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Nick Becker




I may be there supporting a MGA Bro in Law...may even show. Same day as MORG. Anyone feel like meeting up and "showing" to get some local attention!

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I was reading a bit because I've had an idea about doing something like this for some time now. But then I got to the part where spectators enter for free but people displaying their cars actually have to pay? So not only do they expect the owners to take a Saturday off to sit around displaying our vehicles but we have to pay to do it? That 's kind of like smoking, isn't it? Killing ourselves slowly and paying good money for the right to do it?


Alright, off the soap box about smoking :) I was thinking, since most of us are local to the Dublin area, and I assume we'd like to concentrate our efforts of giving our club more visibility to the geografical area that will produce Land Rover owners wanting to join our club, the movie Theatre here in Dublin gets absolutely packed on the right weekends when they have big title releases. Currently, the local dealers bring their new models and display them on or about the front of the Theatre, but there is usually plenty of unused space. I would have to check into it but I would think we could get permission to display for free. My thinking is, everyone who comes to the movies, say on a Saturday of a big title release will see us there, we could take shifts watching the vehicles and answering questions, while others go inside and watch a good movie or sit down to enjoy a meal at one of the many restaurants walking distance from the movies.


As we've already seen from the past MOMs at Mexxis, there are many Land Rover owners local to this area who are not even aware that we exist and would be interested in joining if they did. I would definitely be willing to do a 4 hour display on a Saturday split into watching a good movie for 2 hours and man the display for 2 or something along those lines. Just me thinking out loud here.


Im picturing in my mind, a display of old and new across all models. Get some of our new LR4s to show the latest, get some of our RTT models set up, definitely some Camel models, some G4 models, gotto have the 110s andwhoever else wants to come out watch a movie and display your vehicle. It would be like coming to watch a movie and getting to park your vehicle right outside the theatre's front door :)

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Sounds like a great idea....If we move forward with this, you should talk to Any Mountian who may help by being our store "sponsor" for the day and they could supplenment our displays with stuff....
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  • 3 weeks later...

This message was sent to the NCLR Club officers: Please be advised.


Please inform your members that the Hayward Field Meet All British Car Show and Swap Meet scheduled for this Saturday, June 4, 2011, on the Practice Field at Cal State East Bay has been CANCELLED.

This is because the current rains plus the forecast rains for Friday and Saturday will make the Practice Field unsuitable for the event. We feel we will not be able to drive the cars unto the field without doing substantial damage to the field.


I am very sorry we have had to cancel the HFM. At this time there are no plans to reschedule it for this year. Who would have figured four days of rain at the beginning of June?




Nick Becker


Hayward Field Meet

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  • 6 months later...

Heading up later this week & staying thru new year's. Given the lack of snow we'll be looking for other things to do. Will be with a Honda Pilot and an RRS SC - both newbie drivers. Are there any easy trails we can run?


Heck in general, what else can we do up there non-snow related. Will have 8 kids with us - ages 1 to 10.

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Hey there Phil,


Check out Ellis Peak and Blackwood Canyon.


Located West of Lake Tahoe. 18.4 miles from the start of the trail (from Hwy 89 Tahoma side) to Ellis Peak and then connect to Baker Pass and then to Blackwood Canyon. Allow 4 to 5 hours to complete both trails - see pdf map.


I did Ellis Peak (@ the peak 8740 ft evelation) a few years ago; easy trail; very scenic! Here's my trip report back in 2009: http://nclrclub.org/forum/showthread.php?494-Recce-Blackwood-Canyon-Ellis-Peak-Oct-10-12&p=5872#post5872


When you get to the end of the trail and base of Ellis Peak; just park and hike the est 500 yards to the peak. Don't do what we did and drove up on the steep, and narrow trail to reach the top. No safe turn-around point when you get to the top; very dangerous. Just park, hike and enjoy the view.


Here's a pic "Man vs Land Rover" climbing-up to the top of Ellis Peak; guess who won (smile).


Might see you there; thinking of driving up Wednesday and staying till Thursday/Friday.


Have fun and be safe!


Ellis Peak and Blackwood Canyon Trails.pdf

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  • 3 weeks later...

Drove by the trail head for Blackwood canyon trial at Kaspian campground (#03 on the map/pdf you uploaded) but it was closed. : / Based on the map it closes on 11/14 but I was hoping the unusually low snowfall meant it'd still be open. Does anyone know of any trails that are open at this time during the winter?


All the trains listed on the US forest service are closed: http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/ltbmu/home/?cid=STELPRDB5291839

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