 Feb...It's a lot of money and can't miss it. Pretty please push it to Prez Day weekend???

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to stick with the original proposed dates for this trip; Feb. 10-12, 2012. There has always been some traffic on the trail, and I think there would be more over President's Day weekend. Also, going later in the month can lead to more sleet/rain than snow, which isn't fun to camp in. This is the Snow Run after all.


I have posted a Google Doc with the names of people who have shown interest. I'll keep this updated, and roll it into the official list come January.



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About what time would the caravan be leaving from the Bay Area? I am debating if I need to be 'sick' on that Friday....


The caravan will probably leave SF around 8am. I may be taking Steve (esteban) if he still wants to ride with me, so I'd be traveling down south to get him. Last year a group met in Gilroy and traveled to a gas stop in Madera that served as the final rendezvous point. Usually waiting for people to join the caravan adds a few hours to the trip.


If you drive straight to Camp Edison, it should take about 4 hours.

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I'm going to stick with the original proposed dates for this trip; Feb. 10-12, 2012. There has always been some traffic on the trail, and I think there would be more over President's Day weekend. Also, going later in the month can lead to more sleet/rain than snow, which isn't fun to camp in. This is the Snow Run after all.


I have posted a Google Doc with the names of people who have shown interest. I'll keep this updated, and roll it into the official list come January.




Sounds good. im still good to go.

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Sorry, and it hurts me, but I am unable to do that, that proposed dates. I will have a class that week, I paid lots of monies for, and cannot postpone it. I'm so sad.


Crystal, when does your class end on Friday? You could arrive to Camp Edison that night, or stay in a cabin if it's too late to setup a tent. The trail run doesn't start until Saturday morning and there will probably be a second group that leaves later in the morning, probably around 9 am.


Also, Brandon (RoverTech18) is getting a group of friends for the same run the weekend before.

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Crystal, when does your class end on Friday? You could arrive to Camp Edison that night, or stay in a cabin if it's too late to setup a tent. The trail run doesn't start until Saturday morning and there will probably be a second group that leaves later in the morning, probably around 9 am.


Also, Brandon (RoverTech18) is getting a group of friends for the same run the weekend before.


My class is done after Saturday (it's a lab day). I'm unable to do no days with you guys. I'm sorry. :'(

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I would be interested, but I have to talk to Dad. We have never done this run before, but we do both have HAM licenses, and Dad lived in Alaska for many years, so he has snow driving experience.


Tyler, I've been bugging your dad for the last couple of years to go on this trip...light a fire under his butt and get him out there. I'll help...:D

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