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Gauging Interest - NCLR Baja Mexico San Felipe, Sea of Cortez and Beyond Oct 22-29

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Hello Folks,


We talked about this trip, and getting closer to reality.


Our first international club trip. Carlos (trip leader) and I (co-leader) will be posting more details.


So far the dates picked for the trip are: Sat Oct 22 to Sat Oct 29


Route: Cross the border thru Mexicali, drive on paved road to San Felipe, follow dirt road to Gonzaga Bay, Bahia Los Angeles, and perhaps to Guerro Negro... and back.


General plans (more details to come):

- Leave the Bay Area and meet on the US Border side near Mexicali and camp Saturday night there. Opp to get last min supplies, make sure attendees are arrive, etc.. on the US side.

- Start fresh Sunday morning crossing the border thru Mexicali (less potential issues vs crossing the border @ Tijuana)

- Lunch @ San Felipe (we can decide if we want to stay overnight there, or continue to the next stop)

- Stop by a Mission to drop off canned goods/clothes/donation

- Turn around Saturday and be back in the Bay Area Sunday eve

.... more details to come; option to bring your Kayak and/or fishing gear to enjoy the Sea of Cortez


Safety during the trip and return back home is our focus especially with the issues in Mexico. NCLR club rules apply on this trip and 3 main themes:

- We travel in pack (leave noone behind)

- Travel only during the Day; stay away from big cities e.g. we will just pass thru Mexicali

- Travel Smart including no guns/drugs (spells jail time if you get caught)


On the more positive side, we will have guest attending:

- Baja Rack joining us in San Felipe for lunch

- Besa Auto, one of our sponsors, poss joining us on this trip (good to know we will have a Land Rover mechanic in the group)

- We will have a group buy for RTT (Roof Top Tent) if you are interested (you don't have to go on this trip to participate; bascially club member benefits; timing is just right for RTT for this trip)

- Rumors said (thank Michael Beaver) we might have a cigar company donating some supplies for the trip. Now if we can get Pacifico in the deal, what a combo treat!

- Carlos the chef might have surprise seafood meal for us during the trip (we can either put in $$ or raise funds/get sponsors to sponsor this dinner)

... more on this later.


In the meantime, post up if you are interested; we already had our initial planning and have an idea who wants to go...

(list last update April 11, 2011)

- Carlos - RRC

- Antonio - RRC

- Ron DII

- Michael DII

- Lutz DII

- Rupert LR3

- Anyone else?






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Im in too.


Hey Lutz, good to hear you are coming also! And we won't charge $900 to do this trip. Lol.


Also we will schedule a driver's meeting as we get closer to the trip date - we want to hear what your cousin has to say about Baja and security concerns. C yah!

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Hey guys. I think I have some info here that may or may not be important to consider as you plan the final details of this trip. The military is constantly keeping an eye out on the situation in Mejico and regularly puts out a list of places that are restricted for US soldiers to visit. At the current moment, the most dangerous cities in Mejico for US citizens to visit are:


Chihuahua, Durango, Michoacan, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Nogales, Tijuana, Guerrero, Colima, Jalisco and Nayarit.


I have never had the pleasure of visiting "Mejico lindo" and I'm really not familiar with what is located where in relation to the planned trip route but I figured those in the know how can use this in their planning process.

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Hey guys. I think I have some info here that may or may not be important to consider as you plan the final details of this trip. The military is constantly keeping an eye out on the situation in Mejico and regularly puts out a list of places that are restricted for US soldiers to visit. At the current moment, the most dangerous cities in Mejico for US citizens to visit are:


Chihuahua, Durango, Michoacan, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Nogales, Tijuana, Guerrero, Colima, Jalisco and Nayarit.


I have never had the pleasure of visiting "Mejico lindo" and I'm really not familiar with what is located where in relation to the planned trip route but I figured those in the know how can use this in their planning process.


Luis, thanks for the heads up. Any intel on Mexicali? Glad to hear it's on the lsit you noted above. Our plan is go cross the border thru Mexicali, and then to San Felipe and beyond after that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am interested in joining up for the trip and will try to request that week for vacation. I will be in my 2001 P38 with roof rack, steering guard/axle guard/sliders and EAS. The rig did great in Death Valley last week and even conquered Defense mine with some good spotting. I will most likely be bringing my family and we all have passports ready.


Here is a nice write-up on ExPo of a group that went down to Baja in April to San Felipe and sounded like a similar route to what you are planning. http://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=60307


Nothing like eating fish tacos and sipping on cervezas in Baja....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ughh... looks like we may not be able to join you. I have a commitment on Saturday 10/22 in the morning until 1:00pm that I cannot get out of.


Wish you all the best. Have fun and be safe. Maybe next year... :(

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Ughh... looks like we may not be able to join you. I have a commitment on Saturday 10/22 in the morning until 1:00pm that I cannot get out of.


Wish you all the best. Have fun and be safe. Maybe next year... :(


Hey Ted, let us know if your plans change; like you said nothing like eating fish tacos and sippingon cervezas in Baja. Be good to see you on this trip, and make this trip happen. C yah!

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I am very interested but I've been quiet so far because of a potential work conflict. I hope to know more soon. I'll be in a LR3 if we can go.


Hey Mark, trying remember if you were the guy w/your son on a trip to Hollister while back. It's was a group of us NCLR members. My son was playing nerf gun w/your son. You or not?


Anyways, welcome!


Perfect time, we had a meeting about this trip last night @ Mexxis, and the trip is still on.


C yah!

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Hey Mark, trying remember if you were the guy w/your son on a trip to Hollister while back. It's was a group of us NCLR members. My son was playing nerf gun w/your son. You or not?


Anyways, welcome!


Perfect time, we had a meeting about this trip last night @ Mexxis, and the trip is still on.


C yah!


Yes Ron, that was me. I REALLY want to do this trip so hopefully I can make it. Anything new come out last night about the trip?

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Cool! So it was you! Hope you can make it Mark.


Won't bring my son on this trip, but you are more than welcome to bring your family.


For this trip, we'll travel smart/safe, drive on the road in Mexico only during the day, and travel in group.


We met last night @ Mexxis. Listen to Antonio (coming with us on this trip) and his exp driving to/back from Mexico and he said no issues on his trip. Saw more Federalis @ road check-points, but it's a good sign! Also tweaked the trip a lil so folks can make it w/o taking too much time off; we also tweaked it so we only do the necessary driving on Baja (save on gasoline), and spend more time enjoying the Sea of Cortez; we buy local food e.g. fish to BBQ.


With tihs said, route will be:

- Saturday early morning leave the Bay Area, drive near Mexicali, and camp on the US border side of Mexicali. Also get last min fueling, supplies, vehicle insurance, etc.. on the US border side.

- Sunday early morning cross the border @ Mexicali, pass San Felipe (maybe just bathroom break) and head/camp @ Puertocito

- Monday - enjoy the day @ Puertocity, kayak if you have it, swim, buy local food, beer or soda, enjoy the Sea of Cortez....

- Tue thru Thursday - TBD from Puertocity to Gonza Bay (spend all three days there) or drive a bit more to Bahia Los Angeles

- Fri - whereever we end up start heading back to the border (camp perhaps in Puertocito or even close in San Felipe)

- Sat - cross the border back to the US early morning and drive back to the Bay Area.

- Sun - be home, rest, post up pixs/stories, and get ready for work on Monday (or not and sleep-in lol).


Est miles is 1800 round trip. So if we use 10 mpg for our land rovers. Looking at 180 gallons of fuel x $4.50 = $810 (Antonio reports that gasoline is a lil less in Mexico and prem is avail). I have a co-pilot splitting the gas so my budget for fuel will be est between $400-450. Rest will be food, misc items, and getting the truck ready!


So far poss attendees are:

- Me - 04 DII/co-pilot Enrique

- Antonio - RRC

- Michael DII

- Lutz DII

- Rupert LR3

- MJohnston LR3 maybe

- Ted P38 maybe


We are putting a 6-7 vehicle limit on this trip and US passport req (get it now - need it for the return trip/cross into US border) so the list is good so far, but will cut it off by the end of June to make the group manage-able.

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Sounds great. I'll try to get confirmation ASAP. It will most likely be my wife and I, and probably bring a SUP to play on the water, unless I get one of the RTTs.


So 2 RRCs, 2 DIIs, 2 LR3s


Cool! Let your wife know that Michael Beaver is trying to get his wife to join this trip; Rupert might bring his GF. So your wife will most likely not the only female going on this trip. Thought I mention this - my wife always ask if she will be the only gal on the trip.

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THat's good to know.


Is the Mission stop still on the agenda?




The original Mission stop was way way further out; we are researching Missions along our path. Also tweaked the trip a bit perhaps not donating heavy canned to lug around, but instead reading glassing for adults and old toys for kids. Things like prescription reading glasses that my parents have extras or just throw away, or old toys our kids have outgrown can go a long way in those poor communities along Baja.

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