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NCLR Planned and Proposed Trips for 2012

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Wow! That time of the year again. Our 2011 Annual Gathering is next week. Our 5th year. Wohoo!


What comes to mind next after our annual "is planning for NCLR club trips for 2012".


Did I hear Alaska requested (Rupert or Brian aka HMBRover)?


Another trip to the Rubicon (Ron)?


And perhaps return to Shaver Lake Snow Run (Brenton)?


Lost Coast?




Gold Lake?


Anyone else.


Let's start with members request, members who want to plan and any other input/suggestions?


Post up or speak up please - you and I can only make this club active, get better and exciting w/your input and participation.




- - - (Updated 05/13/12) - - -


So far:


Jan - Nothing Scheduled


Feb - Shaver Lake; Disco2guy aka Brenton Trip Leader - Scheduled Feb 10-12. Completed.


Mar - Open. Anyone up for a Ski and Snow Camping @ Bear Valley on Hwy 4?

Mar - Members meeting @ Mexxis March 31.


April - Death Valley; Desertcrawler aka Chuck Trip Leader - Scheduled over Easter Wknd


May - Wine Drive; Jen Organizer - Scheduled May 6

May - Pismo Beach; Lutz Trip Leader - Scheduled in May (Tentative May 18)


June - Open. Perhaps Oregon Discovery trip Anyone?


July - Kayak/Lost Coast Trip July 7-8 wknd?

July - High Sierras; Christian Trip Leader - Scheduled July 27-31


Aug - Mendo Rally Volunteer Aug 2 Pre-Party and Aug 3 Volunteer Day/Race http://mendocinorally.com/

Aug - Open. Last year - we did Gold Lake?


Sept - Rubicon Sept 12-14.


Oct - NCLR Annual Club Gathering @ Hollister SVRA Oct 5-7

Oct - LR Nat'l Rally Hollister Oct 18-21 Anyone?


Nov - Open. Lost Coast anyone?


Dec - Open. Meet & Greet @ Catahoula Coffee House/Land Splitter Pizza/Beer & Wine Anyone?

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Actually, talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence. Answering yourself is a sign of madness;)


I'd like to continue being trip leader for the Shaver Lake Snow Run. I have some ideas for the next trip that might make the trip more doable, given the large turnout this trip generates.

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x2 for dusy.or fordyce I would love a DV trip, gold lakes, bald mountain, slickrock/deer valley/strawberry pass. and shaver lakes again. pismo is a must.


Beaver, Ted and myself are looking to put a Deer Valley/Blue Lakes outing together - Beaver is making a reconnaissance trip (fly over) in the very near future so keep an eye open for details on the forum.


Plus one on the Death Valley – This years was a blast.<O:p</O:p

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Well Guys and Gals my last hoorah! was the Rubicon and I cut it close... I got a real 8-5 job and am loving it so no trips for me next year except don't forget the National Rally is in Moab next September and I plan to attend.

See ya'll Saturday.

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Congrats on the new job Nathan. Will make sure to put a note re: the Rally in our 2012 calendar.


Everyone great suggestions and planned trips so far.


Anyone interested in checking out the Hammers. King of Hammers just opened up stock vehicle class: http://www.race-dezert.com/home/king-of-the-hammers-creates-new-race-for-stock-vehicles-19363.html


I am not interested in running the race, but more interested in putting together a NCLR Land Rover team (just need a driver and Rover - Lutzi, you can do it) if enough interest and provide support for any club members wanting to participate in the race. Next year, want to recce the event and check the course and watch the event closely (will do some camping/wheeling around the area).

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There is not enough free time in the year, but we have interest in:


1) Death Valley

2) Oregon Discovery Trail

3) Lost Coast (maybe add a day so we can do both parts)

4) Black Rock (would be willing to lead)


I'd also like to look through my books to see if there's something new we can do in the Eastern Sierra's

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I thought I'd turn our solo trip to Southern Utah and New Mexico into a scouting trip. See what we could do in a 5-6 day trip maybe ending in Moab. Just a thought.


I'm still looking for someone to step up an lead the Oregon trip. I have all the planning material and map books available.


Rupert and I talked about Alaska at the annual. He suggested the first step is to do a survey to see what people want and how long a trip it should be. I expect Rupert will post up a planning thread soon. I'm not up to leading it but very willing to lend my experience and planning material to the cause.


I could put together the Mojave Road trip with Brenton's and Chuck's help. Might be fun to do in the fall, +/- next year's annual.

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I would be willing to check out Pismo, Mojave (warmer wx), Tahoe, and most definitely Oregon. I haven't really been to none, but would love to tag along. Especially on three day weekends! VETERNS DAY, let's do something! I'm itchin'...Jen, you down?? Let's go Luts!
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Rover'ing for next year is looking better than 2011. The wife will be done with school, hopefully have a job and we will be living in the same state again. That said, I'm up for some outings. Not sure about pismo (don't think I have the will power to not jump the dunes) but all the others sound great. I would be willing to get in on some planning/leading.



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  • 4 months later...

Wow, two months (almost 3 in a few weeks) into 2012; we need to plan-out our club Land Rover adventures, camping trips and/or get-to-gethers so folks can pick-n-choose and plan/budget time & money for which trips to attend.


So far we have had a successful Meet-N-Greet @ Calahoula Coffee House: http://catahoulacoffee.com/ in late December; hope to do it again this year; MORGs in between, and ultra adventurous Shaver Lake Snow Run in Feb.


Please post if you want to suggest a trip and/or lead a trip; good to see mixture of family oriented trips, and some difficult ones but mostly family oriented trips that even stock Land Rovers can do.


So far:


Jan - Nothing Scheduled


Feb - Shaver Lake; Disco2guy aka Brenton Trip Leader - Scheduled Feb 10-12. Completed.


Mar - Open. Anyone up for a Ski and Snow Camping @ Bear Valley on Hwy 4?


April - Death Valley; Desertcrawler aka Chuck Trip Leader - Scheduled over Easter Wknd


May - Pismo Beach; Lutz Trip Leader - Scheduled in May (Tentative May 18)


June - Open. Perhaps Oregon Discovery trip Anyone? Or return to Shaver Lake Summer camping trip, or Voyager Rock campground @ the foot of the Dusy Ershim Trail?


July - High Sierras; Christian Trip Leader - Scheduled July 27-31


Aug - Open. Last year - we did Gold Lake?


Sept - Open. Last year - we did the Rubicon. Sept was perfect. Not too cold, not crowded...


Oct - NCLR Annual Club Gathering @ Hollister SVRA.


Oct - LR Nat'l Rally anyone?


Nov - Open. Lost Coast anyone?


Dec - Open.

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For March I would LOVE to snowboard and go off-roading! Haven't snowboarded yet, but have all the gear. My husband, Soren, will be in from Korea from 12ish March til the end of March, and will love to join us. Are we able to have this about the 24th? I don't want to be alone, if possible. Woohoo!!!
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I'm up for a rerun to the Lost Coast, the lower region, ala two years ago. Veterans day weekend still works for me. I would even be willing to co-lead this trip with someone.


I'm also up for short weekend trips in the 3-4 hour range from the bay area....

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